
Thursday, April 10, 2014

5 Ways to Recover From What Ails You

Ah, here I was rejoicing in spring, glorying in new life and warm breezes.  And then BOOM, from out of nowhere, my health went south.  In a matter of hours.

Maybe I flung those windows open too soon?  Whatever. 

What to do when you end up under the weather?

1.  Call the doctor.
I ain't no hero.  It took me more than three decades to find a decent primary care doc.  You bet that if I need some meds, I'm on the phone.  This guy saw me in an hour.  You just can't do better than that.

2.  Fill the fridge.
I mustered up my energy and headed to the market for some fresh fruits and crisp veggies.  A big ol' chicken for the crockpot.  Lots of juice.  And then stopped by the local Chinese restaurant for THE ultimate comfort food - a quart of steaming hot, flavor-packed wonton soup.

3.  Buy pansies.
They were gorgeous, they beckoned, their cheerful purple and yellow faces made me smile, they were on sale.  Need I say more?

4.  Cancel life. 
Everything gets put on hold.  I can't think of a single soul interested in my germs, my sneezing, my wadded up tissues.  I'm staying in, drinking gallons of water, and keeping my misery to myself.

5.  Veg out.
These are those rare moments when you have full permission to do nothing.  To lay on the sofa ensconced in your favorite quilt and sleep the afternoon away.  To leaf through a magazine or space out in front of old episodes of Call the Midwife.  Or write a few lines about getting your health back.

This post is in honor of those special ladies in my life who are dealing with major health issues.  My puny ailments don't hold a candle to the seriousness of what you're experiencing.  You know who you are.  And you know I'm praying for you.
recovering with Nancy  *  Laura  *  Kristen  *  Holley
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  1. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. A whispered prayer was just sent your way. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. It means so much that you would pray for me, Cheryl. Thank you for that grace ...

  2. Sounds like some real "chicken soup for the soul" kind of message today. I love this...just the kind of thing I try to do when I am "under the weather". I also love that you bought pansies because they made you smile...they have a way of doing that, don't they? Maybe because they seem to be actually smiling up at us. Hope you feel better soon. I am very happy to have made your acquaintance today! Blessings...

    1. Don't you love how God just brings the right person along at the right time? It's been good to meet today, Pamela. Thank you for taking the time to leave a lovely note ...

  3. Praying you feel better soon. I go for the veg out option! {Hugs} to you sweet friend.

    1. Vegging out can be a very good thing! And very much needed, too ...


  4. Hi Linda! I'm glad you felt good enough to get to the market before settling in... It's sad that we have to wait for permission to let the world go by, but sweet when it happens too. I hope you have your favorite jammies on, eating soup and watching TV (in between dozing).

    What a great doctor! Good for you too to hop right on it, so things don't get worse. And I'm sure your co-workers are overjoyed not to catch your germs. Good call!

    Take good care of yourself my friend.

    1. For sure, my clients do NOT need my germs ... nor does anyone else in my world! I'm hoping the good dose of sunshine today will have done a bit of healing work.

      Thanks, Ceil, for your well-wishes!


  5. Wishing you better really quickly, Linda. It sounds like you've got the how-to-get-better thing figured out really well. Taking time out to just chill on the sofa sounds just the ticket. All the best, Bonny

    1. Yep, the sofa is my new best friend. Thanks for saying get-well, Bonny!

  6. Feel better soon! I veg out and cuddle up with my kitties. Have soup and hot tea. Don't answer the phone either. Sounds like we have similar ideas. Happy Friday

    1. No kitties around here, but my pillow is very good company. I'm off to heat up more wonton soup!

  7. SO SORRY you are sick. There seems to be lots going around this beautiful Spring. You are on the right track and I am praying for a speedy recovery, Linda!

    1. I sure appreciate those prayers right about now, Lulu ...

  8. What great tips! I could stand to listen to some of those from time to time. I'm sorry to hear that you and your loved ones are sick, I hope you get well soon! And that is a lovely, lovely quilt. ~Angela~

    1. That quilt has been well loved as a bedspread, table cloth, Christmas tree skirt, sofa companion. So so soft ...


  9. Rest is one of those nice advantages to being sick, that and reading all I want to.

    1. And sometimes you just don't have a choice, do you. All you can do is lean into your weakness, close your eyes, and let sleep do its healing work.

  10. I hope you're feeling better today, Linda! I think something's going around out my way too, but thankfully, I've dodged the bad stuff so far. :) Praying you'll feel energized and back to normal soon, my friend!

    1. This has knocked the stuffing out of me. I'm laying REAL low ...


  11. Love this (says the girl who is vegging out on her couch) :)

    1. Enjoy that luxury, that need, dear Lyli. May your body and soul be replenished in the resting ...

  12. LOVE!! Veg away, Linda! And praying today you are feeling much better. In Jesus' name. ♥

    1. Thanks for that prayer support, Nannette ... I'm doing my best to rest well ... trusting the Healer to do His work.

  13. Chicken Noodle soup in the crockpot of one of my remedies (or hot and spicy chinese soup with egg rolls and hot mustard sauce) - and,yes - pansies! Some days - we just need to stop. There's a beautiful art to just stopping - and I think you do it beautifully! Feel better soon!

    1. The beautiful art of stopping ... now THERE'S a post just begging to be written! And lived!

      Thanks for coming by to visit again, my friend. I'm grateful.

  14. What an encouraging post for one of those who struggles so with giving herself permission to just Rest It Out...even in my fourth year of Cancer Survivorship, Rest doesn't come easy...or without guilt.
    Thank you for this.
    {visiting from Holley Gerth's today...happy to have found your words}

    1. Oh, worthless guilt be gone! Freedom to rest, to simply be, to recover well ... may these gifts all be yours today, Laura. I am honored that you would visit here and add to this conversation.

      Gratefully yours ...

  15. I love you bought pansies!! And I hope you have a community who will come and take care of you a bit too.

    1. Yes, yes! We all need a sense of community that surrounds and strengthens and loves us well ...

      Thanks for joining this little online community today, Maddy! I am glad you're here.


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
