Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Final Farewell

Dear Snow ~

I've just gotta say that I am beyond grateful that you have finally melted from the scene.  It's been a frigid, endless winter and I really thought you'd never make your final departure.  My little 3 year old granddaughter actually wept last week as she spied a fresh early morning layer of your fluffy white presence on her lawn.

Enough is enough. 

The crocuses and daffodils are bursting out in all their radiant glory and buds are pushing their way into view high up in the trees.  What a joy to fling the windows wide open, pack away those heavy sweaters, and put my feet up out on the back porch.

And wonder of wonders?  I know that flip flops, t-shirts, and brightly colored tootsies can't be far behind.

To everything there is a season.  And at least around these parts, yours is gone.

A joyful adios.

 * image creator unknown
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