
Monday, October 20, 2014

Pets * autumn nesting delights

There's no four-footed furry creatures padding around our place. 
The man was traumatized when he was a little guy as dogs chased him down the street, nipping at his fast-moving heels on his daily trek home from school.
And there's nothing with blue and white wings obsessively gnawing on the window sills like they used to, no black silken coats sidling up to be stroked.  There's not a creature that barks {unless one of us has had a particularly gruesome day} and if one of us is wide awake at night, we can't put the blame on some wee rodent endlessly racing on a squeaky wheel.

There's no Oreo or Ariel.  No Piper or Josie or Chirpie or Spice who call these four walls their home.
But ... there are ducks.

Four of them to be exact.

The good news is that they don't bear our last name, but our neighbors'.  And I just love it when they come to call.

Whether they're slowly waddling around like they own the place or gleefully chasing each other across the lawn, one goes nowhere without the other three in tow.  And I can't help but believe that they really seem to enjoy visiting with us before merrily heading back down the driveway toward home where they belong.

Their not-too-early morning quackings are music to my ears.  Really.  Their zany group dynamics are amusing for this counselor to behold.  And best yet?

We don't have to feed them.  Clean up their messes.  Pay their vet bills.  Or do a blessed thing except sit back and enjoy their antics.

Quack.  Quack.

As we were all hanging around talking about our wardrobes the other day, Andrew happened to mention that he was enjoying the company of his 17 pit bulls ... 'kinda like big happy throw pillows,' he mused. 

So ... this online welcome mat is out for you and your pets!  Do tell us about your animals!

*    *    *    GIVEAWAY UPDATE!    *    *    *
Every comment you're leaving during this autumn nesting delights house party puts you in the running for one of the two giveaways of Myquillyn Smith's book, THE NESTING PLACE.
And like any decent party, there's going to be a goodie bag waiting for EVERYONE
who's joined in the discussion along the way!
I just can't wait! 
There's still plenty of room at the table for YOU to join in the discussion!  The giveaway ends Friday, October 24th at noon {eastern.  US only, please.}  Here's the details of the giveaway and links to all the posts. 


  1. In my old age--NO pets--I want to be able to pick up and go--whenever the opportunity knocks, BUT I enjoy the family pets of my children. It is sort of like grandchildren--spoil them, enjoy them---leave them at their home!

    1. Old age? NAH ... you're still a youngster. mmm ... I guess that makes two of us!


  2. That is just the cutest thing ever!!! How much fun!! We are a animal family over here. At the height of our menagerie we had 2 cats, 1 dog, 2 aquariums, a rabbit, a parrot and the snake. Over the years they have dwindled and now that my daughter lives in the Bronx I am left to babysit her dog, cat and ball python along with my cat and 1 aquarium. So much fun and activity they add to the house!! Although, I could do without the snake............

    1. I'm with you on this, Val ... I could do without the snake. EEWWW ....



  3. Oh those ducks are so sweet! Reminds me of the Peter Rabbit's Jemima puddle duck :-) I have a black cat named Margo, and she is my fur daughter. She was a rescue cat from the city (she jumped into my husband's best friend's van on a cold winter day) and now the friend passed away several years ago, Margo is a sweet reminder of him. I can't imagine life without her :) xx

    1. I just adore that Jemima Puddle Duck ... and Margo sounds like a true gift to your family, Yuko.

  4. We have ducks too--and don't have to feed them or care for them. :) Very nice. We used to buy ducklings in the spring when our girls were home. That was a LOT of trouble. ha. Mainly to keep them from being eaten by the turtles in the lake.

    No more fish or gerbils at our house anymore, but we still have a dog--but she is currently visiting my oldest daughter for the week! If that goes well, hmm.... I might really be empty nest after all. :)

    1. Sometimes that empty nest looks mighty fine, doesn't it, my friend ...


  5. Except for one time, there has never been the 4 legged variety in our house. I can't stand cats so they have been persona non grata. We had a dog once but when i was the only one who could control him and would spend time with him, it was unfair to the Malamute/Shepherd mix to be "quarantined." our schedule also dictated no pets. We are by ourselves now and we talk about one from time to time, but our grandson has been tested as being allergic to pet dander. That solves that one. NO animal will take precedent over him being able to visit. :)

  6. Hi Linda! I'll just say 'hi', because the only pets around here are fish, and they are my husband's. I'm not a pet person. But I do like the ducks!

