
Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Many people express the attitude of hopelessness because of:
a disease that has no cure;
    not finding a job after looking for more than two years;
         hair-pulling over young adults who have gone astray morally;
            an addiction that seems unsolvable;
                a foreclosure that seems irreversible.
Hopelessness causes us to cry, wring our hands, speak out or act out our anger, or totally give up.  Seemingly hopeless situations have these things in common:

     darkness and gloom
     defeat with a seeming yoke around your neck
     painful conflict

The feelings of hopeless are not reserved for this century nor are they new to mankind.

The hopeless plight of the Jewish people 800 years before the coming of Christ, as recorded for us by Isaiah the Prophet, carries the same characteristics as those we experience today.

Isaiah, however, had an authoritative word from God that was designed to give them (and us) hope. Isaiah 9:1-6 describes the hopelessness of the Jews and it describes God's cure. He will turn:

   darkness into light
     sadness into joy
       defeat into victory
         the impossible into triumphant reality
           painful conflict into peace

How? Through the coming of the promised "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" - Jesus Christ.  This is not a simplistic answer to a difficult problem.

Jesus really does give light at the end of the dark tunnel; He turns sadness to joy; He defeated the initiator of sin (Satan) at the cross; He gives victory; He delights in making the impossible possible; and He gives genuine, lasting peace - no matter what the challenge.

As you celebrate the birth of the Promised Christ, may you find Him as the answer to your darkness, oppression, and hopelessness.  I encourage you to continue reading the "Hows" in related pages on this blog.

Praying for you as you seek His light on your situation,    Bob

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