
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Learning From the Past

Disappointment, grief, loneliness, hunger, thirst, danger, fear, weariness, a heavy heart, separation from friends and family were not just subjects of discussion for David - they were life experiences.  Instead of repeating failed responses to these challenges David decided to learn from his mistakes and experiences and pass on wisdom to us.

Psalm 37 is the record of things he learned and we can follow so that we can learn from the experiences of others.

Verse 1 - "Don't fret" = Comparisons and envy are the major contributors to a troubled heart.  Instead of focusing on the things that life is giving to others, we need to focus on the Lord, heaven, God's generous provision, and His faithful promises.  Often, our concern for what is happening to others causes great heart ache.  Note Peter's concern about what was going to happen to John - Jesus said to Peter, "If I want him to remain alive alive until I return, what is that to you?" (John 21:22)

Verse 3 - "Trust in the Lord and do good" = "Try Jesus;" put your self into His strong and loving hands.  Psalm 34:8 says to "taste and see that the Lord is good."  As we wade into the waters of His grace, we see that He is good.  Real trust doesn't come until we get in over our heads.  Like a rapelling hiker, David chose to put his life in the hands of another.  Trust is setting aside all secondary options = "If God doesn't save me, I go under!"

Verse 4 - "Delight yourself in the Lord" = Responding to and luxuriating in the attentions of another. Don't be like a bird that flies into a room and beats itself up instead of perching on God's finger.

Verse 5 - "Commit your way to the Lord" =  A tour guide makes substitutions in the itinerary and leads you to the best places. Don't be your own tour guide when Jesus will take care of you. Give Him control.

Verse 7 - "Be still before the Lord and wait patently for Him." = Cease striving; God is the all powerful One.  We find direction and comfort as we "rest" (are mute, quiet, and submissive with patient waiting) in Him.  Allow Him to feel what is on your heart in an intimate connection and feel what is on His loving heart for you.

 Which one of these five experiences of David do you need to incorporate into your life right now?


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l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
