
Thursday, June 12, 2014

For When Father's Day Breaks Your Heart

Dear Downcast Soul ~

I don't know who you are.  But I felt the need to write to you this weekend.  For I know that June presents a really tough holiday for you.

Truth be told, your father wasn't a messenger of love or kindness.  Along the way you were made to feel like you were never enough.  Or just too much.  You were not cherished in the ways your little heart longed for.  And you weren't cuddled in arms that were safe and secure.

I grieve with you that you weren't loved well, that you were neglected, abandoned, unprotected.  And all I can do is pray that the holy messenger from above will come down and be the daddy you never had.  That He would comfort you with the greatest gentleness and that you would experience safety under His wings.  I pray that you'll begin to grasp how deep and high and wide is His love for you.  And that His healing touch would mend your wounded heart with hope and peace.

For He loves you so ...


  1. A timely message. Glad I found you through FMF!

    1. Isn't it sad to say that this is timely. But it is, yes. Thanks for stopping in to visit this evening, Kaitlyn ...

  2. Oh this is so fitting for me. I try to focus on celebrating the amazing father that my daughters have but something in me always hurts for the little girl me.

    1. I hurt with you tonight, friend. And yet am grateful that your girls have an amazing daddy in their lives. May watching them celebrate life together give you peace ...

  3. So beautiful and full of grace! Wonderful way to write on this prompt tonight, Linda! Praying those who need to see it, will find it and find hope and peace!

    1. Even if for just one tender soul ...

      Thanks for finishing Thursday night with me, Karrilee!

  4. Thanks for writing this. So thoughtful and heartfelt. Beautiful.

    1. You're kind, Karen. Thank you for dropping in ...

  5. This is beautiful-- thank you so much for sharing!

    1. So good to have you here in this place, Courtney! Have a really great weekend ...

  6. Agreeing with Karrilee, beautiful and full of grace. Praying God brings your words to the one who needs them most. Blessings to you, friend. xoxo

    1. I've just gotta believe that God brings people across our pathways at just the right time. This is one of those bittersweet weekends for so many, isn't it.

      As always, I'm grateful you're part of this little community Beth ...

  7. This is beautiful and I know so many need to hear these words, Linda. Thank you for remembering those who weren’t loved by their earthly father and for pointing them to their Heavenly Father…xoxo, Meredith

    1. It's often a hard reach for those whose fathers have been lousy to comprehend a God that's tender, kind, and loving. May this somehow be a healing weekend for those in pain ...

      Thanks for stopping in this morning, Meredith!

  8. Thankful for your words chosen in grace and written in love today. And glad I found you through FMF!

    1. It's fun to be back @ Five Minute Friday these days after quite a few months ... I love a good writing prompt these days! And 300 seconds fits the bill.

      It's so good to rub shoulders with you, too, Jen!

  9. I just found my way here from Becoming Minimalist. That is absolutely beautiful! It is difficult on Mother's Day and Father's Day, when society expects this picture-perfect family. It is important to remember that we are loved, regardless of our circumstances.

    1. I seldom if ever leave a comment on Becoming Minimalist {even though I love Josh's blog!} Now I know why I was prompted to do so ...

      I'm truly glad that you've found our way here, Bethany. Yes, these holidays can be a beast for lots of reasons. I hope this little offering will let one or two hurting souls that they're not alone.

      Thank you for taking the time to say 'hi' ...

  10. I know this message will mean much to many. Thanks for your heart to share.

    1. I'm grateful to be able to reach out ...

      Thanks, Abby, for leaving your encouraging words.

  11. How skewed our view of father can be when our earthly messengers mess up the message. So grateful for our heavenly Father who can redeem that message over and over again. Beautiful post, Linda.

    1. Oh you've said it so well, Holly. Yes, He is the only One who can redeem our family disasters ...

  12. Linda, Thank you for your honest and brave letter! I pray that the Holy Messenger will truly fill any empty spaces that you have felt in your life from your own dad. Beautiful words from the heart are heard by Our Heavenly Father and His grace will rain down in abundance because He loves you dearly. Have a beautiful weekend friend!

