Think about the last time you spoke to your spouse, your kids, your boss, or a friend. Was the message really communicated - or was it just spoken and never really heard? All of us, the media included, are becoming more aware of the importance of communicating our message clearly and in a timely manner - especially when it is life changing.
We, at Creekside, have pondered the best way to communicate what God is doing through this ministry that He has raised up. We began using a newsletter, but it has the limitations of being monthly and does not allow us to give you up-to-the-minute breaking news, developments, and opportunities. We have decided to go to a blog format that will replace the newsletter.
Brent, our technically savvy team member, has developed both our new website and our new blog
We encourage you to visit often to be encouraged and challenged by the articles that will be appearing, as well as keeping up-to-date with the new developments and opportunities that God is orchestrating.
Since healthy dialogue is a very important part of communication, we encourage you to use the "comment" section at the end of the articles on the blog. If you want to comment, but don't want to leave your name, that is ok with us. Your dialogue is more important than our knowing your name at this point, so sign your comment with either one of your initials or "anonymous."
We would love to hear from you. It may be something you want to share about what God is doing in your life, a comment on one of the articles on the blog or on something that appears on our website, a prayer for the ministry, or a shared concern.
Let’s have fun with this! We're looking forward to connecting with you via our new electronic dialogue which replaces our newsletter beginning with this edition.
Meet you at the blog ...