Maybe I flung those windows open too soon? Whatever.
What to do when you end up under the weather?
1. Call the doctor.
I ain't no hero. It took me more than three decades to find a decent primary care doc. You bet that if I need some meds, I'm on the phone. This guy saw me in an hour. You just can't do better than that.
2. Fill the fridge.
I mustered up my energy and headed to the market for some fresh fruits and crisp veggies. A big ol' chicken for the crockpot. Lots of juice. And then stopped by the local Chinese restaurant for THE ultimate comfort food - a quart of steaming hot, flavor-packed wonton soup.
3. Buy pansies.
They were gorgeous, they beckoned, their cheerful purple and yellow faces made me smile, they were on sale. Need I say more?
4. Cancel life.
Everything gets put on hold. I can't think of a single soul interested in my germs, my sneezing, my wadded up tissues. I'm staying in, drinking gallons of water, and keeping my misery to myself.
5. Veg out.
These are those rare moments when you have full permission to do nothing. To lay on the sofa ensconced in your favorite quilt and sleep the afternoon away. To leaf through a magazine or space out in front of old episodes of Call the Midwife. Or write a few lines about getting your health back.
This post is in honor of those special ladies in my life who are dealing with major health issues. My puny ailments don't hold a candle to the seriousness of what you're experiencing. You know who you are. And you know I'm praying for you.