Monday, October 12, 2009

Keys to Confession

When we have wronged, hurt, sinned against someone, the Bible tells us to confess. How do I do that? Ken Sande in "The Peace Maker" gives the "7 A's of Confession:"

1) Address everyone involved who you have wronged.

2) Avoid "if," "but," "maybe." These words negate everthing we have already said in our confession.

3) Admit the sin specifically - Luke 15:21 - the Prodigal Son said, "I have sinned against heaven and against you."

4) Acknowledge the hurt that your behavior or attitude has caused to others.

5) Accept the consequences of your behavior. Luke 15 - the Prodigal Son says, "I am not worthy to be your son, please make me one of your hired hands."

6) Alter your behavior so that you do not commit the same transgression again.

7) Ask for forgiveness from those whom you have offended and allow time for them to deal with their pain or disappointment.

Forgiveness does not imply the re-establishment of the relationship to its condition prior to the sin; but it does allow us to give desire for revenge to God. Forgiveness means freedom from baggage that has been loaded on us by others.

James 5:16 "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."

Experiencing His Grace ~ Bob

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