
Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Joy of Unsubscribing

I've just gotta tell you that I'm in a season of letting go.  Minimalism and simplicity have joined hands and they keep on whispering my name.  And there's no turning back.

And that means unsubscribing from things that have given me pleasure in the past.

First it was a magazine or two.  And then it was the weekend newspapers.  'Cause if you're not around half the time, then there's no point in having them show up in your mailbox, right?

And then I headed into Bloglovin today.  And bravely unsubscribed to a bunch of blogs that I'm just not into anymore. 

We don't watch much TV these days.  So I think we're going to be saying good-bye to hundreds of channels before long.  And maybe, dare I say it, the house phone.


It's that season to cut out, to trim back, to lighten up.  Because for every single thing you say 'yes, please' to, you've just gotta say a 'no, thanks' to something else.

I'm feeling lighter already ...

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  1. I completely know how you feel. I am in the season of letting go of some things that no longer need my time. What a blessing to read this.

    1. Hey Ashley! I'm so glad you've kicked off this conversation tonight 'cause I KNOW I'm not the only one that's winnowing stuff down.

      Thanks for being here ...


  2. That's the perfect word, Marie. Overwhelming. And that feeling doesn't feed our souls. I'm breathing lighter tonight. And will truly be savoring what stays on my plate ...

    Glad you've stopped in ...

  3. Aaaah! Yes! Isn't it amazing how the seemingly simple things, like blogs and too-full-desktops on our computers and an overflowing inbox, can bring so much peace and simplicity by being de-cluttered? Almost as much, if not more, as sorting through the "junk drawer."

    Love it. And I'm inspired right now...

    1. Yep ... I've been trimming way back on that inbox back these days, too ... unsubscribing right and left. If it doesn't make me smile or say 'YES!,' it's outta here!

      You, too, huh?


  4. sounds enticing and tough and all in between. You find those best yeses! --your encouraged FMF neighbor

    1. I've been to your online space a few times. And can I tell you that I am intrigued?

      I'll be back, Scribbler. And I hope you'll do the same!


    2. This right here is why I love blogging.

  5. I'm doing the same thing. Haven't had cable (any) television in a decade or so. No newspaper, either. I buy very few books, preferring the library.

    As I'm paring down my posessions, I'm enjoying finding who would be blessed by them. My stash of office supplies outfitted an elementary school last autumn. My quilting supplies are blessing a young momma who wants to learn how to quilt but doesn't have the money.

    I am very careful, though, about what comes into my home/life now. I buy very little now.

    1. We don't have to look far to find someone who'd be awed to get our stuff that's still in good shape, but not essential for us to possess anymore. I remember when you donated all those supplies last fall! And the craft supplies that so many of us have jammed into the back of our closets and on basement shelves. What a blessing they'd be to someone with a creative heart.

      And last but least ... let's hear it for our libraries! I've given away or sold far more books in recent years than I've bought. And I'm feeling' good about it!

      I'm glad you added to this conversation, Debby. I'm constantly challenged with how little we truly need.


    2. I ask God to show me the needs of others and how I can meet them. He is faithful to answer.

    3. And you have blessed my family and I with your kindness, Debby. In fact, we're celebrating Lydia's 11th birthday this weekend ... and even as we speak I'm looking across the room at the beautiful quilt you made her in our time of deepest need.

      Again,words can't express my heart, still, after 4 1/2 years. Your thoughtfulness inspires. You spread Jesus' gracious love around ...

  6. Linda, I love the direction you went with this word. And it is so very true! Even good things which we may subscribe to can take time away from the better or best things. Blessings!

    1. You're so right, Joanne. There's good. And then there's what's essential, what I truly need to own and use. And that comes down to a big difference in our consumer driven society.

      I want to free up that time that's been frittered away ...

      Thanks for starting the morning with us here!

  7. Welcome to my world! It has made my life much more simple and I am grateful. NOW the task before us is to use this freed up time wisely, Friend!


    1. Imagine what our 24/7s would look like if we were free to be fully present to others, to give and serve with unchained hearts, to savor solitude and silence and prayer.

      Awesome. This would be radical, wouldn't it, Lulu.

  8. I completely understand! We haven't had a land line in 12 years; the only television we watch is free; I don't subscribe to any magazines or newspapers--and I love it. Just the sheer amount of clutter magazines and newspapers bring into the house amazes me (and I have problems with clutter ;) ). May God fill the spaces with his presence and the wonder of all he has provided :).

    1. We're heading toward figuring out what that FREE TV might look like. And I do miss a hefty Sunday paper from time to time. But clutter? I'm not sorry to see any of it go.

      I can breathe again. And smile big!

      Thanks for jumping into this conversation this morning ... I hope it's offering you freedom from stress!


