
Thursday, August 21, 2014

For When You Are Perplexed

You thought you had all your ducks in a row.  Everything lined up, ready to roll.  You really felt His leading.  And you couldn't wait to launch into a brand new tomorrow.
And then somehow, everything began to change.  Circumstances altered.  Drastically.  Unexpected surprises popped up.  And they weren't all that pleasant.  Doors that seemed open wide began to slam shut right and left.
One after another.
Perplexed?  That would be an understatement, wouldn't it.
If there's any good news in the middle of your head-spinning confusion, it is this.  None of this is a surprise to God.  He who orchestrated the creation of the planets that whirl in space is fully aware of your unfolding story.  He absolutely knows the end from the beginning.  Even though you haven't got a clue.
So go ahead.  Lean on in to Him.  Close.  Tight.  Expect Him to swing wide some brand new doors, some sterling opportunities.  He is crazy in love with you.  And, in the middle of all that's changing, He's inviting you to something glorious.

Hang on to the truths in His Word.  I'm praying for you ...

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good
and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11


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  1. Beautiful post and a comforting reminder tonight. Nothing surprises God. Amen.

    1. And there is a warm blanket of peace that comes in leaning on His everlasting arms ...

      Thanks for kicking off this conversation, Crystal!

  2. Finding it rather awesome that I had a similar discussion with a friend this evening. And a delightful evening it was and now I'm smiling even bigger after reading your encouraging post. Happy almost Friday. Have a blessed weekend. {30 days give or take a few!!} xoxo

    1. Don't you love when God keeps speaking the same message over and over, Beth? I need that kind of confirmation ... often!

      Those days are gonna fly by, my friend. And then, talk about BIG CHANGE for you!

      I couldn't be more delighted ...


  3. Yes-He knows exactly how our stories are unfolding! And though the changes can be scary, He's there alongside us.

    1. And since He's not scared, I don't have to be either!

      I'm glad you're here tonight, Jen ...

  4. It gets confusing at times, but knowing that He is orchestrating everything comforts me. Thank you for the beautiful reminder, Linda! xx

    1. Isn't that word 'orchestrating' the most comforting sound, Yuko? He's got every note lined up in the most sacred harmony.

      Praise God!

  5. So good, Linda! Using the word perplexed made this post even better. The thought of leaning into God is so comforting and so reassuring. Love this and you! Thanks friend and happy weekend!

    1. Yes, yes. When we are weary or uncertain or scared, all we can often do is just lean. When we are weak, He is so strong!

      I love Him so ...

      I'm grateful you're hear tonight, Mary!

  6. I absolutely LOVE this: "None of this is a surprise to God. He who orchestrated the creation of the planets that whirl in space is fully aware of your unfolding story." I needed to hear that tonight!

    1. And I needed to write it. You know how that is.

      Blessings, Asheritah! Thanks for joining this conversation ...

  7. Beautiful reminder! I have lived this so many times over the past few months, but God keeps bringing beauty out of the ashes. What a great God we serve!

    1. Beauty out of the ashes. Yes, yes. Only the Redeemer can save what could have been a disaster and craft something glorious from the mess.

      It's so good to have you at the table tonight, Mikayla. Thank you for coming by ...

    2. After visiting your site, I now understand that Mikayla is your baby girl who is no longer with you. My heart is going out to you right now as you make your way through this journey of grief.

      Deepest blessings as He carries you on ...

  8. Truth. Nothing surprises God. Great post!

  9. I love this Linda. You are such an encouragement. Don't you love that the God we are to focus on focuses His attention on us and our stories? wow

  10. this brings to mind the verse that He has whispered lately: Job 26:14 "Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?" Thanks for reminding me to remember that He is a big God. :)

    1. Job sure has a way of putting things back into a proper perspective. Thankfully, our majestic God reigns ...


  11. This is so true! Nothing takes God by surprise...just us. I love how God is always putting situations in our lives that cause a continual change process in our lives if we allow it. I am stopping by from 5-Minute Frida.y Have a blessed weekend!

    1. And He's always inviting us to something deeper, more substantial, more holy ... right in the middle of those situations. No wonder we need Him every hour!

      Thanks for visiting in the wee hours of morning, Cathy!

  12. Love that He is never surprised by the things that threaten to knock us off our feet. So comforting to think of Him planning a response for us at these times. Great encouragement Linda!

    1. I like that word 'planning' you used, Holly. Nothing He does is random. Nothing! And there's great stability that comes in grasping that truth.

      Thanks for starting the day with us here, Holly.

  13. AND EVEN when I walk through the Valley of Death---


    Thankful--He is with me to the end!

    1. Amen. What a comfort this promise is. Thanks for sitting at this table with us, Lulu!

  14. I'm so encouraged, Linda, as you remind me that all the things in my life that aren't according to MY plan, are according to HIS. That there are no surprises, to Him. No unplanned detours. Just the road He's already prepared for me to walk. Thank you!

    1. Yes, Courtney. Even the detours have a purpose ... even if we don't see it at the time. I guess that's where trust kicks in, big time ...

  15. So true! It's hard when we feel God leading us to something, and then everything changes. But yes, He always knows the future, and He has a reason for letting us stumble in this way. Thank the Lord for that!

    1. And He doesn't let go of us, even while we're stumbling, does He! I'm grateful with you for this mercy, Melissa. And I'm glad you're here today ...

  16. Hi Linda! You are so right. He knows it all. My husband didn't get the job he applied for, and went through three interviews for too. Sigh. But God knows there's something better out there. I just have to have the faith and strength to get through this time of unknowing.
    I'm also writing a blog post about this subject. We all need to encourage each other when we don't see. Thank you for your timely message!
    Happy Weekend my friend,

    1. I find these kind of waiting room seasons so unsettling, too. I guess I want everything clear, and I want it yesterday.

      Patience is a challenge. Thankfully, He loves us and shows us endless grace even when we feel like we're running on fumes.

      Praying for your husband right now, even as we speak, dear Ceil.

  17. I used to resist changes and surprises. I had everything planned out!! But I've learned to actually enjoy them now. God's plan is always better then mine and it's interesting to see how things work out when thrown in another direction. Now, instead of being thrown around like in a tornado, I feel like I'm standing in the calm in the middle, just watching the world swirl around me and waiting to see where I'll end up next!!

    1. I love hearing about that calm space in the middle of it all, Val ... what a gift God has given you! It sure beats trying to plan life and being constantly unsettled and disappointed.

      Thanks for sharing this encouragement today. I'm grateful you're here ...

  18. oh my took the words right out of my experience. Three years ago I had a life changing moment like that..and i'm still trying to figure it out. And while i am knowing that its no surprise to HIM its hard for me to trust that its in His plan. But he's opening my eyes little by little as i continue to step forward. Thank you for this reflection

    1. Yes, little by little. One day at a time, Janel. We let Him take our hand and lead us forward. Even with our feeble faith, He graciously gives us what we need to build that trust in Him.

      Stepping forward with you, and appreciating that you've shared a bit of your story with us here!

  19. I feel like I just got a hug from you. Thank you sweet friend!

    1. If these feeble words are somehow able to do that for you, Sarah, then I am deeply satisfied. Praise God.


  20. What a helpful message to read this morning!
    This line was extra encouraging..."None of this is a surprise to God." <3

    1. When all is said and done, there is such deep peace knowing that He never says, 'My, why didn't I think of that?'

      I'm so grateful ...


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
