
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Blog Forum : : A Creative Little Series #2 ~ Crafting Your Mission Statement

And while blogging most likely never crossed King Solomon's mind, he, too, was a writer, a man of vast life experience and deep wisdom whose perceptive words impacted countless souls.
And truth be told, isn't that the kind of person we long to be?
This simple proverb speaks to the importance of a mission statement.  For if we're not clearly in touch with what's deep within and we're not all that sure about what we want to accomplish, we're liable to wander around aimlessly and produce little of lasting value.
Crafting a mission statement is powerful!  Heads up ... this little exercise is harder than it looks!  But forge ahead, my friend, because it will do a valuable service in helping you clarify who you are, sharpen the focus of what you aim to do, and zero in on the worth of what you offer.

Be prepared to write and re-write and re-write again. 

Ready?  Set?  Go!


My blog's key message is . . .

I'm a blogger because . . .

I write for people who crave . . .

I provide my readers with . . .

My blog is unique and irresistible because . . .

What's it like to craft your mission statement?

Put your welcome mat out!  Leave a comment and invite other readers to visit your site
by sharing any / all of your mission statement.


The Blog Forum  : :  A Creative Little Series

The Blog Forum  : :  A Creative Little Series #3 ~ Designing Your Look

The Blog Forum  : :  A Creative Little Series #4 ~ Editing Your Masterpiece

The Blog Forum  : :  A Creative Little Series #5 ~ Creating Your Community

The Blog Forum  : :  A Creative Little Series #6 ~ Envisioning Your Future

Don't miss a single session in the series.  Subscribe here!


  1. What's it like? It's hard. Way hard! And funny how just yesterday when talking to my blog designer about a re-design she asked me to consider what my blog mission is. So thank you for these questions to ponder. You're awesome!! xoxoxo

    1. I love that the work with your designer and this little series are gracefully colliding, Beth! The next session is on designing your look and should be up on Thursday ...


      Thanks for letting me know that these questions are helpful, my friend!

  2. Hi Linda! I just had my blog reviewed by Peek (a free service), and one of the comments was that the reader couldn't figure out what my blog's purpose was. Hm... I thought it was clear. So, I changed the header statement on the blog, and I hope that helps clarify. "Finding the presence and grace of God in everyday life"

    I like your questions. Just a 'gut-check' for me, but also to help guide me in writing. They are just the thing I need right now. Just great. I would welcome yours or any commenter's comments on my blog. I'm here to learn :)

    1. I think you're downright brave to have someone evaluate you, Ceil! I checked into Peek and it sounds like a really cool idea! Your header statement sure matches my experience at your site and the beautiful writing you do. Your everyday life stories and the gleanings from them always bless me. And judging by the discussion generated after each post, many others are being impacted!


  3. This was a great post. I've never thought about my blog's mission this in-depth before, but seeing these questions laid out has really got me reflecting.

    1. I'm so glad! Thanks for letting me know that these little questions are sparking some deep thought! I look forward to hearing what's coming to your mind and heart ...

      Please pop in again soon!


  4. I was dragged kicking and screaming into my mission...the last thing I would have imagined myself writing about was...ugh...relationships.

    However...the Big Fella planted a seed in my mind, to wit - for men, relationships are "me and you" while for women, they're "us"...and this terrifies men.

    Can't fight city hall, much less God.

    So for me, the mission statement was easy. I just tossed God a pen and said, Dude, your write it."

    And He did.

    1. Yep ... our best mission statements come straight from our Creator. He planned long ago who we are to be and what we are to do. Now ... to sit still and be quiet. And discern what He's trying to whisper deep into our souls.

      'Cause we each have something unique to be, to do. No one else can do it.

      Thanks Andrew! I appreciate you being here.

  5. How apt I happen onto your blog for the first time today. We are planning a big blog change. I will use your mission statement questions as a writing exercise today. I'll definitely follow your series.

  6. I hope you find lots of fun stuff here over the next few days to jumpstart your new look. I'd love for you to keep us posted on your creative process!


    Welcome, Jenn!

  7. Had a busy day so my brain is too tired to think clearly, but I love these prompts so I copied them down to do later! Thanks, Linda.

    1. Enjoy, my friend! And rest real well tonight. Thanks for stopping by to say 'hi' even when you are so weary.


  8. Printed out questions. GreT timing for me. I had thoughts when I started this blog but never written down. Hope to work on this tomorrow

    1. There's something powerful about putting pen to paper, isn't there, Carol. Can't wait to hear what you're crafting!


  9. While looking into changing to WordPress--they asked the same questions you are. It has helped me to know I need to pause and ask the important questions. It is important to be in alignment with His intent and not pursuing my dreams.

    It is a beautiful-sunny-crisp morning here today---but the heat--literally will turn up tomorrow.
    Blessings, Linda!

    1. 'It is important to be in alignment with His intent.' Oh I love this, Lulu. I keep on asking God to partner with me, to lead the way, to give me the direction we should go in this call on my life.

      I love to watch what He's doing. I love to be a part of it.

      Enjoy today's mercies, my friend!

  10. I'm going to have to print this out and reflect on the questions over the weekend. I think the hardest one for me to answer is the last question - how can I make my blog "irresistible" to readers? I have no idea! Hmmm.

    1. Yep, 'irresistable' sure is a challenging word!! I can't wait to hear what you come up with, Yuko!


  11. I have a lot to this think about! I printed this out so I could reflect on the questions you posted. I do not have a mission statement posted and need to know if I should have this on my blog??? Also, I can answer some of the questions easily so I am hoping that when people visit my blog they feel some sense of clarity and purpose. What do you think? God is the Author so honestly it's my page filled with His words. As my dad told me recently, that's what you call the Holy Spirit. He sensed the spirit leading my writing. It was an amazing father/daughter moment! :) Thanks for this series!

    1. Father/daughter moments like that are treasures indeed. A real keeper.

      I guess we never know who our words are impacting.

      As far as the mission statement, this is a little tool that can help clarify to ourselves why we do what we do. It doesn't need to be published, but you could do with it whatever you'd like! Have fun with it ... and let it offer encouragement to you as you continue wielding that pen!

      I find that our blogs do evolve over time since we are always growing and changing. So, a mission statement can be a good barometer, a helpful measuring stick that can be adjusted and tweeked ... or altogether transformed as we continue on our way.


  12. I am trying to subscribe to your blog, but it just keeps taking me to a blank page. Can you help me?

    1. Hi Sandra! Welcome!

      I'm not at the Creekside blog anymore ... I'm at Please do a little copy and paste with this link

      In the Subscribe Now box on the right, click on Get Linda Stoll delivered by email. A box will open up where you'll put your email address and fill out a little spam box.

      You'll get a note in your email that you'll need to confirm, and then you'll get my posts via your email box.

      Thanks for tracking me down! I hope you'll enjoy my new online home!



Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
