We said good-bye to The Community at Creekside last Saturday night, the house church I helped birth back in the beginning of 2008. This peaceful, rather unstructured worship setting has offered freedom and healing and joy to those who have done life with us along the way.
I was recently told that I've changed for the better in the process. Less driven, less intense, less wounded.
The Spirit has worked overtime to gentle and calm my soul. House church's atmosphere has played a role in my healing and growth. I'm grateful.
What I've loved most?
1. No committees, no power plays, no posturing and maneuvering, no grappling for control.
After decades in administrative and leadership roles in the traditional church, the distinct lack of rigid hierarchical structure has been a true gift, a lovely relief, a healing stream. Decisions were made easily, amicably, without alot of fanfare, wrangling, drama, or trauma.

2. Weekends morphed into a true sabbath rest.
The release of busyness started late Saturday afternoon in preparation for church at 7 pm. And the sweet respite, the slower pace flowed right through Sunday evening, a sacred pause that let us recover from the week's pressures and prepared us well for the next five days.
No alarms jangling to wake us up, no crazy running for the door early in the morning in our Sunday best. No series of classes, meetings, and programs that we were expected to jam into our schedule.
Just a gently quiet weekend ebb and flow that we quickly embraced. Sabbath rest at its finest.
3. A growth in godly character, not numbers.
People sometimes ask me if the Community has grown. They mean numerically, as in bodies attending. No, it hasn't.
And is this a perfect group of people? Far from it. We're all saved sinners, remember?
But I have seen a growth in character, the fruit of the Spirit's gentle wooing. More grace extended. Patience blooming into full fruition. Kindness showing up on a regular basis. A steadfast generosity eager to extend itself to those in need. Faithful love that became evident in a myriad of ways.
I will miss this little community, Bob's deep insight into God's Word, Wayne and Lynn's joyous energy in leading us in worship. I'm a bit scared to go back to a traditional church setting. I've been burned a time or two before and the scars remain, still a bit tender to the touch.
But follow His lead we will, for we know He has a new place for us to call home.
I love you guys. And last Saturday night, all your lavish expressions of love and affection were oh so gratefully received, soaked up into our just-a-bit overwhelmed souls. The memories of our joyful celebration of God's goodness will linger long after the tears have been forgotten.
And if you're reading this post in or around Poughkeepsie and don't have a church home? There are a couple of vacant, very comfy seats that just might have your name on them ...
And if you're reading this post in or around Poughkeepsie and don't have a church home? There are a couple of vacant, very comfy seats that just might have your name on them ...