
Thursday, November 6, 2014

300 Seconds of Flying Fingertips

I was going to turn in for the night.  It's been a crazy busy few weeks.  But I felt the need to write. 
You know what I mean, don't you.
Be it blog post, journal entry, love letter, thank you note, or to-do list.
There's something about ending the day with a pen in your hand.
So let those fingertips fly over the keyboard with great abandon.
Pick out your brightest pen and ink and write to the Lover of your soul on lined journal pages.
Dash a note off to someone you love.  Those kind of sweet words that are handwritten and put in an envelope with a stamp.
Simply make tomorrow's to-do list.
For in the writing, we sign off on the day and all its tasks and ventures, successes and bombs.
We release all the thoughts that run rampant through our heads.
What's said is said, what's done is done. 
We might need to ask forgiveness.
 Simply say 'good night.'
Whatever you need to do, go ahead and do it.
And then turn in for the night.
Sleep tight.
And you'll find that, as ever, His mercies are new every morning.

300 seconds with Kate & Laura & Kristin & Holley


grab those links below


  1. Thanks for coming by tonight, Marie! Oh yes, I so want to live what I write ... thanks for hearing my heart. It's good to chat with you again ...


  2. always enjoy reading your uplifting words Linda. Glad you ended your night with your virtual pen :)

    1. Virtual pen. I like that! So fun to see you again, Summer ...

  3. Oh yes! I can relate to this! I have so many nights that I feel like my brain is completely lying open on a stick, yet I feel the urge, the need, the fire to write. That's what makes us writers. Love this post! Great connecting with you here on FMF!

    1. Since I still struggle in calling myself a writer, Bethany, your words 'that's what makes us writers' seems to give me a bit of permission to continue to head in that direction. To call myself that.

      Thanks for that gift ...

  4. What impressed me most---right side alignment----ODE TO OCD for me! Great Post!

    1. Ya gotta change it up here and there, right?

      Have a great weekend, Lulu ...

  5. There are times I couldn't sleep unless I pour out my thoughts on paper. hah! Great to know I'm still normal. :)

    1. I just KNEW I wasn't the only one! I'm glad you're joining me in those late night writing ventures, Super Girl!


  6. Last night I was actually working on a to-do list. I'm not normally very good with to-do lists but I'm giving it another try. We will see how long it lasts. :) You always bless and encourage. Love you. xoxo

    1. I LOVE a good to-do list. It saves me from those scattered-brain moments!

      And I always love when you arrive to chat, Beth! I hope your weekend is filled with making new memories with your man!


  7. Just started the five-minute Friday thing...300 seconds of flying fingers, brain in neutral, or so it can seem!

    Having a focused topic-marriage - is both a help and a hindrance. I have to keep the squirrrel on the wheel, but sometimes he uses one of those precious minutes to figure out what he's going to...oh,. look, a SQUIRREL!

    1. Yep, Five Minute Friday is lots of fun ... a good group of people, and many want to converse back and forth, not just link and run.

      With a focused topic like marriage, you're good to go, Andrew!

  8. Loved reading your post for FMF - TURN...I love how you typed it right aligned instead of left!! I may have to use that on my next poem!! And I love using different colored pens to write in my real journal!! I also have come to love this group of bloggers and posting in mine; what I really have come to love - again - is writing!!!

    1. Any bit of creativity, any just a bit out of the box notions come from His most creative hand, don't they, Barbara!

      I'm glad you've popped in this weekend. Welcome, welcome!


  9. A pen in my hand is like my soul sighing in peace.
    Hope you have a bright and sunny weekend, Linda!

    1. 'Sighing in peace.'

      Beautiful, Sarah, beautiful ...

  10. So true, Linda. I always feel better when I've "journaled" a bit of the day. And then there are those nights when I write my best stuff in my head as I'm drifting off to sleep, lol! I figure if God wants me to remember it, I will :) Have a blessed Saturday!

