Often our biggest problems are people problems - how do we get along? How do we treat those who are different from us? People are often ignored or left out because of appearance, age, achievement, or affluence, but is this what Jesus wants us to do? James 2:1-13 speaks to our "favoritism" with a story about a poorly dressed person who enters a church service. The prejudice he experiences is there described as unchristian and unloving. The Golden Rule - "love others as you want to be loved" - is applied.
How do I as a follower of Jesus respond to people who are different from me?
1.) Accept Everyone - Romans 15:7 "Accept one another just as Christ accepted you." Since there is level ground at the cross, we are commanded to accept each other just where they are. Remember that we do not have to accept sinful behavior but we do accept the person.
2.) Appreciate Everyone - Philippians 2:35 "Do nothing from selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself. Each of you should look not only to your own interest but also to the interest of others." Find something you can appreciate in others and tell them.
3.) Affirm Everyone - I Thessalonians 5:11 - "Encourage one another and build each other up ." Tell others what they are doing that blesses folks or contributes positively to their lives.
When will you follow these three counter cultural steps to better people relationships in your life?
Incorporating the three "A's"