Thursday, August 17, 2023

Remembering Brent (1968 - 2023)

 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4

It's with great sadness that I share the news of the heavenly homegoing of our dear friend and my former ministry partner, Brent Carl.  This faithful servant of God, beloved by so many, is now with Jesus, the One he adored and served.

Brent ministered faithfully over the years in churches, Samaritan's Purse, counseling, and creative ministry venues in NY and New England.  He was widely known for his gentle pastor's heart, ability to relate deeply to people of all ages, and giftedness in teaching God's Word in ways that were always practical and relevant.   

Dear readers, you blessed Brent and Bonnie and their kids with prayer and financial support through GoFundMe when I reached out to you back in January.  I am trusting that you will do the same for Bonnie and their beautiful children in the days ahead.  

And Brent, if you're listening, I know I speak for the many who grieve your suffering and death at such a young age.  You have shown us what it looks like to deeply trust Jesus in the valley of the shadow.  

Serving together on the same team for those 13 years was sheer joy even during the rocky seasons.  Thanks for introducing me to blogging ... and for all the biblical wisdom and encouraging words you shared along the way.  

I know you and Bob are having the time of your lives together again with your dearest Friend, Jesus.  Save a seat for me at the table, ok ...

this tribute was originally published at

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Remembering Pastor Bob (1940 - 2019)

It is with great sadness that I share the news of the heavenly homegoing of our dear friend and former pastor, my mentor and ministry partner, Bob Eckler on November 19th.  This faithful servant of God, beloved by so many, is now with Jesus, the One he passionately adored and served.

I'm confident that his deep bass voice is joyfully lifted strong as he praises God face to face ... and I can only imagine that he's having the time of his life meeting and greeting the many saints, family, and friends that went on before him.

From 2002 - 2015, I had the joy of serving with Bob on the pastoral staff at the church where he was senior pastor and then at Creekside Ministries, the pastoral counseling center / house church we co-founded at the home he shared with his lovely, gracious wife, Dottie.

Along the way, Bob and I partnered together in developing a Celebrate Recovery program, facilitated week long seminars for single parents, and provided marriage counseling as a team so that both husbands and wives could feel comfortable as they sought help and support.

Bob's deep love for Jesus and his passion for caring for his flock are well known.  His hearty laugh and propensity to burst into a verse or two of a favorite hymn as he went through his day are fondly remembered by all who interacted with him.  This mighty prayer warrior deeply cared for those who were broken in spirit and was an incredibly powerful preacher of God's Word, a kind and tender-hearted pastor who loved his people well.

In our 13 years of serving God together, Bob generously opened numerous ministry doors for me, championing my work in ways that I most likely never would have otherwise experienced as a woman in conservative evangelical circles.

To say I am grateful would be a vast understatement.

Bob, if you're somehow reading this, please know that your Christ-centered life and faithful ministry impacted countless souls for the Kingdom.  Tim and our family join me in grieving your immense loss.  We thank God upon every remembrance of you {Philippians 1:3}.



this tribute was originally posted at

Monday, September 21, 2015

Where'd She Go?

Hey Old Friend ~

I hear that some of you have been wondering where I disappeared to!

Well ... I moved lock, stock, and barrel over to my brand new online home,, four weeks ago today.  It was a huge upheaval in many ways, but every day it feels more and more like home sweet home.  

I've created a very personal space for us to do life together and would love for you to join me there so I can give you the grand tour, show you around, and give you a great big welcome!  

Today I'm filling you in on what I finally decided to do about that annual 31 Days writing extravaganza.  And in recent weeks I've had to share some heartbreaking family news, as well.

So grab my hand and click here to follow me there ... and please be sure to subscribe to the new site when you arrive!  I don't want us to lose track of each other.  What I know for sure is that rich, ongoing relationships that stand the test of time are a rare, treasured gift indeed!

Can't wait to re-connect with you again ...

Friday, July 31, 2015

A Month Not Soon Forgotten . . .

If you're a faithful friend around here, you'll know that I've been doing alot of musing recently about our long anticipated move to Cape Cod and my Dad's sudden death the following day.  This is grief therapy in action.