  9. The biggest adjustment to my husband's return will be that TV going back on again. How happy I would be to toss them all away. :) And I did a bit of that unsubscribing several months ago. It was needed and felt refreshing. Blessings to you as you enjoy a new lighteness to your step.
    Much love.

    1. Refreshing! Yes, Beth, that's the word. I want to smile and say 'yay!' when I see a name pop up in my inbox or RSS feed. Not sigh and keep on clicking.

      You, my friend, always bring a smile to my face.

      Enjoy a TV-less weekend. And who knows? Your man might be so thrilled to see you again that he'll forget the TV even exists!


  10. Amen, sister! I'm slowly doing the same thing right now. I think 'simplify' is my new word. Why, oh, why did it take me so long to figure it out! Thanks for your post. I love confirmations to what God has been telling me.

    1. You've made my day, Susan. I'm so glad that God could use these 300 seconds of humble musings to say 'yes, you're on your way!'

      And why do we wait so long to do this simplifying thing? Good question. 'Cause I've never heard anyone say, 'oh I wish I had all my junk piled up around me again!'

      Weekend joys ...

  11. That's great, Linda! I SHOULD be in a Simplify mode, but I'm starting slow. Magazines just pile up and emails deleted, so I'm unsubscribing. I don't keep up with all the blogs I "follow," anyway. What I really need to do is start decluttering the house. This week I just read something like, "Say No to the world; say Yes to Jesus." I think that's a great encapsulation of where I need to be.

    1. 'Yes to Jesus.'

      Melissa, you've said it all. And now to be still enough to discern what He's inviting us to next ...

      Thanks for adding to this conversation ... I am grateful you are here with us!

  12. HI Linda! I agree about the things you say 'yes' to, also mean there's a 'no' involved. I have to cheer you on, as you decide what is important in your life. Our time is so precious, a real gift from God. And you are being a wise time-manager. I'm sure he is cheering you on too :)
    Have a great weekend my friend, doing the things you love,

    1. You're an encourager, my friend!

      I guess every season invites us to sift through all that encompasses our lives, claim what's essential, and figure out what to do with what's not all that important anymore.

      I love traveling light, though. I really do!

      A restful weekend to you, friend ... and I'm looking forward to featuring you on the blog at the beginning of the week!


  13. I love love love this. Thanks for sharing your brave heart - and inspiring me to lighten my load. {visiting from FMF}

    1. For sure, a lighter load is sounding more and more appealing, isn't it! The super conversation we've all been having shows that we're all working on getting rid of one thing or another ...

      I've been so encouraged reading what you're all writing. And I'm really happy you're here at the table with us, Anna!

  14. So true! My dad always wanted to learn to say 'no'. As a little girl, I did not understand what he meant but now I do! And I feel... it's more important than saying 'yes'.

    Enjoy your phase of 'unsubscribing'!!


    1. Dad was right, wasn't he, Tanya ...


      What a legacy to leave your children ... figure out what's truly essential, travel lightly, and share generously with others.

  15. Ah, simplicity and cutting back. Nothing better in my opinion. I love the feeling after you declutter your house, not only is your home lighter but you feel lighter somehow as well. I try to cut back more and more `cause this world is getting louder and louder and my family seems to be busier and busier as the kids get older. There's just not that much wiggle room anymore. Enjoy your whitespace!

    1. Whitespace. Yes, you've penned it well, Alecia!

      Let's hear it for margins that breathe peace and quiet into our souls ... and allow us to rest, create, and breathe deep in the process.

      Weekend joys to you, friend!

  16. Oh yeah! I love that feeling of letting go and moving on. Lighter and free is always better.
    It is ok to get rid of the home phone. :)

    1. We hold on too tight, don't we, Sarah. Truth is that none of us owns a thing. It's all belongs to the One who loaned it to us ...

  17. I'm totally on board with this!! I let go of magazines and newspapers a few years ago. The piles were cluttering up my kitchen counter. I haven't bought a book in I don't know how long and I'm currently working on prying the remote out of Mike's hand (pray for me). Of course, whenever I need a "fix" of a magazine, newspaper, book, TV show etc..... I just head to my LOCAL LIBRARY and borrow it.....for FREE!!! The libraries have everything one could possibly need without cluttering up the house! This makes me do my electric blue toenails!! :-)

    1. You KNOW you're in trouble when your magazines and newspapers never make it past the kitchen counter! Thanks for continuing to spread the word about libraries! I've found that more and more of them have a nice little section to exchange magazines. Bring some, take some.

      Love this recycling and reclaiming.

      Nice pedicure!


  18. Great suggestion! I recently pared down my RSS feed (don't worry Creekside always survives the cut). It's refreshing not to need as many stories filling our news feeds, and channels consuming our lives. Everything we watch streams online and we only occasionally miss having HGTV or the Food Network.

