
Friday, May 30, 2014

Not One Single Thing

Absolutely not one thing can separate us from the vast depth of His love.
Not the ugliest of our sins.
Nor our calendars when they get way too full.
Not the posturing and maneuvering of church politics.
Or really scary financial woes.
Not our never-ending guilt trips, authored by the enemy of our souls.
Or our health issues, as terrifying as they seem.
Nor our shame, the heavy mantle that renders us immobile.
Our embarrassing family dramas and our sad or sordid pasts won't get in the way.
And neither can our addictions no matter how deep they sink their poisonous fangs.
Because when all is said and done, His love conquers all.

'None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us.  I'm absolutely convinced that nothing -
nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low,
thinkable or unthinkable - absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love
because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.'
-   Romans 8 {The Message}   -
*     spending a bit of time with Holly     *


  1. Amen to all of this! <3 I've got goosebumps. xoxo

  2. This is beautiful Linda! I did this exercise this morning while I was still lying in bed. I imagined I was surrounded by light of His love, and every time I took a deep breath, I was filled more with His love. It was very joyful and peaceful experience overall, but the biggest takeaway is how I felt He loves me unconditionally. Hope you have a lovely weekend! ox

    1. Nothing and no one can steal His joy! What peace that gives, especially when things begin to unravel all around us.

      I'm grateful you're here, Yuko.

  3. Will I ever stop needing this reminder?!

    Thank you, Linda. What a something, this "nothing"... Talk about love of radical proportions! So strong that nothing can get in its way. I wonder if I'll ever fully grasp the awesomeness of that promise.

    Always a joy, spending these moments at Creekside...


    1. Radical. Yes! His endless love, His plans for us, His power to re-make and renew. What a wonderful Savior!

      And it's a joy, always, to see you here. I hope you are doing well, sweet lady ...

  4. Linda,
    Enjoyed reading all the ways God loves us anyway and He doesn't leave us where He finds us...through His love, we change but His love is constant through it all...blessings to you :)

    1. I'm glad you stopped in, Dolly ... have a restful weekend!

    2. Thank you, Linda for these reminders. I needed that tonight. God Bless you. Time to go spend some time in the Word.

    3. Hey Sara ... hope that Word time brought joy to your heart!

  5. Amen and Amen! A nice reminder to start my Saturday. Thank you, friend. Have a blessed weekend!

    1. I hope Saturday was simply fantastic, June. And Sunday is icing on that cake!

  6. I love this promise...that NOTHING can separate me from His Love. That Love truly DOES conquer all!!! Beautiful words today, my friend...I'm so glad I stopped by. :) (((hugs)))

    1. So cool to bump into you today again, Mel ... I am glad you are here!

  7. What a mighty and loving God we serve.

  8. You are right - nothing can get in the way of our relationship with God because He never stops pursuing and loving us. Beautiful reminder today!

    1. He pursues us gently yet firmly, yet gives us space to respond. Truly, a heavenly, sacred dance, my friend ...

  9. Loved this! So grateful for His love which is constant, consistent & unconquerable. Powerful reminder!!!

    1. And how different His constant and consistent love is from ours, which seems to wax and wane and change like shifting sand.

      I'm so grateful we don't live this life on our own. And I'm thankful that you are here today, friend!

  10. I love seeing all the different angles the five minute friday prompt takes. This is a wonderful reminder of the love that surrounds us. Visiting from Unforced Rhythms :)

    1. Good Morning, Kelly! 5 Minute Friday has been a much needed writing prompt on more that one occasion! I love visiting Lisa Jo's space here and there when the well is running dry!

      And I know I'm not the only one!


  11. This is such a great reminder. You have such a poetic way about you. I'm glad I found my way here from Five Minute Friday.


    1. How kind! Thanks for your encouraging words on this rainy spring evening, Candice!


  12. brilliant, beautiful truth to hold on to!

    1. Sometimes it's a bit surprising what can emerge in about 300 seconds ...

      I'm glad to see you tonight my FireFly friend!


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
