
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Wildflowers * autumn nesting delights

A voice says, 'Shout!'

I said, 'what shall I shout?'

'These people are nothing but grass, their love fragile as wildflowers.

The grass withers, the wildflowers fade, if God so much as puffs on them.

Aren't these people just so much grass?

True, the grass withers and the wildflowers fade, but our God's Word stands firm and forever.'
- Isaiah 40 {The Message}
Oh Dear God ~
In many ways our lives are so very fragile.  The very next breath we breathe just might be our last.  That's a little unsettling.  To say the least.
But when all is said and done, we know deep within our hearts that our birth days, our death days, and every hour sandwiched in between our arrival and departure from this planet are completely in Your most wise and capable hands.  And although we sure would like to call the shots and control the timetable of each second that defines our existence here on this earth, the span of our years is completely out of our control.
That, too, can be more than a little unsettling.
We are Yours.  And when that peace-laden truth finally settles in afresh to our oft' worried, anxious hearts and minds, we, with faltering lips, can only pray, 'Thy will be done.'
Give us a strengthening grace to live that prayer out moment by moment, with a holy joy that just can't be explained ... or taken away.  Especially when loss and grief threaten to overwhelm. 
For Jesus sake.  For Your glory.
 In honor and memory of my parents' three loved ones
who've passed away in the last few weeks.
Come quickly, oh blessed Comforter, come.
Leave a prayerful thought on this post and you'll put yourself in the the running
for one of the two giveaways of Myquillyn Smith's book, THE NESTING PLACE
Click here for the details of the giveaway and the links to all the series' posts.
 Sabbath's purest, kindest blessings to you, to yours.
>     nesting with Barbie & Lisha & Courtney     <


  1. Love the photo of flowers and what a good reminder of how short and precious life is.

    1. Thanks for kicking off this sabbath conversation, Leigh! Yes, I am learning much about life as I watch my parents navigating that later season with their own friends ... I see so much strength and wisdom displayed even in the middle of the hugest challenges and most bittersweet sorrows.

      Where would we be without Jesus ...

  2. I am sorry for the losses your parents have experienced. Prayers for them and for you, friend.
    Much love. xoxo

    1. I appreciate your kindness, Beth! But that's who you are ...

      I'll pass on your thoughtfulness to them. Thank you, thank you, friend.

  3. The very reason the future is not revealed to us---we need to live in the moment. Praying, Linda!

    1. Amen, girl! You're right on. It is enough that HE knows ...

      Have a delightful Sabbath rest, friend.

  4. Holy JOY, I like that, Linda. Loss is a cruel fact of this world. I'm so thankful that we have the hope and promise of a better place. I pray that your parents are comforted in this truth. Blessings, my friend.

    1. Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted. And I am seeing that grace-gift played out as I listen to Mom and Dad sort through all that's been coming their way. Thanks for your prayer support, my friend ...

  5. Spending that precious time with our parents is such a gift, but life is defined more clearly when remaining friends or family members of our parents pass on. It leaves our parents feeling alone and a little tenuous about their own lives. You chose the perfect verse about the wildflowers to highlight this and to remind us that God's word always stands firm. Praying for your parents! Weekend blessings!

    PS So your husband grew up in Cincinnati! What part of the city did he grow up in and when was this?

    1. He left in 1973! It's been awhile ... and now he calls NY {and Cape Cod} home!

      I love that God's Word speaks to where we are right in the middle of our sorrows as well as celebrations. Blessed be His name!

  6. "Thank You" is absolutely inadequate to express our feelings and thanks.

    Love, Dad and Mom

    1. There's alot of prayer support going on for you during this difficult season of illness and loss, Mom and Dad. You are not alone! Please know that even though people haven't met you face to face, Creekside's Saturday night house church and this loving online community are faithfully lifting you up in prayer.

      I love you ...


  7. "Especially when loss and grief threaten to overwhelm."
    yes, especially then.

    1. I know that you know, Carol.

      May deepest sabbath rest and healing be your experience, friend ...

    2. God met me in a very profound way during a therapy weekend with my counseling center - meeting me in a very deep way that capped the work I have been doing with long held grief and living a life of fear. I can't even write about it yet on my blog and now sure I will. I'll send you an's what I shared with a few close friends.....i know you know loss and grief also.

    3. Fear's such a harsh taskmaster and the biggest stronghold that holds us back from being all God has shaped us to be. Grief can keep us absolutely immobiized, too.

      I praise God for this weekend He's given you and for the freedom that is coming to you, Carol. You are courageous and strong to have gone to that place.

      I can't wait to see what He does in the days ahead! You'll know when / if to share your story. Promise. He has ways of opening doors that let us know that 'this is the way, walk ye in it.'

      Blessings, friend.

  8. Oh Linda, Just seeing your name brings comfort to my soul. You're an incredible encourager, approachable friend and consistent source of strength. It's hard for me to picture you grieving or in need. This is a lovely post to honor the loss of your loved ones. May God breathe peace over you and your family during this season. Today - my tears intermingle with yours.

    1. I'm beyond grateful and a little awestruck that His comfort can even begin to flow through me. Only grace. Lots of unmerited, undeserved grace.

      2 Corinthians 1:3-5, my friend.

      I like to remind people from time to time that just 'cause you've got a bunch of initials after your name doesn't mean you've arrived. Those who know me best know that's the TRUTH!!

      We're all on this journey together, Pat. Thank you for being a part of this supportive little community on the way ... I praise God that you find His love in this space.

  9. This is so appropriate. My father passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday. We've spent the time since then gathering family from afar, making decisions, comforting each other, and promising to cherish each moment moving forward.

    1. Oh dear Debby. I am so sorry for your loss. I'm praying for you right now even as we speak. And asking His loving comfort to overflow from one family member to the next.

      And yes, yes to what you've said ... 'promising to cherish each moment moving forward.'

      Amen. Again, my deepest condolances.

      Creekside friends ... please join me in praying for Debby and her family during this time of great loss.

    2. Yes, praying for your family, Debby. So much grace to you guys. May His nearness and comfort be tangible.

    3. Dana ... how can I thank you enough for joining us in prayer. Could this be why God sent you this way tonight?

      Deepest blessings. And welcome.

  10. Hi Linda! Oh my, loss is so hard. The older we get, it seems like so many people become sick, disabled and pass away. I have a 97year old aunt and she really is sad that all her friends and sisters are gone. We really cherish our dear ones, as we should. That's what makes it so hard. I will pray for you parents and you too.
    What a support you are to them my friend,

    1. Your presence here today encourages me greatly, Ceil. Thank you so much. This truly is a difficult season. To know that others 'get it' lets us all know that we're not alone.

      I'm grateful for you ...

  11. Amen! Great prayer to start the week!
    Hope you had a restful weekend Linda!

    1. Lots of rejuvenating rest. Thanks, Sarah!

      I hope you had lots of fun with your girls ...


  12. I am sorry for this season of loss Linda. Praying you are held fast in His grip. That you experience His grace. Blessings to you dear friend.

    1. You penned it well, Lisha. Held fast in His gracious grip. Who'd want to be anywhere else?

      I love Him so! Good times, not so good times ... He's our one constant, never leaving, never changing, and always very present.

      And He's walking with us into this glorious week!

  13. I can tell exactly where your heart and mind is wandering in these days of uncertainty and human frailty. My prayers continue to be with you, Linda! I hope you and your mom are feeling God's loving and comforting presence surrounding you and your family!

    1. I know you know. I know you care. I know you're praying.

      How can I say thanks? You are a gift to me ...


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