    1. Yeah, I hope I didn't shoot myself in the foot when I encouraged people to think about cleaning out their RSS feeds!

      I so value each member of this community! And I hope that God will continue prompting me to offer something of value here.

      Thanks for stopping in this afternoon, Jonathan!

  19. I always enjoy a good purge. I find it cathartic. One of my favorite singers once said "The less I have, the freer I am to do whatever it is I want to do." I find this very true.

    1. Love this truth you've shared, my Bungalow Friend! I don't want any possession to keep me from moving ahead to all God wants me to be. Unfettered, free, and focused on what He has awaiting? A great big yes!

      Thanks for sharing in community with us this weekend! I am grateful you're here.

  20. Yes, letting go of unnecessary things is just so liberating. I stopped watching tv a while ago, even though I still enjoy a good movie once in a while. I still subscribe House Beautiful magazine, but I might stop after this year. I'm slowly learning less is more.

  21. If I don't smile and say YAY! when it arrives in the box or on the screen, maybe it is time to say adios. At least for now.

    I hope your weekend was filled with light and love, Yuko!

  22. It's late Sunday Evening and I have knee replacement surgery on my mind (tomorrow morning at 8 a.m) but this is one of my first things to tackle when i can again. I had it as a great goal a year ago when i retired and had great plans until it wasn't in the plans anymore! but now with our life changing again, it's one of my main things to do. Always a pleasure to be here, Linda.

    1. I'm praying for you even as we speak, Carol! Hey community, will join me in prayer for the Spirit to whisper sweet peace to our sister in Christ? Where 2 or 3 are gathered, He's right there in the center of it all ...

      Rest well, friend. He is with you. Always.

    2. thank you Linda. and I do appreciate your prayers for me. I am historically very anxious about thses kinds of things but the last few days have felt more peace than i expected - and I have a few more hours to go and then the really hard part starts. thank you my friend.

    3. I hear you about the anxiety, I praise Him for the peace ...

  23. I'm visiting from Coffee for your Heart this morning, and I find myself in the same winnowing process. It's hard but it feels good to start breathing again. :) Good luck as you forge ahead!

    1. Winnowing. I like the sound of that, Julie. Absolutely!

      Thanks for celebrating sunrise with me today. May yours be glorious ...

  24. Great idea! I've been in the 'great purge' of our house - taking out carloads of stuff we don't need anymore, trying to clear out, declutter and simplify our lives. Good reminder that I need to take stock of the electronic clutter too :)

  25. Awesome awesome awesome. I see this going around a lot lately. With us it started by a desire to buy ourselves bikes. We felt we needed to safe money for it and thus we went around the house to see what we could get rid of, in order to get something we really wanted. It's a great process. Sometimes painful too right? Just now I was in Starbucks, I broke my mug a few weeks back and saw a mug I really really liked. I ran into the mug again today and decided against it because just maybe I really do not need another mug ;-)

    1. Another mug? Who needs it, right? But good bikes, great exercise, fresh air, a family activity? Just super.

      Thanks for joining the conversation, Hope. Love the idea of getting rid of stuff in order to gain something much more valuable ...

  26. Good for you! I am in that mode, myself right now, especially email subscriptions!

    1. Ugh! Is there any worse way to start your day than opening up your inbox and finding it crammed with 5001 pieces of junk mail?

      I'm with you, Michelle! Adios to it all! Let's keep on hitting those teeny UNSUBSCRIBE links tucked at the end of each and every one!


  27. this is a great snippet about letting go :) i love it. and i loved the last few lines, about saying yes means saying "no thanks" later. still got your copy of Southern Living ;) ?

    1. Actually, it's Country Living, and yes, it's one of the few magazines I still subscribe to ...

      Thanks for coming by, Summer! I'm glad you're here!


  28. I've done some of those same things! Freeing!

  29. It's sometimes hard to let things go but SO freeing! I cleaned out my jewelry drawer this weekend. LONG overdue and kind of hard to get rid of a few things but it felt SO good to have some organization again.

    1. You're so right, Nancy - alot of this sorting through isn't at all easy. But oh that freedom, that space, that ability to breathe deep again is just priceless.

      I'm grateful you shared a bit of your story with us here today!


  30. I receive on magazine (Bicycling). I received the local small town paper (read in about 5-10 minutes max). I rarely watch TV (maybe ESPN during baseball season). i would totally unplug if not for my wife. I don't have a landline. I have unsubscribed from some blogs recently. Hope it goes well for you in your minimalizing. :)

    1. This post has received the most comments that have ever graced this online space. And it's no wonder, because this call to simplicity is hitting each and every one of us in one way or another.

      And oh, the sighs of relief, the burden lifted, when we finally start saying 'yes, yes, yes' to that enticing call ...

      I'm grateful you've jumped in and shared your experience, Bill.



Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
