1. To
be successful, you need to go through things multiple times.
2. At a later time it is sometimes easier to get rid of things than it was previously. You might have a new perspective on an item that two months ago you labeled an essential treasure.
3. It’s satisfying to see the pile of stuff you’re getting rid of grow! This is especially true when you know items are being donated to those who will be able to use them.
4. It’s satisfying to see previously packed drawers/shelves/closets more sparse and manageable.
5. Keeping an item because you’d feel guilty getting rid of it is not a good reason. If it’s not getting use or is causing you guilt, getting rid of it removes the constant reminder.
6. Less looks better.
7. Less is a lot easier to clean.
8. Only keep things you really like. If you don't feel that strongly about it, get rid of it!
9. If you have multiples, ask if you really need multiples.
10. Simplifying should make your life more simple, not more complicated. For example, getting rid of a bookcase might mean a lot more cramming elsewhere which makes retrieving things and putting things away far more complicated. Before getting rid of something ask, “will this make my life less complicated or more complicated?”.
11. Don't make simplicity an idol!
12. You can still keep things! You don't have to get rid of everything you own.
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2 Questions from Linda
Which one of these nuggets did you hear yourself saying YES to?
What's one thing you will do today to jumpstart those words into action?
What's one thing you will do today to jumpstart those words into action?
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