Friday, June 19, 2015

3 Things I Loved Most About House Church

We said good-bye to The Community at Creekside last Saturday night, the house church I helped birth back in the beginning of 2008.  This peaceful, rather unstructured worship setting has offered freedom and healing and joy to those who have done life with us along the way.

I was recently told that I've changed for the better in the process.  Less driven, less intense, less wounded.  

The Spirit has worked overtime to gentle and calm my soul.  House church's atmosphere has played a role in my healing and growth.  I'm grateful.

What I've loved most?

1.   No committees, no power plays, no posturing and maneuvering, no grappling for control.
After decades in administrative and leadership roles in the traditional church, the distinct lack of rigid hierarchical structure has been a true gift, a lovely relief, a healing stream.  Decisions were made easily, amicably, without alot of fanfare, wrangling, drama, or trauma.  

2.  Weekends morphed into a true sabbath rest.
The release of busyness started late Saturday afternoon in preparation for church at 7 pm.  And the sweet respite, the slower pace flowed right through Sunday evening, a sacred pause that let us recover from the week's pressures and prepared us well for the next five days. 

No alarms jangling to wake us up, no crazy running for the door early in the morning in our Sunday best.  No series of classes, meetings, and programs that we were expected to jam into our schedule.

Just a gently quiet weekend ebb and flow that we quickly embraced.  Sabbath rest at its finest.

3.  A growth in godly character, not numbers.
People sometimes ask me if the Community has grown.  They mean numerically, as in bodies attending.  No, it hasn't.  

And is this a perfect group of people?  Far from it.  We're all saved sinners, remember?

But I have seen a growth in character, the fruit of the Spirit's gentle wooing.  More grace extended.  Patience blooming into full fruition.  Kindness showing up on a regular basis.  A steadfast generosity eager to extend itself to those in need.  Faithful love that became evident in a myriad of ways.

I will miss this little community, Bob's deep insight into God's Word, Wayne and Lynn's joyous energy in leading us in worship.  I'm a bit scared to go back to a traditional church setting.  I've been burned a time or two before and the scars remain, still a bit tender to the touch.

But follow His lead we will, for we know He has a new place for us to call home.

I love you guys.  And last Saturday night, all your lavish expressions of love and affection were oh so gratefully received, soaked up into our just-a-bit overwhelmed souls. The memories of our joyful celebration of God's goodness will linger long after the tears have been forgotten.

And if you're reading this post in or around Poughkeepsie and don't have a church home?  There are a couple of vacant, very comfy seats that just might have your name on them ...




connecting with 
Kelly  .  Jennifer  .  Holley  .  Lyli


  1. I love groups that are not overly religious but you can sense their genuine spirituality. They're also really fun to be around with.

    Good for you to have found one. :)

    1. Genuine is the key, isn't it, Lux. A real love for God and people that shows up in the most warmly practical ways. Yes, yes!

  2. This made me smile, Linda. A church met in my home for 3 years before we rented our building. I miss the flexibility, and the relaxed setting. But I don't miss having to clean house, cook, and then do loads of dishes. (No dishwasher, and we'd have a crowd.) It was time to move to our building. May the Lord bless you in a new church family, leading you to just the right one.

    1. Uggh to all those housekeeping details!


      We've been blessed with a grang that sets up, cleans up, takes care of kitchen duty, garbage, whatever they see needs done. Our pot lucks have always been memorably delicious. No committee assignments necessary, just an open eye and willing hands.

      We've also budgeted to have a super-duper woman come in to clean the ministry center every few weeks. She's been golden!

      I've loved that everyone pitches in in their own way ...

  3. Lovely post my friend! What a blessed group of people you know! <3 -

  4. Linda --- sorry I missed the farewell get together but I know you had a wonderful send-off from those you worshipped and laughed with for these several years. I am so glad for the treasure of this experience for you and Tim. Seasons, seasons, and more seasons make life a potpourri of delights. Can't wait to visit your new church.

    1. I know you'll pray for us as we look for a new church family. It's always been a huge part of who we are, and I have to believe that God has somewhere for us.

      Thanks so much, Carol ...

  5. What a blessing! Praying you find another community with the same, but different! This body will forever be part of your spiritual heritage and always remain a wonderful memory of God's rich blessing!
    Bless You, Sweet Friend, as you say these Good Byes!

    1. I love what you said about spiritual heritage, Lulu! Don't you love how we can review our lives and see God's hand leading and guiding us to the places and people we needed to help us grow? He is so good ...

