Has someone done or said something kind to you today? How did it feel? Have you done and said something kind to someone today? How did that feel?
We live in an unkind world - people are brusque, caustic, and selfish; they make fun of others, laugh at them, intimidate and criticize; they leave behind frustrated people with bruised feelings and discouraged spirits.
God says that one observable mark of a person who has invited Jesus Christ into his/her life is that they are like their Father - Kind!
Why don't we act with kindness and say kind things?
1. Ephesians 4:31,32 informs us that unresolved wrongs and grievances give us an unkind spirit until the issues are forgiven.
2. We have had bad models - put downs, abuse, being taken advantage of, being laughed at.
3. We are insecure and want power and control - we will "teach them a thing or two" or "show them who is boss."
4. We are proud and our ego needs boosting in some way - we sure would not want to be perceived as weak!
Is there help to be like Jesus? Yes!!
1. Jesus modeled kindness for us when He extended forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11); when He died to pay for our sins (Titus 3:4).
2. God commands us to be kind (Colossians 3:12). He would never command us to do something that He does not give us the power to accomplish.
3. Holy Spirit lives in every believer in Jesus Christ - He gives us kindness as one of the characteristics of His living inside of us. (Galatians 5:22,23)
How do I begin practicing kindness?
1. Surrender the obstacles to kindness in your life - pride, unresolved hurt, the need for attention or power.
2. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His kindness.
3. Practice kindness intentionally in deeds and words. Start with your spouse and your family and go to an ever-widening circle which includes your employers/employees, neighbors and fellow workers.
Yours through the kindness of our Savior ~