And you guys have been so overwhelmingly supportive and kind.  This is true community in action.  Your faithful prayers matter, your words of solace are like great big hugs.  I feel heard.  I feel cared for.

Thank you seems so very insufficient.

Today I'm turning a bit of a corner as I head off to my favorite month-in-review celebrations over at Emily's and Leigh's where we share the odds and ends of what we're into and what we're learning.

Come along with me, will ya'?

*       *       *

i'm referring ...
my counseling clients to other counselors.  A prayer-fueled, difficult decision for me and not all that easy for them, these wonderful women deserve the absolute best I can give, and right now that means an introduction to other people helpers who will walk with them on the next leg of their journey.

i'm celebrating ...
little Tyler's 1st birthday even from afar.  God has been sending some wonderful nurses so that his mommy and daddy can get out to church and get a bit of respite from time to time.  If you haven't met our 7th grandchild, his welcome-to-the-family video is here ... and you'll understand why this is one fabulous milestone.  Heads up - get the Kleenex.

i'm unpacking ...
far too many boxes and trying to figure out what to do with way too much furniture.  Enough already.

i'm appreciating ...
the greeting card industry and those thoughtful friends who take the time to choose the perfect message and send it my way.  The Friday night small group showered us with envelopes stuffed with memories and photographs and the most beautiful sentiments as we took our leave from New York.  And these days, the rusty green mailbox opens to reveal cards that speak a tender peace to my soul.

i'm learning ...
how to make collages with PicMonkey.  I had a really cool one just about designed for this post, but it vanished into thin air.  Really.  Please tell me I'm not the last person on earth to figure this out.

i'm watching ...
lots of my former possessions go to auction this weekend.  I've discovered the startling truth that just 'cause you once collected and cherished an object, doesn't mean you have to keep it forever.

i'm lending ...
grace to myself, giving myself some space to do absolutely nothing at all.  And when that fails, to go lay down and take a mid-afternoon nap.  And not feel a tinge of guilt about it.

i'm chatting ...
with the everyday people in my new neighborhood ... the cashiers, baggers, librarians, the woman sitting next to me at an outdoor concert, the re-sale shop owner, fellow walkers, a few people at church.  Whoever said New Englanders are standoffish hasn't been to this neck of the woods.

i'm stalling ...
on getting my new blog site up and running.  Right about now I need to write more than I need to make myself crazy.  The thought of wading into any kind of technical detail makes my eyes glaze over.

i'm rejoicing ...
because we finally sold our house this week.  No glitches.  An appreciative buyer.  Thank You, Lord!

i'm savoring ...
Psalm 29:11 - 'The Lord gives strength to His people; The Lord blesses His people with peace.'

i'm heading ...
off to the Adirondacks with Tim, the girls, their guys, and the kiddos for a long-ago-planned week at camp.  It's been two years since we took a vacation together.  Restful?  Hardly.  But I just can't wait.

*       *       *

and saying hi to Kelly  .   Holley  .  Lyli 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A New Home for Daddy & A New Home for Me

I know I'll look back on this season as one of the most stressful I've ever had the privilege to live through.

Yes, a privilege.

Because I've encountered my Savior's startling grace at each faltering step and every jagged breath of the exhausting, tear-strewn path.  

On one sunny Friday I moved, lock, stock, and barrel, from New York to Massachusetts.  And the very next day, before I could even unpack a handful of boxes, my Dad moved on to his heavenly forever home, called oh-so-very-suddenly by his Maker.

After 40 years apart, I thought we were going to do life together for one final season.

God had other plans.

Moving on to live in a new location is a joyful gift, one waiting to be unwrapped and experienced with the greatest anticipation, an open door into the vast unknown with all its great big possibilities and inviting open-ended opportunities just waiting to be explored, savored, treasured.

When all is said and done, I guess we each got to move on to the exact location our hearts were yearning for.

It makes me smile that we both walk on the shores of crystal seas these days.  Even if those golden spaces are universes apart.

God's Word tells me that there's no tears by your heavenly crystal sea, Daddy.  But the tears are flowing freely on this side of heaven.

