Sunday, September 22, 2013

4 Reasons Why I'm Jumping Back Into 31 Days

Last year was my first 31 Days experience.  And trust me, it won't be my last.  If you missed out, here's what it looked like around this neck of the woods as we dove head first into awesome relationships.

I LOVED this!  It was a stretch to produce read-worthy material day in and out.  I persevered through the deaths of two people I loved.  And along the way I met lots of great bloggers.  And wonder of wonders, this blog began to take wings and soar.

So, yes, I'm doing the 31 Day Challenge in October.  I'm not 100% sure what I'll be calling the whole thing, but I've got a pretty good idea where we'll be going.  And I'm ready to roll.

Want to join me?  If you're not quite sure if you're up to it, let me encourage you to give it a go. 


1.  We're built for community, we crave it, we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves.  Focusing on this challenge with well over a thousand other brave souls?  So cool ... and lots of fun! 

2.  Each one of us has something uniquely substantial to bring to the table.  Your passions, your writing style, your subject matter, your creative juices?  Most likely quite different than the girl next door. 

3.  It's refreshing to climb out of our worn out comfort zones, break away from the old routines, and let ourselves be stretched to produce more than we think we can.  We're talking growth here!

4.  Most of us need to have our borders expanded and go beyond reading what's familiar.  Exploring new horizons with diverse bloggers from other cultures, leanings, interests, writing styles?   Good stuff.

Still not so sure?  Here's some helpful tips from The Nester herself, the beloved creative ringleader of this whole event.

Have you done 31 Days before?  Are you going there this year?

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* connecting with Laura  .  Jen  .  Amy  .  Courtney  .  Kristen

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