
Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Simplicity Series : : Traveling Light

Meet Jonathan and Allison.  They're sharp, smart, young professionals.  He's a savvy leadership guru, knows how to work a room with the greatest of ease, and is just plain fun.  She, the bride of my nephew, is simply radiant with a quiet, gentle loveliness ... and she's brilliant as well. 

When they married, Jonathan moved 700 miles with just two carloads of possessions.  The only furniture he saved?  One lone folding chair and a TV tray.  Since then, this couple has embarked on a purposeful journey of examining what they own and the role it plays in their lives. 

I'm impressed ... and not just because he's my sister's first born. They're traveling light.   And I love that in a few dozen years they won't end up like so many of us who are held hostage by way too many accumulations, overwhelmed by endless piles of miscellaneous stuff that means absolutely nothing.

It won't be long til they'll be relocating 700 miles east {with their beloved dog, Caleigh} once Allison finishes her doctorate in statistics.  But no matter where they journey, they assure me that they're going to keep on discussing, strategizing, and LIVING simplicity.

This five session series is going to be chock full of hands-on practical goodies and resources that have worked for them.  I know that you're going to be able to grab hold of some cool ideas that you can use in your own journey toward simplicity. 

And do feel free to share this series on Facebook, Twitter, Google+.  The links are below.  

Ready to roll?  Subscribe right here so you don't miss a single session!



traveling with Beth  .  Kristen  .  Beth  .  Elizabeth  .  Holly .  Wanda


J & A photos in this series by Katy Travis


  1. This will be an interesting series! Knowing the DNA Jonathan carries and my (his mother's) propensity of saving everything, I will look forward to checking on them when they have an attic, basement, garage and a spare bedroom to make sure they are still "living simply"! Knowing Allison and Jonathan, they will be!

    1. Who knows, they may opt to end up in one of those cute little houses ... with no attic, basement, garage OR spare bedroom!

      And then you'll have to come up with Plan B when you go to visit!


    2. What a stellar idea, though I think that might run a little too small for us!

  2. I am looking forward to this series! I love the idea of less stuff...and smaller houses !!

    1. This is going to be fun! You'll see their personalities come out in their He Said/She Said presentations. I'd love to hear your take when the series is over, Barb!

      Thanks for dropping by and helping me kick off these special posts this evening ...

  3. I love simple living. After moving many times, living in two third world countries I have few things left to even count dear. It always amazed me that after years of living overseas, the things we left in the states stored we had lived totally without. We have been home two years and was shocked at the "stuff" we had collected in that short time. And we don't even own a house. I will be back to gleam from this series, always looking for ideas to help young missionaries going to the field.

    1. Yes! We have much to learn from our friends who live in simplicity, no matter what country they call home. I look forward to your insight here, Betty, and the musings of others who live in other areas of our globe.

      And I love that you're ready to share your learnings and your possessions with those who need them way much more than we do.

      In the end, it's all about loving well, yes? And freeing ourselves up to do that better.

  4. My life is SO MUCH more simple since I down-sized BIG TIME! I think VERY carefully before any purchase now! Frees me up for IMPORTANT things!

    1. I love your philosophy, Lulu! People, ministry, living life ... BEFORE possessions! Yes!


    2. Lulu this is such a great point. It's not that we won't buy anything, but we focus on what's important. That might result in us buying something, and it might not. That's such an empowering perspective to have.

  5. I concur with Betty Draper, after living overseas without much of anything as far as possessions go, you sure look at things differently. We sold our home in the States and almost all of our furniture...assuming we would be over there full time and forever. Now that we are back, we do not own a home and live very simply...we didn't have much to come back to anyway. And you know what? It's okay!! I will enjoy this series Linda. Blessings.

    1. And I will enjoy your observations as we move through these sessions. Truly, Nannette! Thanks for sharing a bit of your story. I am glad you're here.

  6. Oh, I look forward to this series. A needed area in my life - to simplify. I like stuff. Pretty stuff for the home, cute clothes…'s all very appealing to me. We're doing a Dave Ramsey course at our church right now and seems as though God is getting my attention in these areas. I long to be in a place where we have more margin to give graciously to others.

    1. 'To be in a place where we have more margin to give graciously to others.' These words you've penned are so profound ... and what a Christ-honoring goal!

      And yes, Dave Ramsey's material is outstanding. Dear readers - please check him out at

      Thank you for taking the time to chat with me today, Melody! I look forward to reconnecting with you along the way ...

  7. "Traveling light" - that is something that I must learn to do. Have a great week!

    1. Looks like more and more of us are craving less luggage, in every sense of the word!


  8. What maturity they show to start out their life together this way! Traveling light, indeed. Thanks for sharing a little bit of this journey, Linda.

    1. I knew this post would get some attention, but I've been surprised {and delighted!!} by the number of people that have dropped in to check it out.

      We're yearning for something simpler. Sometimes we just don't know it, though ...

      I hope your week is going splendidly, my friend!


    2. Thanks for your encouraging words, Laura. We're so appreciative that our story can inspire and encourage others.

  9. Love this topic! Have you read Max Lucado's book Traveling Light?

    1. Super! I'm adding this on to my book list even as we speak, Lyli. Thanks for letting us all know about it!


    2. I haven't heard of it either, but it's on my list now too! Thanks for sharing.

    3. It's an oldie, but a goodie!
      Thanks for linking up at Thought-Provoking Thursday. :)

  10. I love this! I wish I would have followed their example when I was younger. And so looking forward to the series!

    1. I'm so glad you're here, Maria. Truly! Welcome ... and enjoy every word of the series!


  11. This is something God has really been dealing with in my heart lately, Linda. I feel burdened by the backlog my treatment has created, but when I look around I also see that I've accumulated way too much stuff in my life, house and yard. And in the accumulating, I must clean or keep clean all that stuff! It might not seem like a lot at first but all the little things add up to one BIG and never-ending job! I'm so glad your nephew and his new wife are savvy about all this "stuff" that seduces us in life. Better to build on the simplicity of the sacred. Love ya, my friend!

  12. For sure, seasons of illness or caretaking, stress or grief can leave us unprepared for the backlog of clutter and untended tasks when we finally get back on our feet. Grace, grace, my friend. Just one day at a time ...


  13. Linda, I remember reading this and was sure I commented but apparently not. :) I thought of you yesterday when in my pastor's sermon he talked about living with simplicity. If all goes well I will be writing about it for Three Word Wednesday. I love this series idea and look forward to reading along.
    Much love,

    1. Your mind's not playing tricks on you, my dear! You did leave your imprint on session #2! I'm glad you're back again ... and look forward to reading your post this Wednesday.

      {Note to readers ... be sure to meet me there!}

      See you then ...


  14. I look forward to reading this series.

    Thank you so much for linking-up again at Beauty Observed! I so appreciate it! Hope you'll be back again :)

    1. The series might have started 12 days ago, but it's still getting lots of attention ... I think Jonathan and Allison have sparked our interest, big time.

      I loved that they've been here, and I'm glad that you are, too, Elizabeth.



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l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
