Change is a one time event, so they say.
But those transitions can seem endless, going on forever, like a rubber band stretched, stretched, stretched almost to that snapping point.
The in between time between here and there.
Coming and going.
Then and now.
Who we were and who we're becoming.
These are the waiting room times, when the minutes, the days stretch out like eternity unending.
Sometimes we know what we're anticipating, and other times we haven't got a clue.
Fear creeps in like shadows at evening, wanting to grip our souls with icy tentacles, desiring to redefine us because we're not sure where we are or what's around that next corner that seems to loom dark.
But this one thing's for sure. Who He is. Always the same, yesterday, today, forever. Never changing like shifting shadows. Rock solid and strong.
When all is said and done, He's the only One we can cling to. In those scary in between times. When we're not quite sure who we are any more. Or where on earth we're going.
+ photo by Jessica Nguyen Davidson +
I dedicate this post to all those weary and worn transition-trekkers in my world.
He's carrying you through, yes, He's carrying you through ...