
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Glimmers & Bursts

God is so good! 

Can I get an amen out there somewhere?

Our precious Lord is always giving us something marvelous to celebrate, isn't He?  Sure, when times are tough we might just have to look just a wee bit more diligently, but there's always a glimmer, a sweet blessing or two waiting to be discovered and claimed as our own.  Each burst of joy so undeserved comes etched with our very own names, a priceless unique grace-gift straight from His loving heart. 

I can't help but think it gives Him pleasure when we spread the word of what He's doing in our lives.  Even if the gifts are quirky.  Not especially jolly.  Or seemingly not all that important in the grand scheme of things.

I found my name on these graces this month . . .

1.  More than ever, making memories with my parents has been sheer delight.  Yes, even if we sometimes make each other crazy!  Thanks for your prayers for my Mom and for our family as we walk together through her illness.  No pity parties or tales of woe around her neck of the woods.  Her positive attitude and deep-rooted faith brims up and spills over, touching the lives of all who cherish her. 

She's still knitting an array of wonderful little hats for Operation Christmas Child.  Enthusiastically trying new recipes in her trusty crockpot.  Bravely breaking in a brand new computer like a seasoned pro.  And even when weak or weary, she's continues to be intensely focused on the everyday details in the lives of each family member and friend who gathers 'round to visit.

If I ever grow up, I want to be just like her.

2.  A rarity? A grown-up movie that you can take your kids or your parents to, an offering that's not cringe-worthy, obnoxious, or crude. The Hundred-Foot Journey was beautifully crafted, charming, well acted, and more than a bit thought-provoking. You'll walk away smiling, with your borders enlarged, and a fresh appreciation for the creation of a very fine omelet.


3.  I finally got an e-reader.  I've downloaded a couple of books, a Bible, and a few games but haven't done much with them.  I still want to handle a paper-paged book that smells faintly of library.  I want to sit with my 25 year old Bible held together with layers of packing tape and crammed with margin jottings.  And the real life Bananagrams with wood tiles that you pull out of the scrunchy yellow bag and spread all over the table is so much more appealing than the slick screen version. 

Meanwhile, the man is ecstatic because he won't have to lug a huge tote overflowing with 50 pounds of books whenever we travel.  {He hopes.}

4.  If you've been around here for any length of time, you know I'm a big 31 Days fan.  {I penned these 4 reasons why last fall ... and showcased The Nester's brand new barn yesterday.} But this year, I've had to pass up that invitation to write each and every day for a month.  Instead, I'll be pulling together a little house party, an autumn nesting delights series that will run two, maybe three weeks.  Whatever.  The posts will be short and sweet, some a bit reflective and others just a tad challenging. 

And in honor of 31 Days, I'll be giving away two copies of Myquillyn's serendipitously creative book, THE NESTING PLACE to a couple of readers who celebrate the season's delights with me!  Consider this your official invite to join us.  Please?

5.  My friend Beth just welcomed home her man from his service to our country.  Grab your tissues and celebrate with her.  Because sometimes there .  are .  no  .  words.
>  sharing life with  Kristin  *  Holley  *  Leigh  *  Emily


  1. Thanks for the video reference Linda. Went to Beth's site and commented. Great video.

    1. How good of you to honor Beth and her husband, Bill. Thank you. I'd love to see every reader head over to her place and say 'thanks for all you've sacrificed.'

      Blessings for leading the way ...

  2. God is SO good. So many reasons to smile here. Thanks for sharing the video, Linda, and for celebrating my husbands return with me. I adore you. Looking forward to your "autumn nesting delights" series. Bless you. xoxo

    1. Ah ... you beat me to it! I was just going to send you the link so you knew I had shared the video ... and your comment awaited!

      I hope you're having a awesome week together ...

  3. I'm not a crier, but I couldn't watch that video without bawling. For me, it wasn't an airport, but a crowded pier, watching his destroyer pull slowly into port. The men who had never met their babies were the first ones off the ship. Finally I saw him through the crowd. My man was home! I celebrate with you Beth. I know firsthand what you both sacrifice. May the Lord bless you both.

