At times we feel tired and depleted; we reach into the well but the well is dry and we sense spiritual emptiness. Our ministry even displays the dryness. Is there hope? The good news is that God has prepared a lavish feast for you today. Proverbs 9:1-5 describes God's sumptuous banquet in terms of "meat and wine" = good teaching that is palatable and profitable. His house is described in that passage as spacious and enduring.
The same theme is echoed in Isaiah 55:1-2. His words, "Come, all who are thirsty, come to the waters;" lend encouragement and display a face of God that is welcoming and approving. The "water" is associated with the giving of the Spirit of God, poured out on souls that are spiritually parched, yearning for sustenance. The invitation is extended by God to people who have no resources to receive freely the things they so desperately need. Isaiah 55:2 instructs us to "listen to Me and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare." God issues the invitation to be filled by the lavish abundance of His extravagant banquet that has been prepared just for you.
His menu includes:
(1) Appetizers of permission to say, "NO!" for a time to the screams that call you to busyness and working for Him.
(2) Cool, refreshing water in encouraging conversation as you spend time in quiet, listening to His voice.
(3) Delicious entrees as you mull over a section of His Word and allow it to feed your soul.
(4) Rich desserts as you journal what He says to you.
Because He loves you deeply, He has prepared a lavish feast just for you. He wants to spend some special time with you and feed your soul with His abundance. Enter His special place of blessing. Sit with Him and eat and drink deeply from His tasty menu. May your soul be nourished by accepting His loving invitation.
Enjoy the banquet, Bob