
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas * Plain & Simple

dressed for winter, the gingerbread gang hide out 
right smack dab in the midst of this favorite collection of woodenware 

these two join hands in front of the jam-packed crock,
proudly showing off their cozy red scarves

and then they join their buddies, hanging out for just a minute
on the vintage aluminum spice rack
all four grin with glee as they end up standing at attention
in front of the much-used canister set

the candles have been lit at dusk since mid-November,
a gentle welcome seen from far up the hill and way down the street

 the old bells gently chime, announcing the arrival of all who visit
and bidding a sweet farewell at evening's end

tiny hands craft snowflakes from red and white striped popcorn bags,
while nibbling on leftover sprinkles from freshly decorated cupcakes

priceless old and young Santas make their annual appearance,
gathering in and around an ancient ancestor's spice cabinet

tall twigs rescued from the back woods fill an old green mailbox,
providing a safe place for stockings to rest quietly til Christmas Eve

trees that faintly glitter shield a gathering of Santas on the mantle,
overseen by a treasured Cape Cod map
fragrant eucalyptus fills an old enamelware bread tin
 tucked inside the fireplace constructed of old reclaimed bricks
Grandma's prized ornaments are welcomed from a collection of vintage glass jars,
safely stored since last year's appearance on mantle top

and a stray box of old orbs is unearthed with great delight,
a last minute basement discovery just begging to be opened

gentle hands smooth an ancient bed covering,
 arranging the soft folds under an awaiting tree
a chipped and faded family gem
is hung with a smile and great care

each cherished ornament carries its own valued
memories of generations of Christmas celebrations

delicately transparent and tissue thin,
 few of these fragile beauties remain with us
but the beautiful, life-changing truths of the Nativity never depart,
the never ending, firm foundation of all that is celebrated with grateful hearts
'For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord ...'
Luke 2:11 


  1. Beautiful. Beautiful. Christmas Quilt - and beautiful celebration of this precious season! Wishing you blessing and joy!

    1. I so appreciate your encouraging words, my friend! What a fun photo shoot ... I loved every minute of pulling this together!

      You're a sweetheart!


  2. I know this is going to sound crazy, but you just inspired me to buy some antique Christmas items. I love antiques and have several all throughout my house, but have never thought of buying "antique" Christmas decorations! What a lovely, vintage Christmas you have in your beautiful home, Linda. Thanks for sharing and hugs to you, my friend!

    1. Oh what fun! Let's shop, Beth! Can we meet somewhere between Illinois and New York?

      I wish ...


  3. What a beautifully-decorated haven you've created! I didn't even put out all my Christmas decorations this year, but this inspires me to maybe open another box or two before my kids come home this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration, Linda!

    1. A haven. Yes, that's what I always want our home to be ... a warm, welcoming, peaceful respite. It makes me happy that you could somehow pick that up through these photos, Lisa. You've made my day!


  4. So clever, so whimsical... Love the gingerbread gal "hanging out" (literally!) just below the ginger.

    Time-treasured and cherished these many fleeting moments, yet each one resting on the one sure and solid foundation... Such a powerful message, Linda, beautifully conveyed through your photo-strip's final image, the Reason why we're able to celebrate at all.

    Thanks for sharing your heart and home, Linda.


    1. And you, my dear, have an incredibly keen eye! I never would have spotted that link between ginger shaker and gingerbread girl. In a million years! Your creative spirit has come shining through yet once again!

      May there be golden traces of joy and hope in this day for you.

  5. so beautiful and gentle and quiet and precious and meaningful.

    (via email)

    1. Your kind words mean so much to me ... thank you!

  6. Dear Linda
    Your pictures are so elegantly simple, yet beautiful. Did you bake those cute gingerbread men yourself? They would never be safe in my home for my sons always seem ravenous as if they haven't eaten for a day or two; never mind this mornings breakfast and lunch!
    Blessings XX

    1. Nope, didn't bake those babies ... bought them at 50% off two years ago and love them to pieces! They are hard as rocks and I hope, with a bit of care, they'll last forever! And yes, the cookies go real fast around here, too {and there's only the 2 of us!!}

      Thanks for coming by today, Mia!


  7. Replies
    1. There's nothing like the well-worn things that our grandmas used way back in the day, is there ... Thanks for stopping by, Carlene!

      Let it snow!


  8. Love the decorations. It seems like there are gingerbread people hiding here and there . . . makes me think of the Elf on the Shelf game so many children are playing these days, only here it's the gingerbread men. Beautiful, lovely, inviting!! Very nice!

    1. Thanks, Dar! You're so kind! Thanks for visiting on this cold winter's morn ...

  9. I love a simple Christmas filled with cherished items~ to me those are the most beautiful decorations! Your prose are lovely, too. They really capture the feeling of your lovely holiday home! Thanks so much for sharing at our holiday link up! Kim @ Exquisitely Unremarkable

    1. This is my biggest link-up of the year and I'm having fun wandering from party to party! Thanks for your kind words, Kim!


  10. Gorgeous. I love the gingerbread. Merry Christmas to you!

    1. That quartet is one of my favorites this year. Their grins make me smile ... inside and out! I'm so glad you came by today, Amy!


  11. I love the trees on the mantle and the heritage that graces your Christmas decor! What a sweet idea with the gingerbread folks :-) I especially love your verse at the end, thanks!

    1. 'The heritage that graces your Christmas decor.' Wow, thanks, Kay ... you've put the intent of my heart to such succinct words ...

      Blessings to you and yours as we celebrate those life-giving truths in Luke 2:11 ...

  12. Replies
    1. You're sweet to say so, Rhondi! A cozy haven it is! And I am grateful!

  13. Everything looks lovely, but I especially love the gingerbread people ornaments tucked here and there! Thanks for sharing at Knick of Time Tuesday - I'm featuring you at the party tonight!

    1. Featured at the party? Tonight? Me?

      WHOO - HOO!!

      Hey gang - please come with me to celebrate ... I hate going to a party alone! Angie's is one of my favorite home blogs ... so fabulously creative and inspirational!

      See you there!

    2. Check out the party!


  14. I love seeing all your candles in the windows... it reminds me of all those years growing up and going to sleep at night with the candles still on in our windows. :) Thank you for sharing your home!
    Found you via Nester, here is our Christmas home tour:

    1. You've gotta see Jen's sparkling Christmas tree, dear friends ... just way too fun! Be sure to do a bit of a copy and paste to visit her home.

      Thanks for coming by and introducing yourself tonight, Jen!

  15. Your home looks so inviting, I love the candlelight in your windows and the bells on your door and how fun are those gingerbread people! Visiting from the Nester's tour. Merry Christmas.

    1. Wow, that you've come to call all the way from Hong Kong! I love how the internet unites us from all over the globe.

      May the Christ Child's comfort and joy be a precious gift for you and yours this season ...

  16. Christmas is such a fun and special time to decorate for, full of memories! Candles in the window have always been a favorite of mine! Thanks for linking up.

    1. Hey all you creative types out there ... be sure to check out Becky's site for lots of fun inspiration ... what she does with bits and pieces of wood is just fantastic!



Welcome to the table, friend!

This is where we gather and hang out. I'd love for you to pull up a chair and jump right into the conversation. Or simply say 'hello.'

l'll be dropping in to visit you sometime soon ...
