Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Blog Forum : : A Creative Little Series

Blogging is an art, a craft, an extension of who we are.  It can be an incredibly enjoyable venue to ...
*  Kick off conversations that matter.
*  Share your uniquely valuable life experience. 
*  Explore your faith, your calling, your giftedness.
*  Effectively display and promote your creative genius.
*  Create a safe community for other like-minded souls.
The Blog Forum  : :  A Creative Little Series
will help you to
1.  Develop a mission statement that clarifies why you blog
2.  Figure out the nuts and bolts of what you want your space to look like
3.  Envision the kind of community you want to create
4.  Plan for your future success
Whether you're a seasoned blogger who's been itching to recalibrate what you're doing ... or a newbie with big dreams of kicking off your very own place to post, this hands-on series is meant for you! 
Your blog is your own unique canvas.  Let's roll up our sleeves, pull out our paintboxes, and begin to unfurl the masterpiece that's waiting to emerge. 
The sky truly is the limit!

 Be one of the first to receive every post in this series!  Sign up right here!
 Blogging with Beth  .  Kristen  .  Beth  .  Lyli  .  Laura
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