
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Being Used By God

We desire to be used by God but often wonder whether we are good enough or perfect enough or educated enough or dedicated enough for Him to use us.

Let's take a look at Moses' experience recorded in Exodus 3:2 - "There the angel of the Lord appeared to him (Moses) in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush.  Moses stared in amazement.  Though the bush was engulfed in flames, it did not burn up."

1.) God did not pick a particular bush or a special bush or a perfect bush - He chose a bush.  Any bush will do as long as it will allow the Spirit of God to burn in it.  Note that Moses was not drawn to the bush; he was drawn to the flame.  That tells me that you don't have to be perfect, or well educated, or professional to be used by God - but you must be available!  God will draw people to Himself as you allow Him to burn with truth and passion inside you.  Remember - any bush will do as long as it is available to His Spirit!

2.) Note that the "bush was engulfed in flames, but it did not burn up."  An old saying went this way, "You must burn out for God;" or "Better to burn out than to rust out."  Those sayings make for good sermon motivators, but I challenge their Biblical correctness.  Today we find pastors, teachers, leaders, counselors, and other Christian workers who are burnt out - rendering themselves no longer effective.  I do not believe that is pleasing to God.  Did you notice that the flame of the living God burned in the bush but did not consume the bush!  Be careful that your burn-out schedule is not about you - people amazed with the bush - instead of allowing people to be amazed with the God who is in the bush.  It's not about the bush;  He does not burn up the bush that He uses.

One of God's bushes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Pastor Bob! You've stuck a chord in my heart again! Just a bush! I love it. Bushes aren't usually fancy, just kind of plain adding cover for bare spots along the foundation. And who is OUR FOUNDATION?! This really said a lot to me in a very short message. Thank you SO much! You are always in my prayers!


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