
Monday, June 2, 2014

In Which This is Not the Time to Write

This is probably not the day to pull together a post. 

For this is the time, the place to sort through the weekend's myriad swirling emotions, the endless activity.  And process the highs, the lows that swing from grief to joy, apprehension to peace, uncertainty to gratitude. 

These are the precious hours to soak in the quiet stillness, the lilting music of birdsong, gentle wind chimes swaying, the distant spinning whir of laundry appliances joining the chorus song of life.

I begin this week by tidying up.  Clean sheets and towels emerge and playthings are tucked back on vacant shelves while I wait on a most important phone call.  I begin to prepare my heart for the counseling conversations scheduled mid-week with dear clients.

I recall once again Saturday's tender memorial service honoring a life lived well ... and my heart replays many conversations during that sacred gathering.  I recall friendships from decades past that have come to visit us once again, memories awakened. 

My eyes brim. 

And then my mind ricochets over to a crazy mosquito-infested photoshoot with the six little ones, a gentle sabbath walk, a hopscotch board chalked onto the driveway.  Ice cream savored in the hot sunshine's rays, a bag of frozen grated cheese icing an injured foot, and excited young crafters displaying woodshop creations hammered together with Pa.  Images of my daughters cuddling their own children close, an actively swinging hammock, a rainbow of hoola hoops strewn from here to there on newly mowed grass, and the joy of the family table all careen together, making me smile wide.

Shouts of laughter.  And too many hugs to count.

And maybe when all is said and done, this is why I write on the most ordinary of days.  Whether journaling or blogging, God seems to whisper deep as I put pen to paper.  It's there that He invites me to fully recollect and recall, to sort and process well, and to hope and dream the biggest of pictures. 

And from that place I emerge with learnings and peace that overflows and the deepest of gratitudes, even when concerns are deep and tears threaten to fall. 

His Spirit prompts me to remember the glorious sight of a double rainbow filling a very gray sky several dusks ago.  The anticipation of the days ahead beckons me forward.  No matter what those hours may hold ...

*   sharing life with KristenHolley & Kelli & {in}courage    *


  1. Linda, I am sorry for your loss. {Hugs}
    I think this may be one of my favorite posts of yours. There was a tenderness and beauty here that really touched my heart. I am so grateful you write. :) Much love to you. xoxo

    1. You've encouraged me greatly with your kind words just now, Beth. I am so thankful you're here with me today ...

  2. Linda, I love your pensive post today ; . . the grandkids, the love of family, the losses, the memories.
    I am wandering through my week, demanding little of myself. I know this will change but for now, this is what I do. spending time at the lake each day, sometimes writing, sometimes resting, sometimes reading, listening and connecting with friends. and coming here to see you . I like coming here. it is a restful place.

    1. That you are finding this to be a restful place gives me pause. God is alive and well and active in this little space. And for that I am grateful.

      Praying for you right now as He guides you through this difficult grieving season, Carol ...

  3. Thank you for Blessing us with your writing!

    1. Likewise, my friend. I hope your day's a delightful one ...


  4. "God seems to whisper deep as I put pen to paper. It's there that He invites me to fully recollect and recall, to sort and process well, and to hope and dream the biggest of pictures."

    Yes. I find clarity when I write, too; God helps me make sense of things when I try to put life into words. When I go too long without it, I feel like I'll explode. So glad you share many of your writings with us, Linda. Your words bless.

    1. And that is why we are kindred spirits, yes?

      I just had to write yesterday even though there were 50 zillion things that needed to be tended to. Once I hit publish, my mind was clear, my heart was open and I could go on my way and get things done.

      To know I'm not the only one is such a grace ...

  5. The anticipation of the days ahead beckons me forward. No matter what the hours may hold.

    Beautifully put. It's tempting for me to wake up every morning and say, looking at the day..."This is gonna hurt."

    It does. I can't do a lot of things any more, like stand in the kitchen and have a conversation with my wife, because the pain is simply too severe.

    And the only easy day was yesterday.

