
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Enjoying the Presence of God

Psalm 131 describes David's heart condition as he prepares to enjoy the presence of God.  He discovers:
 1. His "heart is not proud" = "high" or "exalted" with pride.

 2. His "eyes are not haughty" = "lifted up" or "raised" (like your eyebrows when you are a "highbrow"); not exalted like a bridal couple at their wedding.

 3. He "does not concern himself with great matters" = doesn't pursue places of prominence or greatness.  He is willing to be moved from the platform of fickled applause.

 4. His heart is "stilled" = "smooth and level land that is prepared to be planted." Isaiah 28:25 "When he had leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway and scatter cummin?  Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt (a kind of wheat) in its field?"  "Jesus, I am resting in the joy of what thou art.  I am finding out the greatness of thy loving heart."

 5.His heart is "like a weaned child with its mother" = "weaned" - the child is no longer struggling for it's mother's milk or the "Binky;" it is not demanding or restless but calm.  "Child" = David's inner being. "Mother" = Public life and applause of people.  David has been weaned from a desire for prominence; he no longer needs the limelight; he is content. He has discovered that his true heart is not satisfied with the applause of men;  it is only content with the presence of God.

 6. He proclaims to Israel - "Put your trust in the Lord." = he is willing to share what he has learned - put your trust in the Lord because apart from Him we can do nothing.  This is the place of enjoying the total presence of our loving and mighty God.

Follow these six steps to enjoyment of His presence.                                         Bob

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l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