    1. I have been blessed with a wonderful earthly father who has been deeply committed to Christ and has loved his family deeply and faithfully.

      But I know that is not the case for everyone. This letter is to those who come across this sacred space, to let them know that the Heavenly Father longs to bring healing to those wounds. And that we love and care about them, too ...

    2. I too have a wonderful father and sorry I misinterpreted your message. The prayer however will be comforting for any who struggle with their relationship with their dad. Blessed to be able to visit you here and learn from you!
      PS. My last day of school foggy brain got in the way of me trying to share some encouraging words with you!!!

    3. You're a sweetheart! Congrats on your last day ... what a huge relief. I hope you'll have a wonderful weekend of rest, Mary. And believe me, you are always an encouragment!


  13. Linda,
    What a beautiful prayer...thank you :) so truly grateful for how God loves us and delights in us...blessings to you :)

    1. I'm grateful you're here this evening, Dolly! Have a restful weekend ...

  14. This is such a tough topic for too many :(. Praying with you for the ones this will help!

    1. The power of praying together. Yes and amen, Sarah. For where two or three are gathered in His name ...

  15. Your tender words have arms and breath in this post. As I read and reread them, I could sense the Father's nearness and his offer of healing balm.
    Thank you for loving so consistently and tenderly. You bless me.

    1. Oh yes, Pat. His arms are open and He offers His healing touch ...

      May His presence warm your heart, friend ...

  16. Hello My Friend! Thank you for your lovely comment today, and reminding me that not all people are so blessed with good Fathers. Your message really struck a chord here, how wonderful to touch so many.
    You have wonderful gifts...thank you for sharing them with all of us.

    1. You're right, Ceil. Sadly this message is touching a chord ... but gratefully, our Healer is able to touch our woundedness in a power-filled way, and for that I am praying as people come by to visit here this weekend.

      Blessings, my friend!

  17. Well, I fall into that category. My childhood was not all it might have been, putting it mildly, and forgiveness has been hard. Almost twenty years he's been dead. Still hard.

    But whether I've forgiven him or not, I'm still praying, and if he's indeed in the hot place I hope that my prayers have the volume and voice to reach down there and drag him into the Light.

    I know that's not Scriptural, but it's all I have to offer.

    1. I love that you're continuing the dialogue with God, Andrew. Be sure He never grows weary of you and treasures your conversations together.

      You're right. Forgiveness doesn't come easy. It's a journey, not a one time event. Keep on going, friend. Keep on going.

      My prayers go with you ...

  18. Very thoughtful post. Thanx.

    I am so grateful for what my parents did for me.

    God bless.

    1. Grateful, yes. I echo your words, Victor. Thanks for stopping in ... and welcome to Creekside!

  19. Your words make me ache....and yet my spirit soars with hope knowing that the Father is faithful and is more than enough...

    1. May that sacred hope of healing free your aching soul, my friend ... and may increasing joy soon let you soar free.

      Warmest blessings on this beautiful Monday ...

  20. I relate to you, friend. It is a hard ache and our hope is in our Heavenly Daddy to heal and restore and give us the love our fathers couldn't give. May today be full of new hope and peace.

    1. Praise God ... when all is said and done, He is the ultimate lover and healer of souls.

      Thanks for sharing in this place, Paula ...

  21. And this was written for me...every word. Grateful for this divine appointment Linda.

    1. I love divine appointments, Lisha. And I'm so grateful that we've had one together with Him. May He continue to meet you in every memory, may His tenderest healing touch be yours ...


  22. Thank you for these much-needed words, Linda. I'm so glad you're part of the Unforced Rhythms community.

    1. I love a good online community where there's a nice give and take, not just a link and run kind of thing ...

      Thanks, Kelly, for stopping in this afternoon!


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