It's ok.  Because there's one thing we're sharing right about now.

The Holy Spirit of God is closer than the next breath we breathe.  And I would have it no other way.

* telling my story at Kelly's  .   Holley's  .  Lyli's

Monday, July 20, 2015

Consolation Wears Many Faces

'Spiritual consolation is an experience of being so on fire with God's love
that we feel impelled to praise, love, and serve God and help others as best we can.

Spiritual consolation encourages and facilitates a deep sense of gratitude
 for God's faithfulness, mercy, and companionship in our life.  

In consolation, we feel more alive and connected to others.'
St. Ignatius Loyola

Consolation wears many faces ... and maybe this sacred gift of grace is never more powerful than when we are in the midst of a fierce and raw grief.  This holy invitation beckons gently even as we weep repeatedly, uncontrollably with a depth that we've never confronted before.

Who knew that there were so many hot and stormy tears locked somewhere deep within the human soul?

Like when you had no choice but to say good-bye to your father at 11 at night in a sterile emergency room cubicle when he had already taken his leave and headed to his long-awaited heavenly home.  

And again six days later right before the casket was closed for good and locked up tight.  

And a few hours later at the graveside after the 23rd Psalm was prayed by family members young and old, and you and your sister passed out roses and kisses to each family member so that they were able to take away something sweet amidst the grievous yet grand memorial celebration.

I've always hated good-byes.  And never more than now.

Tears cascade, they well up from someplace unfathomable at the oddest moments sprinkled throughout the day and night, don't they.  A sight, a sound, a scent, a memory pushes all reason aside and you weep hard.

And then you continue to do the next thing ... depleted, drained, yet strangely relieved in some odd kind of way.

Yet through grief's rocky, unsteady path, the Christ-honoring consolation of our faith is a solid surety, intertwined with a steady flow of gratitude for the sacred faithfulness, mercy, and companionship of our God.


And then there is the steady consolation that comes from partaking in the rhythms of life.  

The photo shoot at day's end reminds us that our shared faith in Christ and our enduring commitment to each other are powerful cords that bind us close.  Even if we do make each other crazy from time to time.

The joyful exuberance of children's laughter and love and play.

Of prayer with hearts united and hands held, kicking off the celebration of the upcoming arrival of my sister's first grandchild this fall.

Or letting the movement of water do its healing work.

There's embracing the grace to sit absolutely still because there's no energy to do anything more and to try would be a waste of what little energy remains.

And then there are the tall glasses of icy water that chase away the humidity that hangs like a shroud.

Hands busy at the household tasks of tidying up and wading through endless loads of laundry.

Beginning to contemplate the random piles and stacks of boxes that litter the house from end to end.

The flowers.  Oh ... the flowers.  Glorious.  Fragrant.  'Pastel shades of Monet,' the florist coined them.  We are relishing their fragrant whispers, their soft textures.  

And these words here, a most calming, therapeutic penning of this post.


And then there is the tender consolation that has come from you, my friends.

I sift through and re-read again the sweetest avalanche of emails and texts and comments and cradle each one with deepest appreciation.  I walk to the end of the driveway and open the rusty green mailbox, smiling because you've somehow found our new address and have taken the time to send cards that speak His precious peace and bountiful hope.

I thank God for those who traveled hours to stand with me at the memorial service.  To come toting my huge, cumbersome asparagus ferns and old tin watering cans that we couldn't jam into the truck when we left New York.  And you, sweet friends, who braved the flat tire you had to deal with on the Mass Pike, but forged ahead to be with me anyway.  Your calm presence strengthened me at the end of a very difficult day and your great big hugs soothed my spirit.

And to those who showed their love by delivering all kinds of yummy food to my mom's. Your gifts of chicken in all its many forms, the mounds of fresh fruit and the lasagna and the desserts?  They kept us fed and nourished.  Without you, we'd still be staring into the wide open fridge, trying to figure out what to eat.


Even in our sorrows, the lovely blessings of consolation are scattered around us, right and left.  We only need open hearts to experience God's healing grace in all its fullness.  We lean hard into Him right about now.  And He lovingly scoops us up and carries us through grief's valley ...

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