      Have a great weekend, friend ...

  6. Linda, I am sending this to my daughter for they have been praying about doing something like this.

    1. Cool! House church isn't for everyone, but it can be the right venue at the right time for some. I'd love to hear how this works out for her, Betty.

      Thanks for sharing ... and may your own Sabbath be filled with rest and peace

  7. Beautiful, not just this post, but the loving community it describes. Rejoicing with you over the work God did in and through you during this season. May you and Tim find another sweet community to further nurture and refresh your souls. Blessings!!

    1. I know there's a place for each of us out there ... there always is, isn't there, Dar! And once we find it, we realize that all along He knew where our steps would take us ...

      I hope you're enjoying a sweet Sabbath rest today.


  8. Your cake says it all my friend. God bless you on your new journey, lit by the light of His love and support for you. You and Tim are His very special children. Go and play in your new garden!
    Happy Father's Day to Tim too :)

    1. Well, welcome black to blogland, Granny! I hope you took lots of pictures of your new little one and have delightful stories to share.

      God is good, my friend. Oh so very good ...

  9. I've never been involved with a home church, but I have experienced the scars of traditional churches. I'm sure the transition will be bittersweet, but I'm just as sure that God has a special place for you and your husband. Thank you for sharing your experience - I love how the community you experienced changed you. Blessings, my friend.

    1. I know I'm not the only one bearing scars ... the Wounded Healer with nail-scarred hands holds us close, comforts us, enables us to learn the lessons we needed to learn from those experiences, and then sets us FREE!

      I'm grateful ...

  10. Linda what a bittersweet moment. Your church sounds like a beautiful repository of love. I know they are sad to see you go.

    I hope you and your family enjoyed a nice Father's Day.

    1. Happy Father's Day to you, too, friend! Your little one is GORGEOUS! I'm sure it was a glorious day of celebration.

      God is good!

  11. Linda, I love the idea of a true Sabbath's rest, but I would miss leaving home in my Sunday best. I pray God blesses you in the next season like I know He has in this one. : )

    1. As I adjust to church on Sundays, Crystal, your little note about leaving home in your Sunday best will bring a smile.



  12. Linda,
    I love how you focused on growth in grace and character and not numbers....I continue to pray God gives you grace and comfort during this season of transition...much love and hugs :-)

    1. Hey Dolly ~ Numbers are so overrated, aren't they? It's easy for leaders to focus on bodies & bucks instead of substantial life change.

      Kind of like how us bloggers are so prone to gazing at our stats and letting them call the shots on how we feel about our writing and our very selves.

      We're all on a learning curve, huh?


  13. What a beautiful community you have been part of not only in the business end but also with your church. It sounds like the perfect fit for you. I love Sabbath rest and try most often to go to church on Saturday just to slow down my Sundays. When it happens it is such a gift. Thank you for sharing a piece of who you are in this transition. Prayers continue for you as you say goodbyes, wrap things up and move to the next step.

    1. It was the perfect fit. You're right, Mary. Yet as I slowly morph into this new season, I'm discovering a new rhythm and finding it deeply satisfying.

      I'm glad to meet another Saturday night fan! Slower Sundays is something most of us Christ-followers could benefit from. WWJD takes on a fresh meaning as we consider how we live out our faith in community ...

  14. Beautiful! God will give direction and peace in the midst of transition. ♥

    1. Yes, yes, He is, Nannette! I feel cradled in peace.

      Only Jesus. Only Jesus ...

  15. This is so lovely. God recently called us out of our home church and asked us to serve in the community we live in (very small) and now we find ourselves back in a small traditional denominational church and God is showing me that there is always something to be grateful for in His body. Thank you for your words!

    1. House church often seems to be a transitional haven, a way station on the journey where one can find healing and a right perspective once again.

      Some stay for just a bit and are launched into new ministry. Others find that this is the kind of community God desires for them.

      Don't you just love how creative He is in the giving of a place to focus on Him and serve others?

      Thanks for being here today, Kaylie!

  16. Yep, we're all a mess in 1 way, shape, or form, Nicki! And when it comes to wounding others, it doesn't matter what kind of community we're in. It happens, doesn't it ...


    But, yes, we are moving forward, we're getting ready to connect with a new family of believers, and I'm anticipating what God's going to do, despite my wisps of apprehension.

    Thanks for encouraging me with your heart-words, friend ...

