And as we choose to lift the edge of our mouths upwards, because of the way our Creator has designed us, I'm guessing, we begin to take ourselves just a tad less seriously. The heavy burden we're carrying seems to ease a bit. Life's exhausting challenges come into a more balanced focus. The load we labor with begins to be lifted from our feeble shoulders. Perspective shifts.
This is a healing gift we give ourselves that costs not a dime. And low and behold, it can become an act of worship, a sacrifice of praise that reflects a child-like trust in our Savior. An enlivening acknowledgement that He holds this world with all its heartache in His powerful hands. That He knows the end from the beginning. And that when all is said and done, He does all things well.
Do let me know if this works for you. Ok?
* * smiling with Laura . Jen . Courtney . Emily