    1. Oh I know, June! I've written many a post in my sleep. Sometimes you just can't shut off the flow. And maybe we shouldn't even try ... even at o'dark thirty!

      Weekend joys to you, friend.

  11. What a comforting assurance at the end of a busy day!!! Just wish that my "flying fingertips" worked more enthusiastically at the end of my day - you say things so effortlessly while my mind is still floating around somewhere!!!

    When my mind works, it works, but when it doesn't want to function the way that I would like it to function, then I just lovingly and peacefully say, "tomorrow is another day" and I will be ready at that time to tackle what needs to be taken care of!

    1. You said it well ... 'tomorrow is another day!' My best writing is in the morning, not at night. But once in awhile, I'll go out on a limb and do the 10pm thing.

      But usually? I'm ready to greet my pillow!

      Thanks for coming by tonight!

  12. Mercies new every morning. One of my favorite evening thoughts. Love coming here to your quiet peaceful corner of the world. blessings on your weekend, Linda.

    1. Praising God that this little corner of the online world offers you refreshment, Carol. I do believe you've made my day.

      I'm grateful for your encouraging words. Truly.

  13. Releasing the thoughts that run through my head... So often that's why I write! Love your examples of writing, Linda! It's a gift to stop by today! God bless you, friend!

    1. The gift is mine, having you spend a bit of your Saturday morning in this little community. I love that you've dropped by, Julie!

  14. Linda,
    What a great list of suggestions...I'm like you, I need to write :) Blessings on you this weekend :)

    1. What a tribe we are!


      May your sabbath rest include a sweet interlude of written words, Dolly ...

  15. Hi Linda! I was the beneficiary of a woman who reached out and prayed for me recently.
    Whoever you need to write to, do it! Your heart flies through the words you say and write and bless the ones they are intended for. Those little urges are often the Spirit himself, blowing across the soul. How happy he is when he is felt :)
    Happy Sunday Special One,

    1. This ... beautiful, these words - 'the Spirit himself, blowing across the soul.'

      Your tender words? Time to reach for the tissues, dear Ceil ...

  16. Love this and how 300 seconds of writing can be so freeing! It seems that my best writing comes at night as I'm ready to turn in so I might as well give in and start writing. So much for sleep! :)

    I think I deleted your comment at my place today-oops! Grace please?? For some reason it always goes to spam and then I have to tell it-"not spam"! Please know you and your comments are always welcome and it doesn't feel right if you don't stop by!!! Hugs my friend!

    1. Always, always grace around here! I bet it's that @ that's in the middle of my signature that's giving your comment thingy the creeps! I'll lose it next time and see what happens, ok?

      But meanwhile, please know, Mary, that the verse you shared was one of the ones the Lord gave me in the early mornings hours today. I love how He affirmed that for me as I came to call at your place. As Ceil so beautifully put it, 'the Spirit himself, blowing across the soul.'

      I love His affirmations of love, peace, presence ...

  17. My fingertips don't fly as well as they once did. Sigh. My handwriting is sometimes so sloppy that I wonder if anyone can read it. But there's still something magical about a handwritten note. May I never forget that! When I see something old in my parents' handwriting, it can make me cry. I love it. Thanks for this, Linda!

    1. I hear you about our parents' handwriting. Yes, yes. Each card and handwritten note ... and even the envelopes they come in. Now saved, tucked away, treasured.

      These have become yet another piece of the priceless legacy that they leave ...

  18. Oh beautiful. Sometimes, in the morning, I am just as surprised as the night before, to see what I have written.

    1. I hear you, Jenny ... I hear you!

      Thanks for closing up today with us ... it's so good to have you here!

  19. I know that feeling well, Linda :). Something so satisfying about gathering thoughts at the end of the day! Lovely thoughts, my friend.

    1. I won a copy of your book over at Deidra's last week, Laura, and it arrived safe and sound {with the loveliest note from her!} yesterday. I can't wait to curl up in a quiet corner with it in one hand and a mug of tea in the other. You had me at the swing on the cover ...

      It's good to connect with you again ...


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
