
Monday, December 13, 2010

Lydia's Update

Our granddaughter, Lydia, went through surgery to remove a brain tumor earlier this year.  She won a special place in many hearts, and we were overwhelmed and blessed with incredible support during that pain-filled season. 

Nine months later, people are still asking how she's doing.  Your concern and ongoing prayer has blessed us tremendously.   

Here's an update, written in her own words!

Trusting Jesus With Everything
by Lydia Joy Willhite (Age 7)

My name is Lydia and I am all full of Joy,
I live with my parents, two girls and one boy.

My whole family is so loving and kind,
We always have Jesus first on our mind.

One thing this year that made our family sad,
I got headaches that were really bad.

I went to the doctor who came up with a plan,
He wanted me to go get a CT scan.

We got a call from the doctor the next day,
“Brain tumor” is not what we thought he would say.

A couple weeks later with my mom and my dad,
I went to the hospital for surgery, on the way we were sad.

We were so thankful that my surgery went well,
Some people came to see me and brought gifts that were swell!

I got so many gifts so I wanted to share,
With other kids in the hospital to show them I care.

Because we love Jesus, our Lord and King,
Our family knew we could trust Him with everything.

Even though I still sometimes get headaches,
I love Jesus and know He doesn't make mistakes.


  1. Thank you so much for posting the update. I've been continuing to pray for this little one. It will certainly be a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for your family!

  2. You've been so faithful in encouraging me, Debby. My deepest gratitude ... and prayers for a truly restful Christmas for you and those you love ~ Linda

  3. The spirit moved me to read the Creekside Blog. The new website and blog look great (what a lot of work!).

    Thank you for sharing Lydia's poem. We did not know you in March when the announcement of Lydia's brain tumor was originally posted. We will pray for Lydia and your family.


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l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
