Sunday, October 10, 2010

"The Essence"

"The Sabbath rest is not simply for the resting of the body - although it is that.  It also is not primarily for emotional resting, although those who are wise will discover such a rest in their Sabbaths.  Instead it is a remembrance ...

The same God who rescued the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt is the One who rescues us from our bondage to sin. 


The Sabbath is a time we suspend dominion work and instead worship the dominion-Maker.  We cease reaping for our own cupboards and instead bring an offering to Him.  The Sabbath rest is not simply the pause: it is the essence

We rest not because we are tired.  We cease our labor not because it is finished ...

We rest and worship one day in seven simply because He is the Lord."

" ... Keep My Sabbaths, the sign between me and you, generation after generation, to keep the knowledge alive that I am the God who makes you holy ..."
- Exodus 31:15 (The Message.)

Resting Today ~
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