
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Feathering * autumn nesting delights

I wasn't halfway up the driveway when I realized it was misting out.  Heavily.  The gray skies hung low and looming, a damp chill had descended, and it struck me that a morning walk was truly a miserable idea.  So, ever looking for excuses, I turned right around and headed back inside.

Truth is, I really didn't want to walk vigorously this morning.  I wasn't all that into stretching my muscles or getting the blood flowing briskly through my veins.  The cry of my heart was to simply be still.  To stay indoors. 

And feather my nest.

It wasn't long til the sneakers were off and the fluffy slipper socks on.  A mug of tea was brewing, all steaming and flavored with herbs and honey.  I sipped as I picked up the phone and checked in with my parents.

And then I began to putter.

For there were sheets and quilts that needed to be pulled up and smoothed out, pillows fluffed and arranged just so.  Clothes that needed to be hung up the right way.  And clean wash that needed to be tucked away into half empty dresser drawers.

Dishes awaited their trip to the dishwasher and counters needed to be rediscovered under random piles carelessly strewn. Bathrooms awaited a wipe down and floors desperately needed to be reacquainted with the vacuum.

Books and receipts and mail, the week's accumulated odds and ends, begged to be tended to.  There was dinner to consider, emails to answer, posts to read.  And one to write.
Feathering is this counselor's therapy.

Puttering around as I care for our nest speaks peace to somewhere deep inside.  Doing so in solitude and silence restores my energy - physically, mentally, emotionally.

I do love a rainy day at home.  And it is in this movement through the most routine of tasks, in the sacred handling of the simple daily chores, that He restores my soul.

I feel His pleasure.

I've simply been wowed by the numbers of you coming by for this little autumn house party! 
I just love that YOU are gathering here with us. 

If you'd like to jump into the conversation, you'll put yourself in the the running for one of the two giveaways of Myquillyn Smith's book, THE NESTING PLACE!  Simply leave a comment below.  If it looks too complex, not to worry!  Simply email your thoughts to me at and I'll post them for you.

And here's where you'll find details about the giveaway and links to all the posts in the series.

The welcome mat is out ... for YOU!


feathering my nest with Holley


  1. I have already made a comment but for some reason it isn't showing up. Since I am a man "nesting" is not in my DNA. I ride my bike to find rest. However, there are times my muscles tell me "no bike today" and that is when I decided to "piddle." I might work out on my Bowflex while listening to some loud music. I like to do 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles. Did one this past weekend for my grandson called "Batter Up." Sometimes I just like to sit and read. Whatever it is I do, it is a change from the norm.

    1. Putter, piddle, WHATEVER! The idea is that we discover what we need to do to relax ourselves, something that recharges and renews and breathes life.

      Bill ... thanks for the man's perspective around here! I know my husband would have biking at the top of his list, so you're in good company!


  2. GOOD FOR YOU--my mantra---LISTEN to your body!!! OH and PLEASE send that cool weather this way!

    1. Amen, amen, amen.

      I'm a big advocate of listening to your body. Those little red flags are saying 'pay attention to this, pay attention to this!'

      The key is responding quickly, and not waiting til your body gives out and you end up half dead.
      Been there. Done that.

  3. Hi Linda. I love the pic you have up, so pretty. I totally relate to this post. I used to find cleaning a chore, but as I grow older it has turned into a soothing activity. I love this new change. It makes me feel super productive.

    1. Isn't it cool when we find something to do that's soothing, yet productive? How good is that! What a win / win activity ...


  4. Linda,
    your sacred puttering sounds soothing...glad you were able to feel soul rested as you feathered your nest :)

    1. YAY! It was a soothing, restful day. Yes, Dolly. I even tucked a nap in there. And now I'm ready to roll once more ... I love a good oasis in the midst of life's happenings!

      And it makes me smile that you've joined us here tonight!


