Monday, May 5, 2014

The Blog Forum : : A Creative Little Series #5 ~ Creating Your Community


We all yearn for it.  God's designed us that way.  We long for an authentic welcome, a safe connection.  Something deep within cries out to be heard, to be validated, to be appreciated.  We need hugs and sharpening wisdom and fellow sojourners alongside for the long haul.

Much of what we desire at the deepest level can only be met in relationship with Jesus Christ.  But there is still that element of community here on earth that beckons.  We're called to live in communities of faith and not be isolated from our neighbors.  Some sort of small group or two where there's a strong sense of belonging can enlarge our borders and breathe new life into our beings.  And who doesn't crave kindred spirit friendships with just a few like-minded souls.

This is true for many of us who blog.

But truth be told, I've found that there are some bloggers that are just not all that into creating a hospitable space.  No welcome mat seems to be found on their property, there's no sense of warm hospitality.  Comments are seldom responded to and they don't reciprocate your visit or your interest in connecting.  And that's fine.  {Please know that I'm NOT pointing a finger at any specific blogs and that I'm NOT talking about bloggers who get a hundred comments every time they hit publish.  You'd make yourself crazed trying to connect with each and every reader.} 

And there's no one right way to do this blogging thing.

But many of us like the opportunity to connect, and it goes far beyond gathering hits or followers or commenters.  It comes down to using that lovely gift of hospitality to make others feel welcome and at home and like they belong.   Arms are open wide to newcomers ... they're not outsiders looking in. They are part of the group.  They are valued and accepted.

No one likes to feel excluded. 

It brings back too many memories of being last to be chosen on the playground or sitting by yourself at lunchtime, isolated and ignored.  And that's an unspoken message I never want to send.


3 ways I do community on this blog . . .

1.  I reply to each comment you leave.  You've taken the time in your busy day to be gracious and thoughtful.  For me, it's just plain rude if I don't answer you back.  That's just who I am.  Even if it takes a few days, it's going to happen.  

2.  I travel over to your place to visit and say 'hi' if your comment includes a working link.  {Please know that if your link is a Google+ page, it's often difficult to track you down if there's not a specific link to your site.}  It means alot to me that you've taken the time to write a few kind words.  And I truly want to do the same.  Sometimes you drop back in for another visit and I head back over to see what's happening at your place.  We begin to connect.  A friendship begins to emerge.  It doesn't get better than that.

3.  I feature your comments on the right side of the website.  I love giving you a forum to speak your mind and it's fun to introduce people to each other.  I want to honor you by getting your name out there.  I absolutely believe that this feature is valuable enough to take up some real estate around here.

That's how community is woven 'round these parts.  There's no one right way to do this.  We all have different ways of relating and the sky's the limit when it comes to weaving together your own very uniquely compelling space. 
A few words on link-ups {aka linky parties} . . .

The welcome mat is out at these gatherings, such a cool way to build community, especially if your visitors are of the same heart and mind and also make it a point not to just link and run. The secret is to somehow persuade your linkers to visit their neighbors before they head on out.

I'm loving . . .

How do you do community over at your place?
What link-ups have proved to be worth the investment of your time?
BONUS!  A FREE 1/2 hour coaching session is my gift to anyone who's left a comment in one of the six sessions of this series.  Details will be in the upcoming conclusion!
This is YOUR invitation to become an active part of this community!  Please click here to receive every post.
Sharing community with Beth  .  Kristen  .  Beth  .  Holley  .  Lyli 
If this series has been working for you, I'd love for you to share it with your community! 
The links are below.
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