
Friday, February 18, 2011

Going Through Difficult Places - Part 2

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me" (verse 4) 

Are you in a dark and frightening place right now?  Are you feeling very lonely as you travel this path?  The good news is that with Jesus as your shepherd, He not only leads you (verse 3) but the pronouns now change in Psalm 23 - He walks alongside you to escort you.  In addition, He is fully armed with "rod" and "staff" to protect you as you make this difficult journey.

His presence takes the sting out of the ordeal and overcomes the worst thing - fear.  Just as a small child walks fearlessly in the most difficult places with his hand securely embedded in his parent's hand, so you and I walk through potentially fearful places with Jesus securely by our side.  The cool thing is that there is nothing that we encounter that He has not already experienced and conquered.  He invites us to place our hand in His and to trust that He will take care of the rest.

In fact, the victory that is yours as you walk through the valley is described in Verse 5 as a banquet where your enemies are present as captives - defeated reluctant guests.  Your ability to walk through that dark valley is eased by the forward glance of the celebrated defeat of all that is dark and threatening to you. 

   Appreciating the leading, comfort, and victory of the Shepherd   ~  Bob


  1. What a reassuring sense of peace and hope this provides.
    Thank You.

  2. God's warm and loving presence is our strength when we travel the difficult roads of life. Thank you for resting in the truth of this passage.



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l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
