1. Possessions worth keeping forever include any and all childhood paste-smeared craft projects, indecipherable love notes, random scribblings, Christmas decorations, and miscellaneous tchotchkes like this sweet calendar made by my husband for his mama so many years ago. I do believe that story might make you smile. Sigh. Or make your eyes brim full.
2. A child can never have too much love. And I don't mean piles of possessions or endless activities. So bring on the grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, teachers, coaches, and friends. In moderation of course.
3. I'd rather have a steady helping of love day in, day out, than one giant in-your-face commercially driven celebration on February 14th. Just saying.
4. This week can be a real beast for some of our dearest sisters. Let your single friends know that you think they're fabulous, will you please? And then keep that love, that supportive encouragement, those invitations to share life together flowing.
5. Note to family members: All this being said, I'd really love some very fine chocolate this Valentine's Day. Maybe something bright and alive, fragrant or green that needs to be tended and nurtured so it can flourish in those warm days that are sure to come. And a hand-penned card that tells me yet once again how you truly feel.