Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Simplicity Series : : Traveling Light

Meet Jonathan and Allison.  They're sharp, smart, young professionals.  He's a savvy leadership guru, knows how to work a room with the greatest of ease, and is just plain fun.  She, the bride of my nephew, is simply radiant with a quiet, gentle loveliness ... and she's brilliant as well. 

When they married, Jonathan moved 700 miles with just two carloads of possessions.  The only furniture he saved?  One lone folding chair and a TV tray.  Since then, this couple has embarked on a purposeful journey of examining what they own and the role it plays in their lives. 

I'm impressed ... and not just because he's my sister's first born. They're traveling light.   And I love that in a few dozen years they won't end up like so many of us who are held hostage by way too many accumulations, overwhelmed by endless piles of miscellaneous stuff that means absolutely nothing.

It won't be long til they'll be relocating 700 miles east {with their beloved dog, Caleigh} once Allison finishes her doctorate in statistics.  But no matter where they journey, they assure me that they're going to keep on discussing, strategizing, and LIVING simplicity.

This five session series is going to be chock full of hands-on practical goodies and resources that have worked for them.  I know that you're going to be able to grab hold of some cool ideas that you can use in your own journey toward simplicity. 

And do feel free to share this series on Facebook, Twitter, Google+.  The links are below.  

Ready to roll?  Subscribe right here so you don't miss a single session!



traveling with Beth  .  Kristen  .  Beth  .  Elizabeth  .  Holly .  Wanda


J & A photos in this series by Katy Travis
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