Weary and exhausted from trying to find God, traveling in the wrong direction, or from trying to be good by obedience to endless rules? Worn out in your soul? People desiring godliness in Jesus' day were placed under unattainable Pharisaic legalistic demands (Matthew 23:4) until they chaffed and broke under the burden. The same thing happens today. Should we then jettison the responsibilities of discipleship to attain peace and rest? No; peace and rest are not found in cessation from either discipleship, pleasing God, or the pursuit of holiness.
Jesus, on the one hand, put the stakes higher than the Pharisees by saying that His followers must "take up a cross" and "lose their life to find it." While, on the other hand, He promised rest from human religious demands to everyone who comes to Him. "Come unto me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light. Matthew 11:28-30"
How does that work?
Jesus, the "Carpenter of Nazareth," could have made many oxen yokes that were used by pairs of oxen to handle the tasks of everyday life. A sign over His shop could have read, "Custom Yokes that Fit Well." The "yoke" coupled two oxen together to do the day's work. When Jesus is in the yoke with us through relationship with Him, we submit to His leadership. As the lead, He determines both the pace and the direction of life. That takes the burden off of us. The yoke we have with Him will never cause sores or chafe because it is custom made just for us. Yokes, people, and life experiences (burdens) differ. The important part is to be yoked with Him and to allow Him to lead.
We walk with Him in the real world and He teaches us moment by moment how to live life His way. The beautiful thing is that our eyes are off of the task and onto the Partner in the yoke with us. Knowing Him and walking with Him in the lead takes the burden out of godliness, tasks, and life.
Our "Yoke Fellow" is ''humble" and "gentle" - not arrogant and bullying. The promise is that we will find rest for our souls. Time to stop fighting against the Strong One with whom we are yoked in relationship. Time to submit to His leading for both direction and pace. What rest awaits exhausted travelers!
Happily yoked with Him, Bob