
Friday, May 2, 2014

The Blog Forum : : A Creative Little Series #4 ~ Editing Your Masterpiece

Linda, I love the way you say so much with such economy of words! 
And they pack a wallop.
~   Laura Boggess, The Wellspring   ~

We are a wordy people.  We live and breathe and have our being in a swirling sea of images, of stories, of experiences, of learnings.  And write we must.  Truth begs to be uttered.  Faith cries out to be expressed.  And if we don't put pen to paper, from someplace deep within our yearning unsettled soul groans aloud.
Some of the most power-filled posts I've read have been short.  You click on to a site, one of many that day, glancing at the image presented.  Your roving eyes might subconsciously scan the page, checking out the length of this read.  You spy only a few paragraphs.  And immediately you settle in, breathing an odd sigh of relief, for you have waded through so many lengthy writings, and truth is, you've skimmed more than you've savored.  And you're just a bit weary and unsatisfied.  You're craving something unexpectedly simple.  Profoundly rich.  Deeply soul-filling.  And just a bit unique.
I want to be one to put a delectable treasure on the table that just begs to be savored.  Not skimmed.  I want another soul to sit and rest for awhile.  To reflectively ponder.  To be filled to overflowing by the rich feast they have just enjoyed.  And to come back another day for yet a second helping.  But for that to come to pass, I will need to uncap my red pen.  And bravely, deeply edit my black-fonted heartfelt creation. 
Editing your work.  Excruciating or stimulating?

BONUS!   At the end of this series, I'll be offering a FREE 1/2 hour coaching session
to anyone who's left a comment in one of the six sessions.   Details to come!

I'd love it if you'd read each post.  {Especially those edited ones!}  Subscribe here.
If you're liking this series, I'd so appreciate if you'd share it with your tribe! 
The links are below.


  1. Struggling with my writing at the moment---it is NOT the writing---it is my purpose. Doing some soul searching and praying--seeking HIS purpose for me! It is a beautiful day here in TX---temps beginning to rise--enjoying His creation before the annual heat wave! Weekend Blessings, Dear Friend!

    1. Yeah ... I've missed chit-chatting back and forth with you this week! May you hear His voice, His direction for you in this season, Lulu. He does all things well ...

      A blessed Sabbath, my Texas friend ...

  2. have you seen Lisha Epperson's post this week "the new Blog Bling - Am I Pimping my posts." it's about etiquette in using Link=ups but also touches on purpose and white space. worth a read. thought provoking. I had been wondering about some of the same things.

    working on writing up the answers to those questions. I know one of the main things is to help others see God in the everydayness of their lives...but then finding a way to remember and celebrate with others. that phrase is supposed to be across the top of my blog, but it doesn't show up. have to check with my web design son.

    1. Readers ... do head over to Lisha's ... her thoughts are worthwhile reading. Really good stuff.

      Thanks, Carol, for sending us Lisha's way. We'll be talking about Creating Your Community in our next session, including some thoughts on those link-ups.

      Sabbath blessings ...

  3. Hi Linda! I always try to stay at 500 words for blogposts. That seems to be a good length for me, and I think it's not too long to read. Editing is becoming more fun, but I used to really dread it. I think it's a real art, and I'll probably never get really good at it, but I'm willing to get in there and try!
    Sometimes ideas come tumbling out that just sound brilliant in my head, but make no sense on the page. Out comes that red pen :)
    Hope you had a good weekend!

    1. I love your space, Ceil. The way you weave faith and the dailyness of life is always, always inspirational. You have a gift, my friend, and I'm truly thankful that somehow along the journey, God linked us together.

      Blessings as you launch your week ...

  4. This post speaks to my soul, Linda. To borrow some of your words, a treasure, deeply rich, that fills the soul. Thanks!

    1. It's so good to see you again, Nancy! To hear that you're going to be writing again is really neat. Please know that you have been missed, my friend. May joy fill you as you pick up your pen ...

  5. linda, i went back again and read this that you wrote. I so resonate with this. hubby and i sat down tonight and talked about all of this stuff...very helpful. gaining clarity.

    1. You're working hard through these sessions, Carol. And I love that you've invited your man into the discussion. To hear that you're gaining clarity makes me smile!

      Have a great day, my friend ...

  6. Hi Linda, Thank you for this post. I will try to make my psots more skimmable. I am new to blogging and I hope to improve daily.
    God Bless.

    1. How fun that you found a bit of encouragement for your blogging here, Ifeoma! You've made my day! Happy New Year!


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
