Friday, April 4, 2014

An Overflowing Life

'You've got all the makings of a professional writer.' 

Those words fell upon me like a precious anointing, a benediction received with gratefulness overflowing, one of those 'well done, good and faithful servant' moments, the kind you unknowingly crave from some place deep within.

I choke up and tell him how much his words mean to me and how much I love him for letting me know what he believes is true.  For my love language is words of affirmation.  And this is a deposit of pure gold gently invested into my soul.

But a professional writer?  I'm not there yet.  At all.

For I see myself as a grateful woman just beginning to come of age.  Which is quite different than an aging woman.  Yes?

I see myself as a devoted follower of the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I have been married for 38 years yesterday.  All I can say is it only gets better and better.  I'm crazy over my man.

I have two daughters and their six kids and their men, my parents and my sister ... and altogether they light up my busy world, making it sparkle bright.  And keep me young in the process.

I am a friend.  The faithful, loyal, go-to-the-mat-for-you type.  I'll love, enjoy, encourage, and defend you til the end.  Especially if you've got chocolate.

I am a counselor.  Sitting in those chairs together with another woman struggling to find her way?  I'm all about that.  It's my sweet spot.  And they know it.

I am a beach girl, born and bred.  I live for the long weekends when we can steal away for endless walks by the ocean, discovering wooded pathways yet unexplored, sunsets that slowly melt into glory.  My pockets fill with the ever illusive sea glass, tossed and frosted by salty crashing waves over time.

And finely woven into the mix above?  I am a blogger.  I love this space.  I love this opportunity.  I love this little community that's being built one post, one conversation, one new friend at a time.

But a professional writer?  It sounds like way too much work.  I'm not feeling it.

I'm too busy living my life to the fullest.  My cup runneth over.

*  spending 5+ minutes with Lisa-Jo and her word of the day, WRITER  *
*   visiting with Laura  .  Beth   *
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