    1. Here fishy-fishy. Here fishy-fishy!

      I'm sure they'll love it if you call to them next time you walk into the room!


  7. I love ducks, we used to live by a pond and when my daughter was little we would take her and some bread down and feed them. It would be the highlight of our week.
    We have a dog that has named me his master, he follows me everywhere. Almost like a toddler under foot. He gets stepped on a lot. But I love him. :)

    1. You hit the nail on the head, Alecia. No wonder I love these waddling babies so much ... I've got lots of fond memories of feeding the ducks when I was little. Doesn't take much to make me happy!


  8. That is the cutest picture! We love to feed ducks at my sister's house. :)
    We have an old cat named Molly and a younger dog Champ. He is adorable but dumber than dirt. Goes to show you can't have it all!

    1. Dumber than dirt ... poor thing. It's good he's gotta lot of love to keep him going!


  9. Oh I just love the ducks. How awesome that they come to visit. We have two dogs. Biscuit and Drake. Biscuit is a Jack Russell and getting up there in age. He's blind too. Drake is our boxer mix and causing a bit of distress these days. Looks like he will be headed in later this week for surgery once again on his other knee. Love our dogs but oh my have ours been an hefty investment. Maybe they would like to come visit you for a while! hehe. Love to you friend. xoxo

    1. Oh, I'm sure my husband would love to have 2 dogs with hefty medical bills show up at the door!

      Beth, you're sweet {and generous!} to show them so much love ... I'm sure they've been good companions along the way!

  10. I do not have any pets but have had some unwelcome rodents and a snake in my house a year ago. Not a happy time in my house! My son, Daniel, has a golden retriever named Parker, who comes to visit and stay every Sunday with my son. What a sweetie-the dog and my son! He makes my day brighter and he loves everyone and I do not have to care for him, clean up or feed him. Just like your ducks. Happy Fall my friend!

    1. Oh, I'm hearing you, Mary. A great big NO THANKS to rodents, snakes, and etc. in or around the house.


      But a lovely golden retriever coming to visit ... and then returning home? Now THAT sounds just plain wonderful!


  11. My husband and I have 2 Ragamuffin cats that are 3 1/2 years old. They are brother and sister named Mocha Java and Chai Latte. They bring us great joy and much laughter as they run around the house and play with each other. Mocha is Mr sensitive and will lie down on the couch with my husband when he is not feeling well. Chai is our diva girl and always has the last word. Chai is also my Bible Study buddy. I do it at the dining room table and she gets up on my soft book bag and stays with me for at least 5 hours per week. Sometimes she likes to sleep on my Bible. Nothing like resting on the Word of the Lord! When I let her know that she has to move she again has the last word. All of our pets have had their own unique personalities and have made our lives better. Our little fur babies. I am enjoying your articles. Elaine Wiley

    1. Welcome, Elaine! It's so good to meet you ... thanks for taking the time to chat with us and introduce us to your fine companions!

      Amazing that all HIs creation has their own distinct personalities ...

  12. Too cute!

    We lost our 14 year old golden retriever, Bailey, a few years ago...Heart broken...Then we found Rozz,a retired mother from a GR breeder in Nova Scotia. We adopted her at age 9. She is wonderful!

    1. Having walked with clients and friends through the death of their beloved pets, I hear you, Loralee. I know this grief is something that us pet-less people most likely don't truly understand. But that you found a new love makes me smile.

      Thanks for sharing this with us this morning! I'm glad you're here ...

  13. What a fun post! We don't own a dog, but my son has a beagle that I adore! I spoil him like a crazy grandmother, and we are fast friends. He is just one of the most delightful creatures I have ever known. If you have the time, I just posted on Monday a *God lesson* that I learned from him. It might have involved some ear drops, and just a *little* bit of resistance on his part! HA!


    1. Yeah, us crazy grandmothers got to stick together! I'm going to be heading over to your place to check out your story.

      Don't you love how God teaches us the lessons we need through the most daily of events?

      So glad you're here, Sharon ...


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
