
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

People 101 : : Day 15 : : Childlike Souls

'We all need a place to be a child, no matter how old we are.  Young children who have been well cared for seem to have an instinctual trust in the unconditional acceptance of those who love them, and so they are able to let down and relax when they need to.  They don't yet know how to put on airs.  They don't try to make things look better than they are.  They haven't yet learned how to hold back their squeals of delight, their expressions of need or desire, their tears of sadness or pain.

Children seem to be uninhibited about expressing whatever is true of them in the present moment.  Sometimes it's cute and adorable; often it is less so.  But part of being a child is being relaxed and at home with yourself, with the people around you, with life itself. 

And so it is with the soul at rest in God.  We do not put on airs.  We do not make things seem better than they are.  We do not pretend to be someone or something we are not.  We do not hold back squeals of delight, expressions of need or desire, tears of pain, sadness or disappointment. 

In times of solitude, the soul rests in God by simply being with God with what is.'
- Ruth Haley Barton, Invitation to Solitude and Silence

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The Multiple Book Giveaways!
Each comment you leave this month puts you in the running for one of the books we'll be sharing with our readers on October 31st {9 pm eastern, US and Canada only}.  We'll post the list of winners at that time and then it will be 'first come, first choice' for these readers to claim their prizes!  Limit 1 comment/day, please!

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  1. I love those times when I can be carefree and innocent as a little child. And doesn't God love their "instinctual trust" and "squeals of delight." Oh, that we may all accept our Savior with those childlike qualities. You words and picture made me smile. :-) Thanks!

    1. Yes, Nancy. Instinctual trust in my Redeemer. That's what I want. Always.

  2. "They haven't yet learned how to hold back their squeals of delight, their expressions of need or desire, their tears of sadness or pain."

    Wow. Talk about lessons learned from little ones...

    Thanks, Linda, for yet another inspiring post, resource, and heart-stirring photo that binds it all together. (I love the twin pinwheels!)

    Blessings to all,

    1. Lots about life we can learn from our little people! And, yes, they did love the pinwheels from their Grandma.


      Thanks, GH ... you are a faithful, insight-filled commenter!

  3. I'm so glad you drew this correlation, Linda, because I'm not sure that I've really made the connection fully in the mind until now. And if I use this as a yardstick for "my rest" in the Lord, I fall very short of where He wants me to be. You've opened up a bit of what Jesus was trying to say when he told us that unless we become like a child we won't enter the kingdom of God. Thanks for being a catalyst for insight and transformation in me, my friend!

    1. Iron sharpening iron, my friend. Ruth's words have spoken deep into my soul for about a decade now. I strongly recommend her writings to those longing for something deeper and more significant in their journey with the Lord. INVITATION TO SOLITUDE & SILENCE was a huge gamechanger for me. Turned my life upside down ...

      And that, my friend, is an experience we all need sooner or later.

  4. Beautiful words! I especially like this line: "In times of solitude, the soul rests in God by simply being with God with what is.'"

    1. Hey Blue Cotton Friend ... Don't you love that we can be with God just as we are? No Sunday best, no pious phrases, no hidden agendas ... just plain ol' us. Connecting at the deepest level with our Majestic Maker and Savior!

      Thanks for dropping by this Monday morning ... I hope your week's a great one!

  5. Dear Linda
    And our Lord told us that a little child shall lead them! I find it such a joy that I never have to pretend in our Pappa's Presence, but can go to Hom just as we are with total honesty, knowing that He listens to every sigh and wipes away our tears. We can learn so much of a little one about childlike faith, trusting our Pappa's love, goodness and mercy.
    Blessings XX

    1. Hello, My Friend ~ I've learned more about enthusiasm and refreshing honesty from the little ones in my life than all the books or classes ever could have taught me. To rub shoulders with our pint-size friends adds zing and wisdom to who we are!


  6. Replies
    1. And I am crazy over my 6 little people. God is so good ...



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