
Friday, May 23, 2014


I want to be close to nature this morning.  The sun shines bright instead of the forecasted rain.  I know I've got to grab my sneakers and get outside and stretch these dormant muscles, breathe deep this fresh, brisk air and feel it fill my lungs with energy.  I need to be right smack dab in the middle of this moment, the birds calling back and forth, the newly emerged leaves swaying in the breeze.  I hear the call to be fully alive and awake and present with the movement of the clouds across the brilliant blue sky.

I'm craving intimacy with God and His creation this morning.  The still small voice invites me to be an intricate part of this panoply of praise that resides outside these windows. 

I'm saying yes.

And to do that, I need to close my computer.  Shut it up tight.  And open myself wide to the wondrous awakening beyond these four walls.

* this, a 5 Minute Friday post

* sharing with Kelli & Holly


  1. What a lovely way to start the morning. I love it when you feel the urge and desire to get away from all the other stuff and spend time with God. I hope you are out on this beautiful morning doing just that. Blessings, Rebecca (visiting from 5 minute friday)

    1. Mornings are when I usually do the online thing. But days like today, I'm learning to say 'forget it,' and get outside where I belong.

      Thanks for coming in and spending a few minutes today, Rebecca. So good to meet you!

  2. Fully alive. Awake. Present. Amen!

    Spectacular photo, Linda. I love how the outline of the clouds mirrors the outline of the lilacs, the rich "panoply" of creation singing as one voice.

    It's another beautiful Creekside moment... Thank you.


    1. Only a creative artist like you would see those shapes written in the skyline! And then thanks to your prompting I spied a little blue heart, center left. Tell me I'm not seeing things, dear lady!


  3. Hi Linda! So here is my voice, squeaking out from the closed up tight laptop. "Have fun! Those lilacs look incredible...say 'hi' to God for me!"
    Happy Weekend my friend,

    1. You have the loveliest of voices whether through your written words and over the phone lines. You make me think, you bring big smiles. What a gift to me ... and those who have that privilege of hearing your heart.

      Weekend blessings, Ceil!

  4. Beautiful lilacs. How magnificent is His creation.

    1. And all God's people said 'amen.'

      Thanks, Wendy!

  5. Amen, Linda! {sigh} I miss the lilacs, breathe them in for me, please. Have a blessed weekend!

    1. I need to bring a bunch inside tomorrow from our little tree in the backyard which is nothing like this gorgeous beauty that I spied on a walk last week. For once, the camera was with me!

      And that you can appreciate, dear photographer!

      Enjoy the holliday weekend, June ...

  6. I hope you and God had a great time out in His marvelous creation! Love the picture of the lilacs.

    1. And it always makes me smile to see your smiling face come to visit! I love walking and talking with Him. Our best. most focused conversations are when I'm moving ahead on two feet. Why, I'm not sure ...

      Blessings as we head into this holiday weekend, friend!

  7. Had a nice 8 mile stroll this morning along the Trinity River----beautiful---but summer has arrived in Texas!

    1. Wow, girlfriend! An 8 mile jaunt in the dead of summer? You truly are amazing.


      May your sabbath be filled with cooling breezes and rest for body, soul, and mind ...

  8. Linda, I hear that same call to be close and to get outside in the middle of all of it. I hope you made it out to enjoy all God laid before you.

    1. I'm enjoying this loveliest of weekends ... soaking in the sunny breezes while walking near water's edge. Sitting with a good book. Sharing a salad lunch with my sister. Chatting with my parents, keeping an eye out for orioles at the feeder. Simple pleasures. God is good ...

  9. Panoply???? Ok Linda, I will admit I had no clue what the word meant - but the picture was breathtaking, so I looked at that instead of reading the blog!

    1. Well, my dear, I know who 'Stella' is a code name for! I wasn't born yesterday! So here you go -

      panoply - 'a wide-ranging and impressive array or display'

      And yes, I had to double check when I was writing to make sure it wasn't a word borne from an over-active imagination.



  10. Amen, friend. I did this twice today. I closed my computer and headed outdoors for a long walk. I need those moments with Him and His creation. I'm wanting to head out again as words are not coming on the post I am trying to write which means it is time to close down and let is rest for now. Much love to you. I hope you had a beautiful day.

    1. Yep, you can't force those words to come. If it's not happening, it's not happening! I love that you let the whole thing go and did something energizing and encouraging for yourself, Beth. It surely was the day to do that ...

  11. We do have to do that, don't we...just shut the lid on our computers, lay the phone aside and just spend time with our Creator. I hope your heart and spirit came away refreshed and your day is full of joy.

    1. Being outside and enjoying His creation sure beats sitting inside mesmerized by a screen. Most especially in the beauties of this season!

      Thanks for stopping in this afternoon, Pamela. I hope you're having a great week!


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
