
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Going Through Difficult Places - Part 1

The Psalms have become a source of comfort and strength as the Psalmists journal their thoughts and prayers to God in both joyous and difficult times.  For the next few days we will look at a familiar Psalm - 23 - and mine some of the treasures God has for us in difficult times.

"The Lord is my shepherd" - the Psalmist does not describe God as a "rock" or a "refuge" in this text - He is rather an intimate relational God who is a shepherd.  The Psalmist puts himself in the position of a sheep and expresses what a sheep would say if he could speak.  This is somewhat like what your dog or cat thinks about you.  What would they say about you?  Would they say that their master or mistress never feeds me on time; or, never grooms and bathes me? Or would they say, like the Psalmist, "I shall not want" = I don't need anything; because all of my needs are met?  For the one whose Shepherd is Jesus Christ, there is never a need that the Great Shepherd does not supply.  He feeds us,clothes us, nurtures us, loves us, and keeps us.  He is the only one who can meet every need that you have.  No one else can do that - not your spouse, your children, your job, nor entertainment.  Only Jesus can meet every one of your needs.

This Shepherd, Jesus, "Makes me lie down in green pastures" - He gives us rest.  Folks talk about stress, goals, demands, and not enough time to win the rat race.  Jesus, who made us, designed in us the need for rest in body and mind.  He designed a Sabbath for us to pull back and be refreshed.  The rest is a time of unhindered refreshment.  It is making time for peace, meditation on Scripture, relaxation with your family or your favorite hobby.  Effective work can be done only after sufficient rest has been accomplished.  That is the design of the God who created us.

Do you have an intimate relationship with Jesus that supplies your needs or are you trying to meet your needs in other places?  All of our needs can be met only in Him.

Are you worn out from accomplishing, pushing, and striving?  Take the time to rest in Him without feeling guilty.  That is the way He designed you.

As you put these first two directives of the shepherd into your life, you will be able to experience the rest of the Psalm.

      Resting in our Intimate Shepherd     ~   Bob

1 comment:

Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
