
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

In Which Pacing Became a Prayer Walk

The phone call was expected.

Those minutes encased an unsettling conversation that led to tears that streamed with a sadness ever so subtly interlaced with fear of worst case scenarios.

And then I wandered aimlessly to the back porch pacing, back and forth, forth and back. An odd activity for me, for sure.  But the slow rhythmic strides seemed to settle my numb heart, somehow cocooning it, cradling it.  The quiet steps soon morphed into the sweetest of prayer walks, a most comforting companion as I sorted through troubling news with the Lover of my soul.

Prayer.  This, the sacred sifting and releasing of cascading emotions through the filter of an everyday faith.  And an attentive listening for His sacred response.

Conversing with God settled my soul, calmed my mind.  And it suddenly dawned on me that a profound peace had descended like a gentle dove, landing on me, drifting through me, touching some aching place deep within.

I settled deep into a chair and watched the birds come and go, grazing purposefully at the feeders that gently swayed in the afternoon breezes.  And it hit me that the peace that had come to the forefront left no room for those fearful worst case scenarios.  For His Spirit had opened the floodgates of all that indwelling Son-ripened fruit of the soul, and the awaiting joy and peace overrode the dreadful wisps that had already faded into the far distance.

And in the silence and solitude, my precious Savior wrapped me gently close to Himself, whispering, 'peace I leave with you, My peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.'

* doing life with Kristen  .  Holley  .  Kelli


  1. Hi Linda! Prayer as 'sacred sifting...' I really like that image, it's very accurate. And the idea of pacing being a prayer walk too. That's a powerful picture in my mind.
    I'm sorry that you got some really challenging news, I hope everything is ok? I was glad to read that you felt the Holy Spirit opening you to peace and joy. May he be praised for all he does for us.
    Thinking of you,

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! We're walking with my mom through some uncertain medical challenges. Just watching and waiting for what God's going to do ...

      And yes, yes! May He be praised for all He does for us! Even in the middle of the waiting room times ...

  2. Beautiful words, Friend. My walks are always times of prayer--

    1. I hear you, my friend! My little 2 mile jaunts are just the best times with the Lord ... no other voices or screens or to-do lists or loads of laundry distract from these sweetest of conversations.

      Thanks for kicking off the week with me, Lulu!


  3. It's amazing how God can take our pain and turn it into something beautiful. Your prayer walk, these words... The difficult accepting and releasing of hurts and fears... These are God-breathed. Beautiful.

    A powerful concept of prayer here: "the sacred sifting and releasing of cascading emotions through the filter of an everyday faith." Sacred. Everyday. Cascading yet anchored. Yes, Linda. Yes.

    Praying for you,

    1. Good Evening, Sweet Lady ~ Don't you love how we can talk to our Heavenly Redeemer in whatever posture or position or emotional state we find ourselves in? And He responds with compassion, wisdom, grace ... and endless amounts of patience.

      What a wonderful Savior!

  4. Linda, I keep coming here thinking I've read my favorite post of yours and then come back again and I have a new favorite. There is such warmth and comfort in your words. This was beautiful. I think this is why I love walking so much. It's time when it's just me and Him. Much love to you. xoxo

    1. That you have found warmth and comfort here, Beth, is such an encouragement to me this evening. Thank you, thank you. You are so kind ... and I am so grateful.


  5. "And an attentive listening for His sacred response." When I can remember this piece, then peace comes. These words are beautiful. And just what i needed for the moment. Thank you.

    1. Oh yes, Carol ... it's not just in the emptying of ourselves, but in the receiving of all He has to offer us while we're in that authentic place that makes these prayer times life-altering. May you find Him continuing to meet your needs in substantial ways, friend ...

  6. You say it exactly - to sift the everyday through the filter of Him! Those moments like you describe - where you feel within as though you'd burst with a bunch of emotion that you just cannot process - and in our faith - we filter it through Him - and that is only how we can bear it - you describe it right down to the peace of it! Thank you, Linda - praying for you in after of that tough moment!

    1. You get it! You heard my heart. And at the stroke of midnight, no less! Thanks for wrapping up a Tuesday with us here, my friend. I hope that this week really shines for you ...

  7. You hang in there, my friend. I'm praying for you and your Mom.

    I can't really walk and pray - it hurts too much, and walking is something of an exercise in "this is gonna hurt, but one foot in front of the other" to accomplish a goal.

    Come to think of it, there really ISN'T a quiet and safe place for prayer any more!

    But no matter. God's here, and when I say "Darn it, this is getting ridiculous! Either heal me or kill me, but MAKE UP YOUR MIND!" I can hear His still, small voice saying, "Yeah. It sucks. But hang in there, for Me. Please."

    Sorry if that sounds kind of rough, but it's real, and I've been awake for three days.

    1. May He grant you very sound sleep to renew your body's strength ... and encourage you with a multitude of little gifts that bring hope to your soul, Andrew. I share that verse with you that's at the end of this post. For it has spoken volumes to me during times I'd just as soon forget ...

  8. Beautiful words. Love the image that if we let His peace fill us, then there's no room left for those worst-case worries.

    1. Glad to see that I'm not the only one up in these early morning hours today, Kathryn! Thanks for jumpstarting your day here with us!


  9. Sounds like we're having similar weeks. Praying for you, my friend :)

    1. Praying with you, for you, June. Even as we speak.

  10. I don't know what you're facing or who you are grieving for, but I am lifting you up, Linda! I pray that your prayers and those of your friends, like me, encourage and strengthen you today. Hugs to you!

    1. Yes, Beth, I'm peaceful and feeling encouraged by His Spirit and through friends near and far who are praying. And don't you love how we can lift each other up to Him without knowing every last detail? !

      God is good, even as we wait and wonder and hope.

  11. God is so faithful - even in the storms of life. Especially in the storms of life! Praying you'll feel his loving arms holding you up.

    1. You're so right, Nancy ... ESPECIALLY during those times when we feel like the rug just might get pulled out from under us. Always, always underneath are those everlasting arms ...

      Thanks for being here with us today!

  12. Peace really is such a gift. So grateful for it washing over you when you needed it!

    1. Nothing can beat His peace. Absolutely nothing!


  13. Linda, beautiful post...I'm settling deep into the chair right along with you...experiencing His Peace...thank you!

    1. Nothing like companionship along the journey, yes?

      Thanks for dropping in this evening, Beth. I am grateful you are here with us.

  14. Linda,
    I felt peace descend as I read your special to sense His peace come over as one converses with happy for you :) Praying you continue to experience His peace :)

    1. Nothing and no one can take that peace from us! It goes deeper than our circumstances and our emotions. Because He is God.

      Thanks, Dolly. Your words encourage ...

  15. When I read your post, I was instantly transported to childhood. My late father's favorite hymn was in the garden (and he walks with me). Do you know that hymn? There are a few different wonderful versions on youtube you should find. The words to the song always bring tears to my eyes because it is truly as we walk with him and talk with him that we can leave him our cares. Hope you have peace in your situation today! Have a wonderful week.

  16. I found a swollen lymph node behind my little one's ear this morning - very swollen - and fear hit like a wall, so hard I could hardly drive us all home from VBS. My family has a history of lymphoma, so lymph nodes scare me, but in the middle of it, I remembered a recent discovery - fear has no power except for that we give to it and, as we made it home and settled into normal, I gained some perspective and much needed peace. I'll be relieved to hear from the Dr and grateful when he's back to normal, but God's presence carries us through times of fear until we find ourselves safe again with Him. I'm so glad you have the gift of prayer to carry you through the waiting. Thanks for linking with Unforced Rhythms.


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