  5. Tuesdays are my day to putter around the house since I don't go into work until late. The kids are in school and I have some much desired peace and quiet. If it's rainy, that's an added bonus!! I love to light some candles, burn some incense, pump up some 70's music and just go thru the house getting to those chores that get pushed aside. It's rejuvenating. On another note, I snagged a copy of "The Nesting Place" from a local library. I was skeptical that I would learn to love my "starter home" that I've now been in for 23 years. But, halfway thru the book, I started learning a different way to look at my house. The "dog hair bunnies" come from a well loved dog who is faithful and protective of my kids. The scuffs and digs on the coffee table are from 3 kids who loved the table so much they did all their work on it. The toys thrown across the sun room floor make me happy that my child chooses to play with toys instead of electronics. I could go on the end, I'm grateful to have a house......and that thru it all God has helped us keep it. I'm going to now look at my house as a beautiful gift that is well worn, but holds beautiful memories!!

    1. Val - I love how you name all those simple pleasures ... those you love, the stories you are grateful for, the memories you treasure as you look around your home ... that was one of the big takeaways in The Nester's book for me.

      Our spaces, our families don't have to be perfect to beautiful. You are so right ... we have so much to be grateful for and we don't have to look too far to see those graces.

      Thanks for sharing your heart here. As always, your words make a difference!

  6. As I read this, it is raining here. I too am not upset about missing my walk today. ;)

    1. The sun returns. His mercies are new every morning. Every hour, in fact.

      Grace, grace.

  7. I was inspired to nest a bit today after reading your post! It's just been the last couple days I have been mobile enough to start to nest. I like it too. I have to be careful though because i usually get completely overwhelmed when i look at what needs to be done.(read "ADHD kicks in") I am learning to focus on little bits at a time and call it "done" for now! enjoying being with you these days.

    1. I'm glad that these little offerings can be a companion of encouragement as you mend. God brings you to mind during this sacred confinement and I lift you back up to Him, Carol.

      Sabbath's refreshing joys ...

  8. I love how you describe "feathering your nest". What a beautiful image of those moments that hanging out in the comfort of your own home is exactly what you need. I love days to put on comfy clothes and settle in and be still. Thanks for a fun series for Fall.

    1. I love being home. It's in this quiet space that I ready myself for the next challenges that life brings. I am grateful ...

      I hope you're thriving as you do 31 Days, Mary! Go get 'em, girl!

  9. I've been longing all summer for a day with a nice, slow, gentle rain. Texas finally got one and we were in Colorado, lol! Nothing beats a rainy day for feathering the nest! Or curling up with a good book and a cuppa! Great series, Linda - I'm trying to catch up on your posts!

    1. What encouragement that you're taking the time to catch up on these little offerings, June. It kind of makes my day! And keeps you right in the running for those wonderful Nesting Place books!

      It was a good day to curl up with a copy once again ... every time I wander through Myquillyn's pages, I'm inspired once again.

  10. I love puttering and rainy days.
    You made is sound so beautiful.

    1. Warm and cozy, safe and sound. What a cherished haven our homes are ...

      Thanks for coming by, Loralee. It's so good to see you again!


    2. Oops! You made "it" sound so beautiful! ;0)
      It's been a crazy fall!
      You are sweet.

    3. I knew EXACTLY what you meant, Loralee!

      I'm super glad you're here, too.


  11. I'm not very good at 'feathering my nest' ;). I'd rather be out looking for a fine-feathered friend's nest (discovering a hummingbird nest close to our house this summer was a treat). On rainy days, I like to curl up with a good book and if I feel guilty, I'll sporadicly attend to my nest. Isn't it neat that we can all unwind and enjoy downtime differently?

    1. You make a great point, friend! Feathering our nests goes far past moving accessories around our houses. Our souls are nests, too, and need to be tended and fed and cherished. I spent an hour or so walking yesterday, soaking up beauty and peace, camera in hand.

      It made that nesting place of my heart feel richer for it.

      Thanks for expanding this conversation! I'm truly grateful you're here!

  12. Oh, this sounds like such a lovely way to spend a rainy day!

    1. Yesterday was another one of those days ... my sister and I just hung out together, resting, reading, talking, staying warm. These cozy hours are good for the soul, yes?

      I'm glad you're here, Kathryn. Truly!


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
