
Friday, April 4, 2014

An Overflowing Life

'You've got all the makings of a professional writer.' 

Those words fell upon me like a precious anointing, a benediction received with gratefulness overflowing, one of those 'well done, good and faithful servant' moments, the kind you unknowingly crave from some place deep within.

I choke up and tell him how much his words mean to me and how much I love him for letting me know what he believes is true.  For my love language is words of affirmation.  And this is a deposit of pure gold gently invested into my soul.

But a professional writer?  I'm not there yet.  At all.

For I see myself as a grateful woman just beginning to come of age.  Which is quite different than an aging woman.  Yes?

I see myself as a devoted follower of the Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I have been married for 38 years yesterday.  All I can say is it only gets better and better.  I'm crazy over my man.

I have two daughters and their six kids and their men, my parents and my sister ... and altogether they light up my busy world, making it sparkle bright.  And keep me young in the process.

I am a friend.  The faithful, loyal, go-to-the-mat-for-you type.  I'll love, enjoy, encourage, and defend you til the end.  Especially if you've got chocolate.

I am a counselor.  Sitting in those chairs together with another woman struggling to find her way?  I'm all about that.  It's my sweet spot.  And they know it.

I am a beach girl, born and bred.  I live for the long weekends when we can steal away for endless walks by the ocean, discovering wooded pathways yet unexplored, sunsets that slowly melt into glory.  My pockets fill with the ever illusive sea glass, tossed and frosted by salty crashing waves over time.

And finely woven into the mix above?  I am a blogger.  I love this space.  I love this opportunity.  I love this little community that's being built one post, one conversation, one new friend at a time.

But a professional writer?  It sounds like way too much work.  I'm not feeling it.

I'm too busy living my life to the fullest.  My cup runneth over.

*  spending 5+ minutes with Lisa-Jo and her word of the day, WRITER  *
*   visiting with Laura  .  Beth   *
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  1. Great perspective, Linda! There are so many things we CAN or COULD do - but only a few {I believe} that God PURPOSED us to do. And being there, doing His will, is a sweet, sweet place to be! It sounds like you have found it, my friend!

    1. To choose what is BEST amidst all the really cool options open us ... that's our task! And yes, June, I am grateful for this season. It's been hard won, and I am delighted at what God is doing.

      Weekend blessings, my creative friend!


  2. God has gifted you in a lot of ways. It's awesome to see how you use those gifts to help others.

    1. If there's anything good happening, He gets all the glory. Every last bit of it ...



  3. You sound like a kindred spirit, Linda. I love how you're enjoying the overflow of your life and in that, even with your passion to write, don't feel the urge to 'go pro'. I feel bathed in your words today, and I'm thankful to 'meet' you in this space.

    1. It's rubbing shoulders and sharing hearts with kindred spirits like you, Amber, that draws me more into blogging. I've said 'no thanks' to all the other social media stuff. 'Cause blogging just fits, ya know?

      Thanks for coming by this afternoon. I so appreciate it. Truly.

  4. I remember sitting in your family room - why I was on the floor while you were sitting in the chair, I don't know - it was around three years ago and I told you that you should take some of your blogs and turn them into book form. You didn't respond much, more of a "we'll see". God allows seeds to be planted long before something grows to fruition. "we'll see".

    1. My, Mah ... you certainly run circles around me when it comes to memory. And I REALLY have trouble believing that you were sitting on the floor while I was enthroned in a chair. But you know me, I'm not sure I can remember what happened last week!

      Thanks for speaking those encouraging words to me way back in the day, and again this evening. Please know that it means so much to me. And yes, and amen. We'll continue to see what He wants to do in our family ...


  5. Oh, Linda, there is a season for everything---and HE has the plan and the path---Trust--Lean In---Be Blessed! Blessed Weekend, Friend

    1. Absolutely yes! I'm a big believer in the beauty and potential of every season.

      Sabbath blessings, Lulu ...

  6. It seems as though everything is being "professionalized" these days... Thankfully, things of worth and value are ultimately defined by God, not human standards.

    And no matter what you call it, your writing overflows life: His Life in you!

    Grateful for the gift He's given,

    1. Sometimes we roll up our sleeves to earn our daily bread. And other times we put our hands to the plow for the sheer creative joy of it. This here in this space?

      Pure joy!

      I hope your weekend is filled with restful delight, HBHW ...

  7. Oh Linda, This is beautiful! And how blessed we all are that you are using your gift for writing here for us to enjoy! I agree with your thoughts on marriage. 42 years for us last month and I thank God everyday for the blessing of my man. Add to that our kiddos and grandkids . . . life is full of reasons to rejoice. So glad you visited CMB. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Blessings!

    1. How neat that you've stopped by again, Deb! We're aiming for 42 years ... and beyond! We figured another 38 years would put me at about 96 years old.


      I hope this weekend is replenishing for you in every way ...

  8. I am glad you share your words, my friend. Write on... :)

    1. Your affirmation is precious to me. Thank you for these kind, empowering words, Lyli ...


  9. Linda,
    I love the way to weave your words, thoughts, and emotions together. You are definitely a good writer. Congrats on 38 years. I'll celebrate 44 this year. And I'm also crazy over my man : )
    God bless,

    1. I close the weekend reflecting on these thoughtful words you've spoken into my life, Gail. I am grateful you are here.


  10. Thank you for this sweet reminder to be present right where I am, Linda. And I love getting to know you better through these words. And I love that picture of your comfy chair!

    1. It means alot that you make your way over to visit, Laura. Thank you, my Wellspring friend ...

  11. Happy belated anniversary. I so agree... it just keeps getting better. It will be 24 years this fall for me and my fabulous husband. This was such a sweet post. And your words are a blessing to me friend so keep on writing. Through the words that you share I'm finding I'd so love to sit across from you one day and share our hearts. Grateful for you. Much love.

    1. Wouldn't that be so cool to meet face to face? Let's see what God will do!

      Thanks for these encouraging words today, Beth. I hope your weekend is filled with joy and peace.

  12. HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY, good Friend. You are blessed. I too tHink you have a marvelous gift with words and expressing yourself on "paper" so use this gift as you see fit and make sure you continue to enjoy what you do......some day I will have time for blogging....soon or just reading blogs would be a treat too.

    1. I'd love to be the midwife for your blog! Whenever you're ready and need an extra helping hand or a gentle push, you've got my number! You have SO MUCH to bring to the table, my friend! And I, for one, can't wait to be a faithful reader ...



Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
