
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Listening to Your House

- the living room morphed into a dining room 6 years ago -

Sometimes we just need to listen to our houses, you know?  We need to hear what they quietly whisper to us in voices dim and quiet.  We need to discern the invitations they're putting out there in the most gentlest of ways.

For times have changed since we unpacked those moving boxes all those years ago.  Our families look different, our possessions have mushroomed, our daily lives bear little resemblance to what they looked like back in the day when we first turned brand new keys in unfamiliar front door locks.

We aren't the same now as we were then.

Maybe it's time to fully appreciate who we are in this season.  Here.  Now.  And thoughtfully consider what we truly must have around us to bring us restful satisfaction and a sense of place.  And maybe more importantly, begin to comprehend that much of what is strewn about serves no significant purpose anymore.  With a bit of sorrow, disappointment, and yes, fear, we discover that the things we held dear in ages past are bringing us no joy in the present and take up valuable space that would best serve us in ways new and fresh, wide open and free.

For the truth is that we are who we are right now.  And our spaces need to reflect that truth.

Don't get me wrong.  I do love my collection of vintage bowls, wooden spoons, baskets.  Truly.  But I'm letting my spaces speak to me ... and I'm loving the compelling invitations that are whispering deep.

* visiting with Kristen  *  Lyli  *  Angie


  1. "Maybe it's time to fully appreciate who we are in this season."

    Thank you for these challenging words this morning, Linda. When we cling so tightly to the past, how can we embrace the here and now with open arms?

    Learning to let go,

    1. Ain't that the truth! For we only have so much time and energy to go around. What's it look like for us to invest that wisely ... with, as you so beautifully penned, open arms?

      As ever, I love your insight, HBHW!


  2. Having some issues with "who I am" right now. Your post was timely. xo

    1. No doubt, our spaces reflect who we are. And who we are is reflected in our spaces. I love that you're looking at who you are in this season, Nancy. I know I'm in good company!


  3. Interesting post today - could inspire me to clear out some things -- but I did notice my 31 year old son's Disney mobile from over his crib, on a shelf in the basement, when I went to do laundry today! That was before I read your post. That is a keeper, but maybe it doesn't have to be in the open, on a shelf near the laundry room! Maybe it's about time to start a "special tote" for some things!

    1. Ah yes, every laundry room needs a Disney mobile hanging there for inspiration!


      Can't wait to hear what you do with it next time you pass by! Keep me posted on the 'special tote' idea, ok?


  4. "Maybe it's time to fully appreciate who we are in this season." I'm full of emotions tonight and so much of it is because I'm having a hard time embracing who I am. Oh those thoughts of untrue I know. Beautiful post. Encouragement I needed.

    1. Oh, my friend. How worthy you are in His sight, His beloved creation, His chosen daughter. May you feel His arms of grace surrounding you ... and may He give you that comfort and direction you long for in this season ...


  5. This is good advice, Linda. Being in a new season of life myself, I'm learning to repurpose our space to suit our now needs, not what our needs used to be. I've got a lot left to go, but it feels good to hear permission to keep going. Thanks, friend!

    1. Yep, sometimes we need that permission, that, 'yes, you GO GIRL!!!' to know we're headed in the right direction!


  6. My quest for 2014 is "minimalism". There are many books and websites out there to help me and so far, I am enjoying the journey. It's something that I realize may take me all year as there are things that are easy to give away and some I may have to think about and maybe keep. It takes awhile to figure out what my "attachment" is to things. It's such a relief to have room and I know I'm helping out "The Barn" and others can enjoy my stuff. I'm also realizing that it's ok to have empty space. In fact, it's kind of nice!! I can't wait to see how this will go!!

    1. I love hearing your story, your journey to a more minimalist lifestyle, Valerie. And isn't it neat to share our excess with others, knowing that someone else is putting our former stuff to good use? Love that!

      For sure, that attachment to certain things can be hard to walk through. Keep me posted, ok?


    2. My 1st plan of attack was the mounds of paperwork and files that built up. Filed only what was necessary and shredded the rest (5 garbage bags)!! Anyway, an easy and non-emotional task - so I thought......As I was going along I came across a file filled with court papers and police reports from that horrific time in my marriage 4 years ago. Needless to say, I was slammed against the wall. I stared at them, and re-read them (which I shouldn't have), but then I felt a great peace come over me. The joy and peace that I felt as I shredded every last paper, knowing that Mike and I would never be in that dark place again (thanks to your wonderful counseling, too). I was finally able to make peace and let go!!!

    3. You were brave and courageous to revisit that horrific season... and that joy and peace as you shredded those papers was a powerful reward. Praise God for the freedom and new life he has given you and your man. What redemption He's given you, Valerie - I am truly grateful.

      Thanks for sharing a bit of your story here. Trust me, many will resonate with your heart words.

  7. Never thought of it this way, but during this past year, in the past month, too, my house has been "speaking to me" and I've been listening. So I'm right on the same page with you. Much is no longer needed, and won't be wanted by other family members. So out these things are going. Meanwhile, things used for twenty years in the same place get grubby without our noticing, and hardly honor God as they are. These need sprucing up. Thanks for bringing me back to something lovely I can do with another snowed-in day!

    1. What a great way to spend yet another snowy housebound day! I can't wait to hear of your success, Sylvia! I'm so glad you dropped in this morning. I'm guessing that your comment is going to be a great motivation to another reader or 2 or 3 ...


  8. I love these words: For the truth is we are who we are right now. And our spaces need to reflect that truth. I like to visit the future and hold on to the past, both in terms of who I was and letting go of things, so these were good words for me. Thanks.

    1. A great combo that is, Natalie ... visiting the future, holding on to the past. Now ... to figure out what that looks like when it comes to our homes, our things, our energy.

      Thanks for coming by, today! I hope you are toasty and warm at home!

  9. After all--it is just stuff---and has NO eternal value!


Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
