
Friday, September 3, 2010

Praying Scripture

  We often wonder if we are praying what Jesus would pray. A refreshing approach is to pray the Scripture - the words and will of God.

   1.) Find a piece brief passage of Scripture - the Psalms, the words of Jesus, the prayers of Paul, etc - and read the passage slowly to yourself and to God.

   2.) Read the passage out loud, praying it to God from your heart.

   3.) Read the passage again, paraphrasing it - putting it into your own words and rejoicing, requesting, or repenting, with your own words.

   4.) Repeat the words of the passage enough times that the passage becomes embedded into your memory and into your heart.
   5.) Allow the Scripture passage to infiltrate your heart and soul so that it changes your character - seeing and doing life from God's perspective.  Move from using the Scripture like a dash of salt on your heart, to using the Scripture passage as a marinate which infiltrates every fiber of your being and changes you to be more like Jesus.

When you walk away from this time of intimacy with God, you will know that you have had intimate time with Jesus and you have prayed the will of God.  Try it and it won't be long before this becomes a delightful daily habit.

Enjoying the conversation . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob

1 comment:

  1. Excellent ideas there, Pastor Bob! I learned long ago to use scripture in prayer because of the truth in it. I always remember that God is not a man that He can lie. If it's in His word it's as good as done. By His very breath He made the world, He spoke it into being! What an awesome God we serve!


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