"Simony" is "the act of trying to buy a church office or position." It derived from the deed of Simon Magus (Magi) from Samaria. After watching the incredible power that came from those who were filled with Holy Spirit following the laying on of hands by Peter and John (Acts 8:17-25), the magician (Simon) wondered how he could buy Holy Spirit's power to lay his hands on people and get the same results. He assumed that money could buy power and influence in God's realm. How wrong he was!
With the gift of discernment, Peter's instant response was to utter a curse on Simon, telling him that both he and his money could go to eternal damnation. Referring to Deuteronomy 29:18, Peter said that Simon had a "root that filled him with bitter poison" which came from his captivity to sin. When instructed to "repent," instead of confessing his sin to God and repenting, he asked Peter to pray for him. He wanted to hand the responsibility of solving his problem to someone else instead of repenting and getting right with God himself.
How frequently has it has been thought that the power and blessing of God can be purchased by money? Often enough that the word, "simony" was coined. How frequently have folks like Gehazi (2 Kings 5:19-27) tried to exploit others in God's name? How frequently has the notion been entertained that others could do the work to solve our problems instead of taking responsibility for our own stuff?
God is a God of grace - neither He, His power, His forgiveness, His love, nor His blessings can be purchased or earned - God is not for sale!
Grateful for His grace,