    1. Dearest Jenn ... please let me tell you again how proud Dad and I are of you and your incredible man. For all your courage, for all you've both sacrificed along the way so that he could serve his country ... then and now. There are no words.

      I weep with you ... and yet rejoice. God is good.

      And I love you both.

      Lots of hugs ~ Mom

  4. An e-reader can't replace a book, but it can help with the back/neck strain of a traveling book lover. Pack your beloved Bible and one book, and keep the rest on the Kindle.

    1. Wise words from a wise woman!

      And why am I not surprised?

      Now ... WHICH book do I choose?



    2. I never know WHICH book until I am headed to the airport. It changes until the very last minute!

    3. Oh I hear you, Debby! Unless it's the next John Grisham book.


    4. I am a sucker for the ne t Grisham book too!
      Love the thoughts about your mom
      I a actually reading and occasionally commenting on blogs again
      Still moving slowly. I got a little too aggressive in my rehab and have had to be careful the last day or so.

    5. Welcome back, Carol! This has been a long haul for you. Hey Creekside readers ... please join me in praying for her recovery from surgery!

      Warmest healing blessings, friend.

  5. I look forward to hanging out here no matter what you write! :) Your easy, open style captured me from the beginning and your welcoming spirit keeps me coming back. You are a delight. I can relate to everything you penned about your mom and spending time with your parents. It is an honor and it is so life-giving for us and for them to join in conversation and memories. Blessings my friend!

    1. You've encouraged me so much this morning, Mary. God sent you my way and I am beyond grateful!

      Go get 'em at that school today ...

  6. I needed that video! After a rough morning, I need to see the people who really sacrifice so I can worry about just my family. There is not enough gratitude in the world for our military!

    By the way, I have had a Kindle for a few years, and I read my actual Bible and many books as well. I won't tell your husband that ;)

    1. You're right, Sarah. We take our freedom for granted and don't fully appreciate all we enjoy. Let's say thanks. To God. And to these families who sacrifice so much ...

  7. I saw Beth's post and tears and tears! I love my kindle--but NOT for profound books--they need to be close at hand. Your mom is MY kind of gal! We would be great pals! 31 days feeds by OCD habit---I am trying to be purposeful these days about what I post. Saw 100 Foot Journey and LOVED IT! Last but certainly not least---GOD IS GOOD---in the midst of the storm or in the joy of the dawn---HE IS GOOD!

    1. Wow! You covered all the bases in just a few sentences, friend! I'm glad the post worked for you ...


  8. You are going to grow to love your e-reader! You will still find, though, that for some things, nothing beats the good ol' physical book!

    1. When I curl up by the fire, tucked under a quilt, I know I'm gonna want a real-life book in my hands! Some things you just KNOW!

      Thanks for coming by, Stacey ...

  9. Linda, I enjoyed reading your words today. I felt like I was sitting in your kitchen over a cup of coffee.
    I am looking forward to watching that movie. Hopefully, my husband like it too.
    Thank you for sharing :)

    1. Wow! Your kitchen table words really made my day! Welcome to Creekside, friend. And thank you. Your grace and kindness have warmed me deep ...

  10. I love that your mom makes hats for Orphan Christmas Child! How great is that?!

    1. I was amazed when we emptied the shopping bag on the floor. We had fun sorting through them all. This 84 year old woman is something else!

      Love her so.

      Thanks for hosting such a fun gathering each month, Leigh ...

  11. I loved A Hunded Foot Journey. And oh, that homecoming video! As a military brat, it never gets old to watch this. I remember how it felt so well when I saw my daddy, and every time I watch one of these it takes me right back.

    1. Thank you for giving up your daddy ... I hope that little girl's sacrifice was honored and given great value all those years ago. Every time I watch the video the tears still come.

      So much has been given for us. Such a great gratitude must be shown.

      Thanks for visiting with us today, Joy. I hope you felt welcomed here ...


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
