
Friday, June 28, 2013

When We're Not Quite Sure Anymore

Change is a one time event, so they say.

But those transitions can seem endless, going on forever, like a rubber band stretched, stretched, stretched almost to that snapping point.

The in between time between here and there.

Coming and going.

Then and now.

Who we were and who we're becoming.

These are the waiting room times, when the minutes, the days stretch out like eternity unending.

Sometimes we know what we're anticipating, and other times we haven't got a clue.

Fear creeps in like shadows at evening, wanting to grip our souls with icy tentacles, desiring to redefine us because we're not sure where we are or what's around that next corner that seems to loom dark.

But this one thing's for sure.  Who He is.  Always the same, yesterday, today, forever.  Never changing like shifting shadows.  Rock solid and strong.

When all is said and done, He's the only One we can cling to.  In those scary in between times.  When we're not quite sure who we are any more.  Or where on earth we're going.

+    photo by Jessica Nguyen Davidson    +
I dedicate this post to all those weary and worn transition-trekkers in my world. 
He's carrying you through, yes, He's carrying you through ...
Five Minute Friday 


  1. I like the analogy of the rubber band. So true that at times, we can feel stretched in that manner. Thank you for the reminder that no matter where we are in life - here or there or anywhere - He is with us always. I was your neighbor this morning at #FMF :)
    Happy Friday!

    1. Welcome, neighbor! I'm so glad you're here this morning!



  2. Love it, Linda! Choosing to cling to Him!

    1. Oh yes, Eileen ... this is a choice we can make.


  3. Dear Linda
    Our lord Jesus is the only one we actually need not only for those in between house moving times, but just about everything else, and that forever! He is our only sure security!

    1. Amen, Mia! And the old hymn 'I need Thee every hour' is coming to mind right about now.


  4. Thank you, Linda, for today's blog post about transitions...

    Thank you for reminding me, in counseling and again here in your writing, that there is a way to trek through these scary times of transition. Indeed, there is a way to "transition well."

    The Way!

    Excited to begin seeing my next big transition, with all its many "unknowns," as an opportunity to become more intimately acquainted with Christ--my Way, the ultimate "Known"!

    Thanks again

    {via email}

    1. You're doing such great work, and I'm continuing to anticipate all that God's going to do in these next months as He keeps on unfolding the path ahead!


  5. Love this, friend...thank you for the encouragement today. It's so true...those in between times can shake us to the core. I'm so thankful for a Rock that doesn't move. Blessings and happy weekend to you!

    1. Core-shaking, yes! But the more I think on this, the more I realize those are the seasons where God can do His greatest work because we often run out of steam and finally get out of our own way!

      Thanks, as always, for dropping in, Mel!


  6. Thanks for these words, Linda. In the midst of so many transitions, I hear you on many levels. But it's that big Transition -- the one Christ's working in me -- that's got my focus these days, and your thoughts give me comfort and direction as I face my fears and learn to walk with Him step by step.

    "Fear creeps in like shadows of evening . . . " Yes, how true that rings. Your observation about how that fear gets in -- through the chinks of our own self-doubts -- is particularly keen. Uncertainties about what I've done or haven't done, said or haven't said; worries about whether I'm right or wrong or have just plain missed the boat. Fear just gets me lost -- lost in myself -- and that's smack-dab in the center of where the enemy wants me as he lurks with baited breath, "desiring to redefine me."

    But thankfully, I don't have to stay there! I'm learning that each moment is an opportunity to snap my focus (like that rubber band) back on my God. (And when I'm not so snappy and I struggle with this, which is often the case, He's more gentle and patient with me than I'd ever be.) Lovingly, He draws me back to what He did (on the Cross) and what He said (in His Word). Even if I consider what He didn't do (let me fall) and didn't say (I have no hope), the contrast with my own feeble efforts is clear. Not only is He never wrong or clueless or lost, but amazingly He makes me over in His own image, telling me that in Christ I am His very righteousness (II Cor. 5:21), I have wisdom (Prov. 1:7), and I have been personally and diligently found (Jn. 9:35; what treasure in the details of the blind man's story . . . ).

    So I'll keep trying to step forward with more boldness, knowing that He is my sure Foundation (Isa. 28:16) and that He will never leave my side as I walk out this greatest Transition of them all, for He is continually and powerfully at work in me (Phil. 2:12-13), and He will faithfully complete what He has begun (Phil. 1:6). All my other transitions, though scary, seem small by comparison. Yet He has them covered, too! (Matt. 6:25-34.)

    Thanks again for this timely reminder and for your continued help in training my focus on the One Who "never changes like shifting shadows." I join my voice with yours today in praise of our "Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning" (Ja. 1:17). Amen!

    1. The depth of your love and commitment to Christ shines through, even in your struggles, your transitions, your fears. Be encouraged today ... very encouraged! He is alive, well, and His healing hands are re-creating a new life in you, for you.


  7. He is the only one worthy clinging to! Thank you for this beautiful post.

    1. I love that you've dropped in this weekend, Barbie. Truly!



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