  17. Linda, the way you our pouring out love for your community and the people you have served is just beautiful. I was thinking a bit today about how I've changed from my time with my church family. At times I'm hard on myself for how far I feel I've yet to go but then I remember where I was once at. Just gratitude for the love extended as we all grow together. Sending hugs your way. xoxo

    1. Dear Beth ... it's so good, very good, to see you again! And you speak truth when you say that we grow and change and morph as we do life with our church families. Sometimes it's 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, but He's right there with us and will not let us go.

      I love that you're giving grace to yourself. And I just KNOW that you extend that grace to those to others ... just like you've done in this online world we connect in.

      Sweet blessings to you, friend ...

  18. I bet it is really hard to leave your church home. You found something really special among them. What you described it what so many of us are looking for. So many are leaving the church bc they are just so tired...of the powerplays, the Sunday business, the hierarchical ways of doing things. I pray God will lead you to something that He knows will be good for your heart.

    1. It makes my heart sad to hear those stories of people being swept up into ungodly drama or spiritual abuse in the church, Alecia ... and then throwing their hands up and walking away from the family of God for good.

      May God have mercy on us and show us how to love well as we do life together in community. He loves us so!

      I'm grateful you're here today, friend. Indeed!

  19. This post reminded me of a house church I was a member of in seminary. We weren't as organized as we could have been but we were big on community and accountability. Thank you for sharing your experience! Blessed to be your neighbor for #tellhisstory.

    1. Big on community and accountability. LOVE that, Samantha! The accountability piece is missing for many of us ... and it's so necessary for that accountability to be safe and loving and continual.

      So glad you've stopped by this week! Would love to have you visit again ...


  20. I am not a church-goer. I have searched many churches over the past 4 decades and have found only one true friend in any of them. I turned away from the bible for a few years...but now I am back to reading God's word daily and have decided that church probably isn't for me.

    1. I love that you're reading the Bible! And I'm grateful that you've shared a bit of your story here today with us! May you find yourself growing more in love with God day by day.

      So good to have you drop in ... I hope you'll come back again another time!


  21. Linda,
    It must be hard to leave your community of friends, but I'm encouraged by your endorsement of home churches. My church has them but I haven't attended any of them. I kind of like to get lost in a bigger crowd! :) I know you will flourish in your new community and I can't wait to hear about the new acquaintances you'll meet that you will soon call cherished friends!

    1. It's a hard step for some to check out a house church because there's just no hiding in the back row on the left {my favorite spot!} It'd be neat to hear about your experience if you do decide to drop in to one of those little communities at some point, Valerie!

      Ya' just never know, do ya'

      I just love it when you drop in ...


  22. What a beautiful testimony to how God works through house churches. There's no place or structure that he's not able to move in, if he's welcome. He definitely sounds welcome there. I pray you'll find a new community of believers soon that will be equally as loving!

    1. Amen, Lisa! His presence is the absolute key! No matter what size, what time, what venue we worship in ...

      I can't help but think He truly delights in the diversity of His Body, the church.

      Thanks for being here, friend!


  23. What sweet words of how we should all feel about church! We do love our big church, but we have gotten to know people over the years.
    I know you will miss your group, but you will make new friends in this new phase! They will be better for knowing you Linda!

    1. You encourager, you!

      Thanks for being in my life, Sarah ...

  24. Letting go of such sweet fellowship is hard, my friend. Much love and prayers for you as you continue to transition to the next season. Hugs

    1. The transition continues. I'm doing well! I think the hardest challenges are behind me, and I do believe that all the prayers have made a difference in some very significant ways. Thanks, Lyli ...

  25. Your house church sounds wonderful, Linda. I, too, hope you are able to find a new place of growth, service and community that also feels like home. And this: "I was recently told that I've changed for the better in the process. Less driven, less intense, less wounded." You may have noticed this in yourself, but what a lovely thing to hear from someone else!

    1. You're so right, Lois. To have someone important in my life speak an observation that was so uplifting was such a big blessing. It kind of helped me in my efforts to 'leave well.'

      Words matter, don't they ...

      I'm grateful you're here, Lois!

  26. Hello Linda , again😊
    I have not been to a home church but it does sound very nice and warm.
    I don't know about anyone around here anyway.

    God bless you friend .

    1. Sorry that your first comment vanished into thin air, but I'm glad you came back to weigh in on the house church venue one more time, Ifeoma ...

      May your worship be sweet and deep this weekend, my friend.

  27. I loved reading about your home church and how this has touched your life. They sound amazing. God is good.


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...


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