    But in a way, this no-quarter conflict is colored with glory. Not because I'm 'brave' or 'tough'. I've never found self-aggrandizement becoming, and especially not now, with illness as an excuse and manipulative tool.

    It just strips away the irritations of overdrawn bank accounts and spilled dog-water bowls and WHY are the neighbors listening to cranked up Gospel music at 4 AM?

    You look at a sunset like the one tonight...because you may not be here for tomorrow's sunset.

    In another place, a better one, yes. But not here.

    1. I've had too-many-to-count conversations with those who know they are near death's doors. These souls have learned what's important and they've left foolish frivilous irritations behind. Like you said, Andrew, they focus on what truly matters and in the process, teach us the lessons we should have learned long ago.

      I appreciate that you share time with us here, Andrew. You deepen the conversation.

  6. You write so beautifully, Linda! And I'm sure that some of that eloquence comes from the people and things that inspire you--like this sweet troop of grandkids. What fun and joy you and your family have had! I look forward to the days when I'll be encircled by some grandkids. I envy you in this just a bit, my friend. But in this busy season for me, I might not have the time to give to them like you've mentioned here. So here's to slowing down in life and savoring these precious moments. Good for you, girlfriend! You inspire me!

    1. Slowing down, savoring the moment, rejoicing in each simple blessing, being fully present to those you love. Yes, Beth, these are some of the biggest take-aways in this season.

      I don't see my little ones too often. And I'm still on a learning curve. But grateful, yes. Very.

  7. Reading what you shared here, savoring and truly living every moment and emotion your life offers, is just magnificent. I'm intentionally slowing down today, doing less and paying attention to all the blessings from God, so that I can once again learn to fully live. Have a wonderful rest of the week, Linda. ox

    1. Yuko ... I hope this day's graces and restful movement bring renewed peace to your week!

  8. This is so beautifully written. While I see that you have recently experienced loss I am keenly aware of how God has heightened your senses to the world around you, urging you forward to brighter days. My prayers are with you, friend. Such beauty in what your words have to say.

    1. Ah ... He truly specializes in bringing beauty from our wounded places. I'm praising His name for His faithfulness through life's unexpected jolts and unending concerns! And I'm so thankful you dropped in to join us here, Jennifer.

      Welcome ...

  9. God bless your heart, Linda. This post made me reflect and look back. I am praying for you. Keep your head high and your heart strong. Blessing is on its way from heaven. - Regards, Ritter.

    1. Thank you for visiting, for your kind, hope-filled words! God is so good!

  10. Linda,
    Adorable kids...and like you, I write to process life....sounds like you've had a very full weekend...many blessings as you process the tears, grief and joys in your life :)

    1. Yes, yes ... don't you feel blessed to be able to share life in the company of others? Thank you, Dolly, for sharing this journey with me!

  11. Hi Friend! Writing when it just doesn't make any sense sometimes ends up in something that is really beautiful. If God calls you to the page, he will provide you with what to write. And he sure did.
    The photo of your grands is so precious. What smiles on all of them (in spite of the mosquitos)! And tears for a life well-lived and friends that rest your heart...what beautiful people the Lord has brought to your life. You are a blessed woman. pass that blessing along to all your clients. It's a full circle. Very full.

    Thinking of you,

    1. A full circle. I like that, Ceil. Alot. I'm grateful for that lovely word picture you've painted for me this afternoon. You've blessed me ... once again!


  12. What a beautiful picture and what moving words! Thank you for sharing your heart. Peace-

  13. Thank you for taking a few moments out of your Saturday to say hi, Karen! Have a restful Sabbath ...

  14. I am so very glad you wrote, Linda. And reminding us all of why we do. "God seems to whisper deep as I put pen to paper." Amen. Thanks for linking this to Unforced Rhythms.

    1. I never cease to be amazed at the myriad of ways God shows Himself to us! And then that He can speak through us, our words, our lives? Sheer grace.

      Thanks for coming by, Beth ...


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
