
Monday, April 21, 2014

NOW what?

Easter.  So long anticipated, so late in arriving this year, has come and gone.

You may have gathered with a group of strangers on a windswept beach at o'dark thirty.  A house church, a public school, a sanctuary with beautiful stained glass windows, or a jam-packed civic center may have been the location of your community adoration of our risen Redeemer.


You may have relished a lovely gathering with your nearest and dearest and will long remember the relationships at the heavily laden table, surrounded by the sweet love that permeated the room.

Or you might have eaten a tasteless meal alone, curled up for an afternoon nap, or headed off to the movies by yourself.


There might have been Bible lessons for little ones in the gleeful creating of Resurrection Rolls out of croissants and marshmallows enthusiastically rolled in spices.

Or simply a crazed mad dash for hidden eggs, baskets swinging wildly in little hands as eager feet surged ahead in the backyard hunt for sugar-stuffed treasures carefully hidden.


You may be picking at the leftovers today, nibbling on some salty ham, or peeling yet another hard boiled egg as you clean up the scattered remnants of the celebration.

Or aimlessly popping another jelly bean or Cadbury egg into your mouth even as we speak.


When all is said and done, John 20:10 - 21:25 is a pivotal place for us to land as we pack away the serving platters, the stuffed bunnies, and familiar baskets that have been tossed aside yet one more time.  For there is a post-traumatic stress that emerges for Jesus' beloved companions that must be considered as they emerge from their witness of His torturous death and mind-numbing resurrection ... and the gradual realization that their Savior just might be leaving them forever.

This is a story of deep relationships, a tale of intimate conversations, the processing of untold horrors, and consideration of immense soul-searching questions. The Holy Spirit is given and miraculous signs appear.  An overloaded boat groans with fish and a beachside grillfest is gratefully received. 

Their tears and fear collide with joy and doubt and peace.  Just like our own.  And the question begs to be asked. 

As April wends its way to a close, what's Jesus inviting ME to?

 Debby's eggs adorn her family table

Sharing the question with Laura  *  Holley  *  Emily
Please join me for every post


  1. Indeed---He wants us to carry the celebration in our hearts--everyday. The human side of us---the fallen side---has the let down of Monday---unless we grab hold--move forward--with eyes upon Him!

    Blessings Sweet Friend!
    You cause me to think!

    1. Iron sharpening iron going on around here, yes? Thanks for always diving right into the conversation, my friend. Your presence here is a real treat.

  2. What is Jesus inviting me to do? To go "further up and further in." To look for Resurrection joy and glory after the trauma of Good Friday.

    Your description makes me think more deeply about what Jesus' followers were thinking and feeling during that painful week.

    1. Can you even begin to imagine the stress, the anxiety, the fear, the horror, and crazymaking uncertainty of those days? We've got labels for that today. And they don't begin to even touch how much grief assailed these dear followers of the Master in such a short space of time.

      Thanks for being here, Constance. I'm glad you're part of what's happening in this place.

  3. Certainly very interesting and very thought-provoking - you have covered everything from every angle! Most folk have now forgotten the true meaning of Easter, which is so very sad.

    I am almost finished reading "The Final Days of Jesus" written by Andreas J. Kostenberger & Justin Taylor with Alexander Stewart - this has just been published, and I am going to make sure that I read it every year the week before Easter - it is written in such a way that I have been able to understand things in a new and vital way.

    1. Thanks for the book recommendation ... we've got alot of avid readers around here. To have a go-to book each Easter season is a cool idea. I appreciate you sharing this!

  4. New Life! He invites us to new life, every. single. day. Because "He knows what is in a man." He knows we need His mercies, anew, every morning. And, oh, what a blessing it is to receive them! Inspiring post, Linda! So nice to start my day with you, my friend!

    1. Oh He's got our number, doesn't He, June. He knows what we are made of and He knows exactly what we need. And I know I need to lean in harder to relationship with Him. I'm really cherishing the four gospels' final chapters these days. I just know that He wants to take me deeper.

      I'm ready ... and I know I'm not alone!

  5. I have been impressed to go deeper into the truths I already believe and it has brought a deeper sense of purpose for my older years. I sense peace as never before concerning some hard times. My thought runs to not wanting to be owned by worry, bitterness, anger and all the other weakness of the flesh. At 67 I know I have fewer years ahead then I do behind me and I don't want to waste a moment of them. Thought provoking post Linda. Thanks for the visit to my site. Blessing sister.

    1. I'm resonating with you ... I guess us women 'of a certain age' have an outlook that morphs and deepens over time. I want to make every day count, no matter what that looks like. I'm thankful to have met you in recent days and hope to get to know you better over time.

      Warmest blessings, Betty ...

  6. Great question, Linda...I'm sensing to quiet down more like I wrote about on my blog post about FB...and to trust Him for where He leads me...blessings to you :)

    1. To let our striving cease. Most particularly in the whole social media thing. I'm hearing that more and more from other kindred spirits ...

      I'm grateful you're here tonight, Dolly.

  7. I'm still packing up my dishes, sweeping up the crumbs. And I'm happy to land here with you, asking my heart this question as well.

    1. How sweet for you to spend a bit of your evening, back and forth here. I'm grateful, as ever, my friend ...

  8. Easter was very different for us this year, newly empty nesters and all... But I am thankful for your reminder today to carry on with the joy of the resurrection, each and every day. After all, every day should be a celebration of what God accomplished for us on that magnificent morning!!

    1. Yep, we've been empty nesters for quite awhile. We LOVE when the gang's all here. And yet I must admit that when it's just the two of us the holidays take on a special meaning, a different tone, a quiet gentleness. And that can be a very blessed thing ...

      Thanks for coming by this morning, Kay!


  9. I was thinking similar things this morning about what's next after Easter? Thanks for your words!

    1. The Lord is always inviting us to something deeper, something more vibrant and alive. I'm so wanting to answer with a wholehearted yes. Especially right about now!

      Thanks for joining the conversation today, Steph! I'm grateful you're here!

  10. Linda, Your writing has drawn me in! I know exactly where I will land for my bible reading tomorrow. Thank you for using the term post-traumatic stress. This has given me eyes to see the days following the crucifixion and resurrection in a new light. Thank you for sharing and keep encouraging!

    1. I can't even begin to imagine what Jesus' friends must have gone through during His final days and then in the 40 that followed ... and beyond. It truly is mind boggling when you really consider all they experienced with Him ... and then how they began to live out His mandate after He went up to heaven.

      Thanks for chatting with us, Jacqui!

  11. LOVED the bowl of blue eggs :-) and enjoyed your inclusive glimpse of possible Easter scenarios: all positive and likely.

    1. It seems like every holiday has it's own melody. And that's ok ...

      Thanks for coming by today, Lisa. I hope it's been a beautiful one for you!



Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
